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Posts posted by Goon

  1. Notermann Spiewak Massen

    Bochenski Fournier McMahon

    Lundbohm Parise Hale

    Genoway Fylling Canady

    Connelly Faul Palmiscno

    B Connelly

    I like those offensive line pairing. I am sure that Practice this fall will be very spirited like throwing a piece of meat on the ice with a bunch of rabid dogs going for what ever scraps they can get.

    As far as talent I think UND will be just a talented as any other team on the ice this fall... Only about 5 months left till the puck drops so its really not that long till hockey season starts again.

  2. Noterman and Speedwack are going to be stellar on checking the oppositions top lines Ryan Hale is going to score 20+ goals if he stays healthy and Bochenski is going to light the lamp.

    The defense is going to smash the opposition into the boards and UND is going to be a surprise in the WCHA.

  3. Goon, maybe you or someone else will remember whether I am right or wrong on this.

    I remember seeing the Sioux down at Mariucci early in the season Leinweber's freshman year.

  4. Goon, maybe you or someone else will remember whether I am right or wrong on this.

    I remember seeing the Sioux down at Mariucci early in the season Leinweber's freshman year.

  5. And I suppose if you like to carry a few extra forwards you can always find someone who wants some icetime in a crunch, like Murph.  Makes sense.  I now agree 7 seems like a likely number to carry.

    I would say that UND would need 8 defenseman, for injuries and if one isn't playing good you can motivate him by going to the bench.

    My guess is lienweber better be ready to play and play better or Blais will have him sitting in the stands like this past season.

  6. I guess UND is not the only team that loses players. Good luck Jeff.

    Gopher hockey standout Taffe opts for NHL, will sign with Phoenix today

    Sid Hartman

    Star Tribune

    Published Apr 24, 2002

    Junior Jeff Taffe will sign today with the NHL Phoenix Coyotes, according to Gophers coaches.

    Taffe, 21, led the Gophers hockey team in goals (34) and was second to John Pohl in points (79 for Pohl, 58 for Taffe).

    The 6-foot-1, 177-pound center was also second to Matt DeMarchi in penalty minutes.

    Gophers coach Don Lucia was hoping that Taffe would stay for his senior season, as Hobey Baker winner and teammate Jordan Leopold did. Leopold grew immeasurably by serving as a captain, which Taffe likely would do in 2002-03.

    Taffe starred at Hastings in high school, winning the state's Mr. Hockey honor in 1999.

  7. DAGIES,

    If you watch the Boston Bruins and their defense I think this is what Blais is going to try to accomplish next season and into the future. The current defense man are good sized and have the temperment of being rough and tumble. Ala David Hale and Andy Schnider. I personally would like too see the defense core of UND get big so we stack them up on the blue line and in front of the net, make the oppostion fear coming in front of our net. I believe this will counter act the speed the opponets will try to through at us. Michigan has played this type of defense with much sucess...

    I don't know about you guys but I miss number 8 back there intimidating the opposition and making them think twice about cheaping one of our smaller goaltenders.

  8. Although that (325) is the season ticket price for the general public, one also has to become a "Sioux Booster" club member. Depending on the section where the reserved seat is located, that adds varying amounts to the total cost.

    Well good point Sprig we are in the upper deck section 311 and donate no money to the fighting sioux club.

  9. My buddy was over the other night after getting the refund for the unused tickets from the home series UND did not get this past year.

    My buddy informed me that the price UND of season tickets will be 325.00 (no big deal here) there is going to be like 6 more games this season, I was actually happy about that. I am sure that 4 games from the X-Mas tourney brought this number up...

  10. DQ's for next year:

    Schneider - fighting

    McMahon - fighting

    Canady - stick or boarding infraction

    Wild Card = Greene

    I PREDICT that UND defensive core is going to be a bunch of guys that can rip teh opponets head off, and pound the offensive players. Screw finese. Just give us one that can get the puck into the offensive zone. IN defense of Hale he really got better as the season went along.

