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Posts posted by Goon

  1. Sure, easy to say if you're a big guy. I'm not exactly a frail little girl, but standing at 5'4" it's a little hard to stand up for yourself when you have hundreds of people pushing you. ;)

    Tonight they actually put up some barricades, and had some university cops walk by every once in a while. It was much better. Of course, I was like the 10th person in the door, so I don't know what the rest of the line was like.

    Yeah, I suppose your right? I suggest a can of pepper spray.

    I think REA listens to what people say on this web board. Maybe they took the hint. I saw the barriers last night as I made my way into the arena.

    The reason I say that they must read the web board is that they actually played the old interduction from last season with the NCAA title games after someone had brought it up here on the web page. Wah Lah they played it on the over head the next Game against the Dirty Mavericks....

  2. We will get to you guys later.

    You might as well go out and buy that case of Buckhorn and some Swishers for the Jan 12 payoff.  ;)

    UM, I am predicting a Sioux sweep. So I will buy them as a after though IF they lose. I don't know, UND is on a roll right now.

    Ugh Buck Horn Beer...

    Has anyone heard from Husky 1?

  3. It sounds like the REA admins should get their act together when it comes to crowd control, otherwise they, and REA, may be liable for anybody who is injured, or worse. If these guys can't figure out how to keep the crowd under control and let them in in an orderly fashion, perhaps they should find somebody who can.

    I agree, with scott. They need to put a handle on some of the students/animals that are out of hand. Most of the students are really great but there are a few bad apples that are ruining it for everyone else, these are the same clowns that are complaining when they get kicked out of the arena for a year. Being a student doesn't give someone a god given right to act like an a$$ holes. Thirdly, being pushed out of the way is actually a form of simple assult, if you want to get technical. IF you feel like your civil rights have been trampled on, file a police report.

    On a second simular point, start standing up for yourself. Don't let people walk on you.

  4. Actually last weekend in the third period it was really loud. I was impressed. The place woke up and started cheering. The building was shaking. It may not have the feel of the old Ralph but its starting to feel like home. Whooping SCSU this weekend would really help...

  5. I personally don't like the number one rating but, then again who cares what the ranking says now, it matters more in March and April. However, I feel that UND is probably better than a 7 rating on the power ranking. Personally I think Cornell is ranked too high. We will see. I guess the target is back on the Sioux again.

  6. I never said hockey wasnt a good sport, its a great revenue sport because of all the home games. NDSU in the WCHA? I dont think so. It was explored a few years back. NDSU and hockey. NDSU is 2-0 vs uendd in varsity hockey. Our program was eliminated in th 30's. We used to put the rink on Dacotah Field.

    I think Hockey is a natural evolution for NDSU athletics. Its been bubbling under for at least 20 years. The club hockey team was a huge push but it didnt materialize. the big reason: no arena.

    Once the move is made I think an arena is in the cards. It may be anyway if the Fargo Dome Authority moves ahead with plans to build out of exisiting revenues. That wont require a vote. It there is an ice sheet and enough seats I think hockey at NDSU is almost a given.


    Why not Division 1 hockey? I think Division 1 hockey at NDSU would have been a much better idea than this rediculous pipe dream of NDSU playing in Division 1 AA. I hardly doubt that FSU, Texas, Nebraska, Notre Dame is going to come to Fargo to play Basket.

    A great idea, why not tear down Dakota field and build a 8,000-9,000 seat arena that could be used also a basketball arena for the bigger division 2 college basketball games. The Bison could have played in the CHA for a few years, that way there could have been a few match ups every year with UND and NDSU, what a draw on the ice. The WCHA could have looked in the future to NDSU being in the WCHA.

    I think it would have been a great idea. They could still play hockey in the Fargo dome for a few years. It could have worked.

    If NDSU had college hockey team they could have revoted on the Arena issue later in the future after seeing how sucessfull a Division one college hockey program could be. With proper marketing a vote on the arena funding could be successful. A missed opportunity.

