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Posts posted by Goon

  1. Sorry Scott_M,

    I stand corrected I retract my last statement. Althought not tall he does weight 190 lbs, I wounder if that is an inflated number. I never could figure out why a goalie's weight would make much of a difference as long as he kept the puck out fo the net. This past season Belfour wasn't very good. SO you can have good size but if you can't keep the puck out of the net your going to find yourself on the outside looking in. I am sure eddie will end up some where. I sure he won't be able to command the high priced salary though. Word is that Eddie wears his welcome out after about 5 years. I guess he is really had on coaches and back up goalies.

    Here is the line on IRBE. By the way they had a few features on Arturs during the Stanley Cup playoffs on CBC and he really is a cool guy, real down to earth and well spoken. He really got me pulling for him during the finals.

    Arturs Irbe 1


    Height  5-8

    Weight  190

    Catches  Left

    Born  February 02, 1967


  2. I'm assuming that with WCHA sites already selected for 2004 through 2006, the extra regional will go to a CCHA site (Michigan). Which means, no playoffs or regionals in REA until 2006 (selected previously).

    Michigan probably would bode well for SCCC. I think the bids are probably still being accepted for 2004 and 2005. We will see I guess...

  3. Yes, it did. The committee made the selections but won't announce them until later. The article also said, however, that the info leaked in the past prior to the announcement.

    Maybe the Pioneer Press jumped the gun. That is where I pulled that article out of. Maybe there was a leak in the information, or maybe the information wasn't suposed to be out yet I posted the link earlier in this thread...

  4. The press release was in the Pioneer press yesterday. I found it looking at the sports. It doesn't surprise me. The NCAA is looking at Minnesota as being a cash cow. NCA$$.

    I am really basically bored with the Politics of the NCAA it basically means that now Michigan and Minnesota are going to get the NCAA regional game from now on. I think its a bunch of S#!t. I bet the first time that Minnesota doesn't make the NCAA their arena will be a ghost town.

  5. Apparently its official, I think its a load of crap they just had a regional a few years back and they get another one.

    U to host hockey regional: With the NCAA Division I men's hockey tournament expanding to 16 teams next year, the Gophers will be host of one of the two additional four-team regionals at Mariucci Arena on March 28-30.

    Yost Ice Arena in Ann Arbor, Mich., and the Worcester (Mass.) Centrum Centre already were scheduled to play host to West and East regionals, respectively, under the old six-team format. Now, they will become four-team regionals.

  6. http://www.uscho.com/news/2002/06/14_004464.php

    Gotta find something to talk about.

    15 seconds doesn't seem like much time to get set for a face-off (with line changes) but hey, if it moves things along that sounds good.

    Looks like some good stuff in here.

    I don't know Dagies your going to have to run to get a beer between faceoffs. What about scrums, if there is a scrum after the wistle what are they going to do drop the puck with a melee/mob (sp) going on.

    As far as TV They also said that they would take time outs for hockey. I heard Hennesy talk about MSC tended to go on TV time out when the Gophers go on the power play, this is probably mere speculation or coincidence.

    I think the rules committee needs to just leave the game alone I don't think the college game is broken.

  7. If SCCC gets a regional, it will be the last one, as the NCC is the poorest excuse for a hockey arena I've seen in years, and I doubt anybody else would bother going to that warehouse unless they had to.

    That is a horrible arena the National Concrete Center. They have no seats on the end of the arena and their sound system sucks. The place is an absolute dump. I think the old Ralph would be a better venue than the NCC.

  8. Spring it was in the paper a while back I suppose a couple of months ago now. The story had basically stated UND had bid for a Regional Site, I can't see MTU or SCCC getting a regional.

    I don't know maybe Hennesey isn't as credible as I thought but I assume his information is also accurate.

  9. This came off the Hockey_L. I think it is intersting. However, I am not sure how much college hockey they will show.  I am sure that it will probably be relegated to Pumkin Pushing. It would be just our luck or like Notre Dame Broad Casting Corps, NBC show only their so called/decided upon premiere schools.

    Thursday June 6, 9:31 am Eastern Time

    Press Release

    SOURCE: National College Sports Network

    First 24-Hour College Sports Network Set to Debut First Quarter 2003 National College Sports Network (NCSN) Wins Backing of More Than a Dozen College Conferences

    NEW YORK, June 6 /PRNewswire/ -- The co-founders of Classic Sports Network (now ESPN Classic), along with a former senior Nike Inc. executive, today announced

    plans for the nation's first 24-hour cable network devoted exclusively to the best in college sports. The network, named the National College Sports Network (NCSN), is expected to debut in the first quarter of 2003.

