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Posts posted by Goon

  1. So, do any of you UND lawyers feel proud that Half Wit John Hoff is carrying the tourch for the law school...

    I really doubt that he has any friends though...

  2. Scott_M will be happy to know that UND Law has a new lightning rod, Half wit Lil Johnny Hoff has decided to bring a case up against the new wellness center vote, doing it with some half cocked electioneering complaint...  I am sure he will have some new article about the UND Fighting Sioux name too.

    I guess he figures he has been out of the lime light long enough and has decided to make everyone remember him. Does having someone like him hurt recruitment for the for the Law School? Yesh...

    Hoff files electioneering complaint against SG

    By Angie Buckley, Dakota Student Staff Writer


    Newly elected Student Senator John Hoff, first year law, has filed a formal complaint of electioneering during the April 3 Wellness Center referendum vote.

    Hoff was vocally opposed to the Wellness Center during Sunday's Student Senate meeting. When he was sworn in as a Senator for the current term, he called for a recall of the Senate's decision.

    Hoff's first complaint states that poll location and election announcements were not neutral but were essentially promotional material for the wellness center. He also writes that promotional material was displayed at polling locations.

    The third complaint Hoff lists is that "individuals involved in spearheading a pro-wellness center campaign, including but certainly not limited to (past Student Body president) Matt Brown, were at the polling place and were, in fact, in charge of running the balloting and were observed 'hailing' people to vote." Brown said that was neither his nor others' intent.

    "We wanted to create an environment where people could be comfortable to vote no but to also know what they were voting on," Brown said.

    Hoff also charges that he reasonable believes that ballots of the referendum were counted by Brown and other individuals involved in student government who could not be considered objective, neutral parties. However, ballots were not counted by a student government representative. Memorial Union employee Jay Smith counted the ballots electronically at the computer center.

    "I didn't see the numbers until they came back as electronic results," Brown said.

    Hoff's final complaints state that the "no" vote for the wellness center was at space 21A of the ballot and the "yes" vote at 1A, both to the best of his recollection. Finally, Hoff states pro-wellness center material was on display the day of the balloting, the day prior and even days after at locations other than polling places.

    Hoff did not return phone calls.

    Hoff's complaint was turned into the student government office Monday and is being handled by the Judicial Board. Julie Passa, a second-year law student, serves as chief justice of the board. She would not comment on the board's possible actions but said the board "can only work with in the parameters of what (Hoff's) requests are." The board will be holding a special meeting to hear the complaint. The judicial branch does have to power to overturn the referendum vote and also the resolution of the senate if it rules the actions to be unconstitutional.

  3. As far as the regionals and four sites, according to Hennesey there has been some discussion about the Ralph being one of the sites for next season because of the short amount of time need to determine sites. I think that would be a swell idea. I definately would love to see three playoff games at the end of the season.

  4. Ducktober is reasonable. So are duck feathers in the yard. Dog hauled a pheasant foot into the house last week from the yard. Wonder how that got there?? :)

    Dogs seem to like things that the bader they smell the more attractive to dogs they become.

    Ducktober, I love it. Hopefully Ducktober turns into Duck/deervember...

  5. But I think Kevin led USHL in goals in playoffs his second year in Omaha and Jason score 31 goals his second year in Green Bay so I am sure they can score. We need to find two guys to go with Bochenski who can work and set him up and get the puck to him and finish when teams take him away.
  6. I know sprig, reasonable is not a good way to explain me either. After the NCAA title game was over I later informed my wife that now I can concentrat on Golf, the NHL playoffs and going to the races on Friday nights. That sentence got me a roll of the eyes from my wife, 35 going on 18.

    My wife says I break down my life into seasons. Let me see there football season, and then there is hunting season, which means lots of duck feathers laying out in the yard (there are still some there from last October), finished off by college and NHL hockey season. When the winter/spring ends then there is Golf season and racing season.

    On my car there should be a bumper sticker that says my wife says that if I go to another hockey game she is going to leave me. God I am going to miss her.    :)

  7. do you know any good lawyers?:);)

    I KNOW OF A FEW. Isn't Scott_M a lawyer he seems reasonable.

    I have a few buddies that have went to UND law, and they are all good guys.

  8. I'm not much of supporter of any so-called Sioux fan that diss's other Sioux fans, no matter how outrageous they may get (including anyone on the uscho board). Don't agree with getting totally out of hand but I'll never jump into the thread ragging on the Sioux fan in order to please the opponent's fans (that goes especially for the gophs).

    If I ever see my "handle" in a goph fans post as a "reasonable" Sioux fan, I'll hurl on the spot :)

    Nice to see 'em get a title in a Sioux off year, but I'll dislike them as much as ever by next October.

    Ditto, what sprig said. And I agree with the guy that said that Grey_Eagle was a good guy.

  9. Dave I question your team loyalties, you sound more like a Gopher fan than a Sioux fan, however, please don't come on here and tell UND fans how we need to think, some UND fans will never support other schools in our conference. I really don't think UND fans need to be lectured on how to think.

    That being said I really don't care who won period. But Maine did get jobbed by the non-call on Hauser in over time honestly. The call on Schutte was appropriate but the non-call on Hauser was Busch league.

    I am sick of the fact that my phone has wrung from band wagon gopher fans telling how great UofM is and how great Hauser is.