  7. SCCC. While we have our most intense rivalries with Wisco and Minnesota, SCCC and its fans annoy the crap out of me. Their never-ending whines about "respect" when they haven't won a single NC$$ tourney game remind me more entitlement than anything I hear from gopher fans. Not to mention SCCC is a dump of a school that reminds me of Soviet-era design in Europe. The NCC is a dump of an arena that reminds me of some parkboard barn.

    I agree with scott, their fans are even more annoying than Minnesota and B.C. fans. I also think that their stupid fans with their annoying names is down right riduculous... I think I dislike the Wisconins fans a lot too...

  8. The TV cameras were there to interview the Coyotes. They captured the kids watching the Sioux practice. Those kids all just stood there with their mouths hanging open and this stunned look on their faces.

    Actually, I say that I know where they are coming from, some of the things I have seen on the ice this year has been incredible. The chemistry is definately there and it makes you wonder how good they can become once they reach full potential. Most of these kids are only sophs. Think about it.

    Massen is flat out the second coming of Cam Neely, Noterman is on Fire, Speiwak is making all of the right moves. I think he is skating faster than last year if that is possible. Hale, Schnider, Jones, Fuhr are punishing people. Schnider is averaging a point a game. Greene is getting better with each game, man would I hate to tangle with him. He is down right mean. David Hales fight was a million dollar fight. God he kick that guys ass... Hummmmm...

    God I love the way the kid plays. I think Matt Greene is better than Commie. His upside is that he is just as mean and skates better.

    Sorry just my opinon. Lienweber is playing really good. Parise is the best skater I have seen in years he scored a goal while being tackled last weekend. Impressive in my book...

    Then there is the goal tending...

  9. Read goons response.  That's the image he creates for himself.  An intellectually bankrupt angry fool.  Buffoonery is not attractive...

    He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones. NDSU is going to be without a conference. Who is going to take them? I think NDSU's division one upgrade is a pipe dream. They are going to sacrifice the NCC for the presidents grand illussions of some big scheme to make his university look bigger than it actually is. Stupid Idea and a lot of people in Fargo have said as much...

  10. I'm feeling left out. :(;)


    We will get to you guys later. I have a case of beer and a couple of cigars bet with my brothers buddy that UND will sweep the Gophers in Minny in January. If he wins the bet I am bying the grosses beer I can find and a couple of hava tampas... :D:D;);)

  11. Just to prove my point, and that I am not harping on Sievbieda, but he is horrible. I am definately miffed how come UND can't have better goaltending. Frankly we are lucky to be 12-1-1 and I think Blaiser knows it. I mean what does CB do? Does he bring in Lane at the half way point? Will Lane be any better. This is ridiculous...

    Here are the numbers. Josh's are not good, they actually went up this weekend though. I think it maybe time for him to sit and not pay any more. I hope Lane S. is a good goalie we are going to need him.


    1 Josh Siembida SO Save Percentage .851 GAA 3.09 Recd 6- 1- 0

    30 Jake Brandt SO, Save Percentage .880 GAA 2.28 Recd 6- 0- 1


    30 Jake Brandt Save Percentage .901 GAA 2.06 Record 3- 0- 1

    1 Josh Siembida Save Percentage .824 GAA 3.48 Record 3- 1- 0

  12. How can you possibly run down Wanless as you have done and then turn around and claim to take pride in the fact " that we have a coach who other schools want"? Its one school and its the the despised Wanless.

    Another year like this one and you will be thinking Bob Babich might not be too bad! :angry:

    I am beginning to think that JBB is nothing more than a self rightous boob/troll/knuckle head that has nothing better to do than hang out at Siouxsports.com and try to impress us with his Liberal Arts Education, that he is getting from NDSuck. I sure as hell am not too impressed with him. Its almost like he is sleeping with John Hoff. Never mind the fact that his views on the logo/name are so easy to shoot holes in. Blah, Blah, Blah...

    Ok, JBB do us a favor and go over to bisonville.com and talk about how your teams at your school suck. Remember Suck starts with SU.

    For your information, Wanless was also a self rightous puke like you. He was run out of town for a couple of reasons. He is not missed here or was he that liked, move on and get over your self JBB.