    In making the announcement, Brian Bedol and Steven Greenberg, who co-founded Classic Sports Network and later sold it to ESPN, along with NCSN co-founder

    Chris Bevilacqua, confirmed that the venture plans to invest close to $100 million. In addition, more than a dozen college conferences, representing some 150 colleges and universities, have committed to date to partnering with NCSN.

    "We are thrilled to be able to bring to a devoted and passionate audience of tens of millions of college alumni and sports fans the very best in college sports that this country has to offer," said Mr. Bedol. "NCSN will be the first

    TV network to showcase marquee events, rivalries and tournaments across a broad spectrum of colleges and sports."

    Mr. Bedol will lead a seasoned team of cable and sports industry professionals that includes Mr. Greenberg, a managing director with the New York investment

    firm Allen & Company, and Mr. Bevilacqua, who previously was Director of Global Negotiation and League Affairs at Nike, Inc., where he led the company's successful foray into the college sports market during the mid 1990's. In 1995,

    Mr. Bedol and Mr. Greenberg co-founded one of the most successful entrepreneurial ventures in the cable industry, Classic Sports Network. The network was later sold to ESPN, and is now available in more than 40 million


    "What's most significant about NCSN is its appeal not only to fans, but to colleges and universities who are seeking greater exposure for, and revenue from their sports programs," said Mr. Bevilacqua. "This is especially true today as colleges wrestle with Title IX regulations to try to maintain and build

    fledgling properties into long-terms assets. NCSN will also assist colleges in alumni fundraising and athlete recruiting efforts, as well as provide a national platform for institutional messages at little or no incremental expense."

    "The Big Ten Conference is pleased and honored to be included in the National College Sports Network," added Conference Commissioner James E. Delany. "The Big

    Ten-NCSN relationship will provide welcome television opportunities for Conference men's and women's championships and sports that generally do not

    benefit from television exposure, enhancing the overall experiences of all student-athletes."

    As the first home on television dedicated solely to college sports, NCSN will feature thousands of hours of original and exclusive programming -- from live games and record-breaking performances to classic rivalries and championship

    moments. Network programming will be anchored by noteworthy intercollegiate competition in those sports with large, loyal and passionate audiences such as

    football, basketball, hockey, wrestling, baseball, lacrosse, track and field, swimming and diving, and volleyball. It also will feature Olympic-style shoulder programming and storytelling, and a look at college sports history and context,

    through the lifestyles and personalities of the greatest college athletes and coaches of all time.

    NCSN has been in discussions with the country's leading multiple system cable operators (MSOs) and satellite providers whose response to the network's programming plans and business model has been nothing short of enthusiastic.

    Besides offering programming through its 24-hour network, NCSN will provide extensive programming through broadband and video-on-demand distribution channels. Finally, for advertisers, NCSN offers a chance to reach an elusive

    audience of college alumni and college sports fans age 25-39 with a secondary focus on current students, college athletes and fans age 17-24.

    SOURCE: National College Sports Network

  10. Looking at the vast majority of the choices, it shows that the most "respected" or "admired" programs tend to have a strong tradition for playing well when it counts on a fairly consistent basis.
  11. Sprig,

    I have heard that the Kenmare Goose Festival is one good time.

    Today when I was at the Golf Course I was giving some kids with gopher hats a hard time. They didn't seem to undestand that 7 > 4. I also asked them if they had bought the hats before or after the Gophers won the national title. They didn't seem to understand the logic.

  12. Know that Watertown area also. The area around Madison has been great for all hunting and last season was one of the best waterfowl seasons ever. They loaded up as all the birds left Canada and went right by us. Bummer.

    Goon, maybe you could drum up a few players that would like to take part. Dagies, assume you do the early season hunt out here? Our group hunts of the past have generally been arranged for December. But, need an improvement in the population before it's even worth talking about. (Although the Williston bottoms have plenty).


    I have heard it is hard to get an South Dakota waterfowl liscense. I guess they only give out about 2000 of them to non residents.

    As far as the Watertown area, your right, we have hunted over west of Bryant a few times in a town called Bancroft or something like that, its litterally a grain elevator and a post office, they might have a bar too. We got onto some prime hunting land.

    Ussually the farmers land we hunted on is mainly CRP and is the best hunting I have ever seen.  We walked into this field and the dogs went nuts, there must have been 200-300 pheasants in the air. One push across the field and we had shot a lot of birds.

    ITs really not that hard to get land to hunt in Sodak if you do some PR work, we bring gifts and send Chrismas Cards, we take this one farmer from the Lake Norden a case of Miester Brau (or some off name brand of beer) to him every year and we ussally clean up there too.

    I don't know any of the hockey players, except one. I have met Andy Kohlar in passing and he does play in our tuesday night golf league at Valley though, rumor has it that he can smack the ball a long ways. Andy is pretty quite and doesn't say much.

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