  11. if you go over to http://www.UND-fraud.com you can see basically that the people that showed up were losers. The same cry babies that no one listens to but the Grand Forks Heraldo.

    One clown claimed it was a great sucess because 24 people showed up. This really shows how concerned the people are about REA and changing the name. Its a mute fricken point.

    But no the clowns that write for the herald think its a legitimate story...

  12. Well we have a little under 6 months to think about this.

    I am still not happy about UND not getting a home seed or going to the final five. I think UND is going to have a season of payback. ON the bright side we only play minnesota twice this year.

    We have padded the schedule with non-conference cream puffs. I see a winning record and a NCAA tourney bid coming next season. 2 ECAC team, Niagra, Cansius. I see about 6 wins right there with a possible match up with BSU...

  13. I really don't know why this guy gets so much attention. Last year on the there was some back and forth action between Hoff and a few of us on http://www.kcnn.com/guestbook/ but he would come up with some outrageous garbage and then when he was questioned he wouldn't come back. A few of his minions would come on there too and do their drive bys and try to make this clown out to be the next messiah that is totally anti anything that is successful.

    Here is what Larry Vanderhoff had to say about Hoff. The only people that give him any credibility are the pro-name change crowd which number what 150/12000. And the losers like Glenda Miskin and Vivian Nelson.

    on Hoff... He is probably one of those professional students that has 100,000.00 in student loans he'll carry with him to his grave scoffs Handerhoff. He's an embarrassment to my ward. Snip-------Everytime he [Hoff]opens his mouth we got more signatures
  14. Dagies, My point is that the exodus of players from UND compared to the Goofs is not even close. Lucia has never cut a player that I am aware of since he was at CC to the present. Blais has, and my guess he will continue to do so. I do not think that is right. The school and player make a commitment and if that player turns out to be not good enough then it is the schools responsibility to stick with that player. The player did not talk the school into signing him and going to school for an education there. As a parent I would be concerned if UND was recruiting my son.UMD too. The word is out, and I would think it would hurt in some manner, recruiting.

    Time after time this discussion comes up, ussually from fans of a certain program. Frankly I am sick of hearing about it, and I think its a bush league argument.    What do y'all think...

  15. http://www.UND.edu/org/ds/_issues/2002/04/16/news/hoff.html

    Well Half wit Johnny Hoff's lawsuit has been thrown out. Good for the student government.

    In a unanimous decision Saturday, the seven justices of the UND Student Government Judicial Branch dismissed Law School Senator John Hoff's complaints of Student Government electioneering during the Wellness Center referendum. The justices will issue their opinion on the hearing within a week.

    The hearing was held Saturday at 4 p.m. in the Baker Courtroom of the UND Law School. Hoff and former student body president Matt Brown were each given 30 minutes to state their cases.

    Hoff argued that Brown was not an objective individual in regards to the Wellness Center and spearheaded the campaign.

    "Brown was pushing for this from the beginning of his administration," Hoff said. "You can't say he was an objective or neutral party."  

  16. About 2 dozen people attended this party, collection of miss fits.

    The "Citywide Jam" in the afternoon attracted a lean crowd of some two dozen students.

    I wounder how this story even warrants a story in the Grand Forks Herald. I am sure if you look around town, we have more than 24 people together, however, it doesn't even make the news. I am pretty sure that at the golf course I golf at more than 24 of us get together to play golf and to have a celebration... The Herald must be hurting for news.

  17. Kr,

    Here is what I don't understand why is Hoff is the darling of the media? Personally to me Hoff comes off as this loose cannon that writes stuff that lacks merit and facts, especially the article that he wrote about Englestad last spring. I am not sure why he doesn't need to check his facts before he publishes them...

    This guys as I have heard has never held a solid honest job and has some how become the mouth piece for fringe people of the acedemic society. The Grand Forks Herald publishs his tirades as if he was a credible source of information. I scares me to think he is going to be a member of the bar some where some day. Stay tuned.

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