  13. First off I hate the SCCC Huskies as much as I hate the B.C. eagles and the dirty Wisconsin Badgers. Second, I think there coach is a joke, but I like the job he is doing at JBSU so I think we let him stay there. However, since this is a UND web page this type of talk should be expected...

    I predict that UND will win to very close hard fought games. I think UND is a better team maybe except for Goal Tending, Frankly we suck in that department, we can't put more than two decent games together last saturday Sievbieda had a night of 24/28 .860 percent is not good unless you went to a second rate school but UND is not. So our goaltenders to do better or we are not going anywhere this year. The two horrible young goalie recruiting busts and have been given enough chances its time for them to step up to the plate or step aside and let someone else play.

    Jake is better than Josh but thats not saying much. Sievbieda flops around on the ice like a musky out of water he is laying on the ice before the oppostion even shots the puck, I am not sure what Blais saw in the kid but he sucks period. My wife made the statement that these kids were like Toby, I said Toby was a lot better than those two clowns. I long for the days of Toby we must not be very good in net...

    (I am going to go on the record and make a prediction that Brandt or Sievbieda will be gone next season).

    Back to this weekends games I predict that Finger will get hammered by Matt Greene or Prpich. There will probably be a fight or two. I pray to god that someone in Sioux uniform that is a goalie will some how play better.

    Spiewak and noterman will shawdow SCSU top line and Zack will score 6 points after getting 5 last weekend.


  14. Sounds like it was planned since you were at the game, Goon. How did you get the Kato clown to come out and pick the fight?

    PCM, hope you captured a few pics of this one.

    Well lets see it started out as a scrum in front of the net and then hale and Ryan McKelvie were tied up and then the gloves came off, Hale ripped number Ryan McKelvie's helment off and then Hale pummeled Ryan McKelvie. I wasn't even close he smoked Ryan McKelvie like 4 times right in the face. I think this was Hales first ever fight at UND. It was rumored that he was a good fighter in Jrs this just proves that point...

    This fight was can we say a brooks and Commy type fight one was an instigator and then that person turned into a punching bag. Once hale droppedRyan McKelvie to the ice he hale hammered him a few more time on top of the head. The fight was killer you know. The place went nuts. You know scarey good fight...

    Pcm, if you have pictures that would be cool. My wife asked why don't they stop it and I said do you want to get between those two big guys. Nope...

  15. If NDSU joins a conference like the Big Sky its very possible we will never again have a common conference affiliation, even after you move up.

    JBB its obvious that you know nothing about what you talk about maybe you should go back to play makers and drink some more.

    The Big Sky has said it is not interested in adding NDSU and the Gateway conference has said the same thing. Nobody wants NDSU. So I am not sure why you NDSU clowns still keep talking about joining Division 1AA. You cant even compete at the Division II ranks in Football.

  16. My God Bill Mason (Or maybe its Bob their identical twins and I can't tell the difference) but he sucked(s) as an official and a lot of the calls were down right brutal, he tried to call a goal on the one shot that was obviously not a goal...

    If I hear anyone say that Hales fight was a draw I am going to scream he worked the Mankato player like a clown. He dropped the guy to the ice with some great punches and then when the player was on the ice he popped him on top of the head.

    Hales first fight it was a doosey, a high lite reel maker... Zach said he thought Davids fight motivated the team. I agree. It kicked ass...

    I expect UND to win big tonight, it was apparent that MSU can not keep up with UND speed and will try to hook and hold and hang on to keep up...

    Jensen is a good goalie though...

  17. Goaltender on UW's list

    University of Wisconsin men's hockey coach Mike Eaves needs a goaltender to round out his 2003-2004 recruiting class, a process that has produced a target in western Canada.

    Mike Brodeur, the top goaltender in the Alberta Junior Hockey League, will make an official campus visit next week when the Badgers close out the first half of the regular season by playing host to Western Collegiate Hockey Association rival Minnesota.

    Brodeur, listed at 6-foot-2 and 175 pounds, currently is 12-7 with a 2.33 goals-against average and .927 save percentage for the Camrose Kodiaks.

    A product of Calgary, Alberta, Brodeur said UW is the only school with which he has scheduled a visit. However, he said he plans to make at least three more: Colorado College, Massachusetts-Amherst and Minnesota. North Dakota also is in the picture.