  10. As far as behaving, I just went around chanting to myself Golden Chokers and other cool things like 1979. When I walked into the church for reshersal I wanted to wear my UND jersey but told that I shouldn't catholic wedding you know, and with me being a lutheran I didn't want to pi$$ anyone off.

    However, my brother-in-law kept saying he goes to UND. I kept waiting for the ussal UND sucks or someone ready to toss me from the party but no one did. At the reception I had met Brian Bonin and I never realized how small he really was. It is no wounder why he didn't stick with the NHL, I am woundering if the same thing happens with Panzer too, its kind of a shame... I also sat at the bar and drank beer with a Gopher hockey player that was going on to dental school/med school (to me they are both the same) but the alcohol and time has erased that players name from my memory... For the most part really good guys that mistakenly played for the wrong team.

    On to the current Gophers, I am not too impressed with the way Ballard handles himself on the ice as far as his attitude goes, although a good player he runs his yap too much and for some reason thinks he has to compete with Demarchi for penalty box time and record numbers of face rubs... Although Demarchi has cleaned up his act as of late.

    I think Ballard has fit/slid in quite well into the gopher head case role as well as the Grant Potulny from Grand Forks, add Jeff "after the wistle" Taffe to the mix and they have a great line of goons... Personally I still like Jones better than Ballard as well as Schnider better than Jud Stevens. But hey I spent over 70,000.00 grand at this school so of course I am going to be biased.

    Personally I am so glad that Potulny never became a Sioux hockey player. I heard a rumor about Potulny and how Grant's father met with Blaiser and said that you take both of them or nothing, refering also to Grant younger brother Ryan. I guess the answer was nothing.

    As far as Leo winning the Hobey good for him, I think he is a classy player with a lot of talent and comes off as being very unassuming Gopher fans should be proud of him.

    One side bar (that is for the lawyers) though the Minneapolis StarTribune ran down how many Hobey winners teams have gone on to win the NCAA title and the Hobey Baker winner's team ussually does not ussually win the whole ball of wax. In fact according to the Red Star (Minneapolis StarTribune) the all time record is 3-16, two of the teams didn't make the NCAA. Ironically, here are the three exceptions, 1) Tony Hrkac of UND which beat MSU, 2) Lane McDonald from Harvard which beat the Gophers 1989 clank game, and 3) Maine's Steve Kariya which beat LSSU in 1993.

  11. Sprig,

    Sister's Hubby, I think actually the Grand Forks Herald loved to write articles about him. Let me tell you this he wasn't a goon like Demarchi nor did lay many bone crushing checks on Sioux players. He was more of a finese type player, played a number of positions.

    You should have seen the wedding it was like a who's who of Gopher hockey, I was told no UND jerseys and that I had to behave myself and keep my comments about Gopher hockey to a minimum. This of course was the summer after the Sioux has won the NCAA title in 1997 so I had something to be happy about. I met quite a few of the players. Really nice guys actually.

    Tough being a Sioux fan with so many Gopher fans in the family, however, one of my sisters was actually a UND chear leader for Football and Basketball during the late 1980's-early 1990's. So not all of them are deranged Gopher fans.

    My father is a fence sitter who chears for the team that's better at the present time, or he claims he likes them both, philosophically speaking I am think that is an oxi-moron but to each his own. I am sure dad will be back on the UND band wagon soon as UND is a top of the WCHA again. My father is also a big fan of the Baudette goons Waibel and Ballard, but I won't fault him since he is from that area. By the way he also thinks Demarchi is a thug/goon too.

    Someone left the Minnesota Rouser on my answering machine yesterday and I have yet to determin who the culprit was, I have a good idea but I am sure that person will call if the Gophers win the NCAA title.

  12. I have a lot of respect for the Maine program and Minnesota as well but I can't bring myself to cheer for Da Gophers, the rest of my family is goo goo over the Gophers and my brother-in law's comments (an ex-Gopher hockey player) at Tom Reids during the final five in St Paul helped me make up my mind.

    I will watcha the game and hope that Maine wins. Nice to see Leo win the Hobey, I will enjoy watching him play in the NHL. I am sure Calgary is licking their lips with the prospects of him playing for them.

    I also know that UofM will not be at this high level for ever and all things being equal UND will return to the top of the league and make a run at the Frozen Four, you can count on that being that Blais is the coach. This season should be a big motivating factor for his boys. I would have loved nothing more watching UND win it all this year but as my father said your team can't win them all.

  13. Sprig I am going out on Record that UofMaine will win. I just can't bring my self to cheer for the Gophers. I don't want to have to listen to their fans all year. Actually if they win your just about assured they won't win it all next season.

    I don't believe in the cheering for the Conference, for instance if BU is playing SCSU I will chear for  BU. I can't do it.

    Not with some of the players Minnesota has Jeff "After the Wistle" Taffe, Adam Hauser and Mark Demarchi and also with some of their fans like Happy... I will watch with interest though. I really like that Metcalf guy...

  14. It was a good game. Hauser was lucky to get out with the win the Ref spared him a possible goal with the quick wistle at the end of the game. Michigan put in a good effort but they got out classed for a good share of the game. Barry Melrose said you have to play 20 minutes you can't get away with playing 18 minutes in a period.

    Saturdays game should be a dandy...

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