    "Wisconsin is high on my list, but I'm still kind of looking around," Brodeur said.

    I found this in the wsj...

    According to Brodeur, Gophers coach Don Lucia has talked about signing him at the semester break because the current Minnesota tandem of Travis Weber and Justin Johnson has been inconsistent.

    Findlay, a College Hockey America entry where former Badgers recruiting coordinator Pat Ford is an associate head coach, also is recruiting Brodeur. "He tried to sign me during the early signing period," Brodeur said of Ford, "but I wasn't ready to do that."

    UW needs a goaltender to fill the void when senior Scott Kabotoff departs after this season, leaving sophomore Bernd Bruckler as the lone veteran.

  18. Just in from todays Grand Forks Herald, Andy Hilbert and Lee Goren were sent back to Provedence. I think this is a set back but I believe that Lee will get the call back up eventually.

    Being a Boston Bruins fan for many years I have followed the team and this years version of the Boston Bruins is a deep team talent wise and its going to be hard for Lee to break into the line up, however, Lee has been playing good this season so I think he will get the chance he wasn't afforded under the past coaches.

  19. Awesome Job to PCM.

    I add a few pictures to my slide show that are my screen saver. I can't wait till we get some more pictures to stick on my screen savers.

    Thanks for the pictures. Pat were do you sit to get such good pictures of the game. Also is your web page not up any more, I haven't been able to find your web page that has really good UND hockey pictures.

  20. Karl Goehring leads all American Hockey League goaltenders in save percentage, goals-against average and shutouts, but he has lousy numbers.

    Those being his height and weight -- which is listed at 5-foot-8 and 160 pounds (although, teammates say he's more like 5-6).

    In the current hockey climate, many goalies are just mountains on skates. A player the size of Goehring falls into the category of prospects who have to prove they can play, as opposed to those who have to prove they can't.

    The second-year pro and AHL rookie, is proving a lot with some stunning play for the Syracuse Crunch. He recently completed a five-game stretch during which he stopped 145 of 146 shots, including four shutouts. The only goal Goehring allowed was by Philadelphia's Kirby Law with 3:14 remaining in the third game of the stretch.

    "I'm not really doing anything differently,'' said Goehring, comparing his play with last year, when he shuttled back and forth between Syracuse and Dayton of the ECHL. "It's just one of those unique situations where the team comes together, and I've been fortunate to get the bounces."

    The bounces seem to go his way an awful lot. Goehring, an All-American at North Dakota, played well in both Syracuse and Dayton last year, leading Dayton to the Kelly Cup final.

    So it could be more than just luck. It might even have something to do with his size.

    "One of the things I focus on," he said, "is watching the puck. They teach goalies to look between all the legs and get low to find the puck. And sometimes when you're smaller, it's easier to do that."

    Goehring's stint in Syracuse last season was definitely being in the right place at the right time. He got to practice with J.F. Labbe, the best minor-league goalie of this era. Labbe has always been considered a "small" goalie, though at 5-10, 175, he makes Goehring look like a welterweight.

    "It definitely helped being here with (Labbe) last year," Goehring said. "We are such similar heights, and it was important to see how successful he was, and be able to pick up on the little things he did, the positioning, and how got himself ready to play night after night."

    Law's goal snapped Goehring's shutout streak at 197:58, a bit shy of Johnny Bower's AHL record of 249:51 set in the 1957-58 season. Bower was a big goalie for his time, 5-11, 189, but a lot of the all-time AHL greats match up well with Goehring. Gilles Mayer, second in career shutouts, was 5-6, 135. Marcel Paille, first in games played, was 5-8, 175. Bobby Perreault, third in shutouts, was 5-8, 170.

    Goehring doesn't mind being compared with goalies from the past when it comes to shutout records or size, but that's as far as it goes. Don't expect to see him peeking through a forest of legs without a mask on.

    "Oh, no, that's way too much," Goehring said. "I don't know how any of those guys ever played without a mask. Just thinking about what it was like in the old days is hard."

    And, these days, so is putting a puck past the hottest, and smallest, goalie in the AHL

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