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Posts posted by Goon

  1. When you declare yourself the winner you should also go home. I hope you do that. In the meantime, if you are really a supporter, the state of disgrace your institution finds itself should be a matter of concern to you. Maybe you should ask yourself the question why it is so important to perpetuate the cultural exploitation your institution is engaged in?

    I certainly hope NDSU makes the right decision and joins the growing group of Universities that will no longer aid and abet the deplorable institutional behavior displayed by uendd.

    By striking a sympathetic example with the others we may be able to help the small minority of individuals that create a derivative form of racism by trivializing your mascot, however crudely, as some of you are so fond of pointing out. I would think it would be very hard to condemn the derivative behavior without condemning the primary cause.

    Blah, Blah, Blah, the same tired worn out not true B.S.

    Hey Poindexter answer the question? Are you a white hand Wringing Liberal. That is the problem with Liberals you don't debate the Issues, you don't answer question you spend your time preaching and you just proved our point. You only tell us want you want us to think.

  2. Nothing worth comment on that round except to say there was a refreshing lack of slander and liable from the uenders. That's curious?

    What JBB should say is that he cant handle the truth and nor can he argue the facts, he cant because he is losing the argument. However, JBB being the misguided liberal is going to slug on his in cause no matter how wrong he is.

    By the way JBB are you a white hand wringing liberal?

  3. I can't remember if this was brought up before and I am pretty sure that othes have brought this up but Vernon Belcourt isn't even Sioux he is (WaBun-Inin) Anishinabe Ojibwe Nation Minnesota.

    Hum another person of Ojibwe decent upset about the fighting Sioux name. Does anyone know why this is?

  4. Here is the latest from the Heraldo:

    Bellecourt, a founding member and principal spokesman for the American Indian Movement, called a recent survey done by the Peter Harris Research Group and documented in Sports Illustrated magazine totally faulty and challenged its scientific merit.

    Bellecourt challenged the sampling and the questions used in the poll, which found that 75 percent of American Indians don't care about the logo and mascot issue.

    He argued that a better indication of Indian feelings could be found in a recent survey done by a Cherokee Indian group of 14,000 of its members. That poll, he said, found that 85 percent of respondents thought it was time to eliminate the use of Indian nicknames

    So what is Vernon saying if he can't manipulate the data and pick his focus group he rules that the poll is flawed and irelevant. Yesh...

    Scott Hennen hit the name on the head today by saying basically that the arts and science teacher are jokes and are jealous that they have basically been rule irrelevent when you compare them against the professors in the hard sciences.

    It also proves how out of touch the P.C. crowd is.

  5. Doesn't everybody notice those things? :angry:

    I did notice we are doing better in the face off department. It was a welcome change, I suppose they have been working on face off drills in practice too this year.

    Just a question Noterman mentioned shooting drills up coming for the next week. What exactly are shooting drills? Anyone have any insight on that?

  6. JBB: You don't counter the argument. You claim I'm living in denial. Who's in denial?

    JBB is denial, again point proved an argument has been posed and he can do nothing but say oh, your wrong and I am right. Back up by no facts at all. So what is his point.

    To take a verse from the Movie a few good men. JBB this one is for you.

    You want the truth? You can't handle the truth.

  7. I manually scanned the archive of game results here and uncovered the last time UND had back-to-back shutouts was Feb 21-22, 1997, hosting Alaska Anchorage (2-0, 4-0).

    If I remember right that was the weekend the Sioux and UAA played a WCHA series that had very few penatly minutes, one game had like one penalty the whole game?

  8. dagies, I thought Prpich had a fantastic weekend against Wisco as well. Very active, strong checker, even created some scoring chances. He works very hard and is becoming one of my favorites.

    Prpich is starting to get some opportunities and I think he is going to start scoring and factoring in on the stat sheet. Prpich is also a great checker.

    On the lines issue it seemed that Blaiser was playing the match ups game this past weekend and he tried a few different combinations. I think CB is just trying to get more offense. Lines with CB change from minute to minute. Fyling had a few opportunities this past weekend but just didn't finish the deal. I think the luck is going to change.

    Noterman said in the post game program that he expects shooting drills in this weeks practice.

  9. The guy that has seemed to fallen off the map is Fylling. He still looks like he has the speed but not the strength to go into the corners.

    Blais had him on a couple of different lines and I thought he had a good series. I liked him on the first line but I suppose Noterman playing so good he seems to be a lock for the First line right now...

  10. Here is the line on Brandt for the season, you can see his numbers are really picking up and he is turning into a decent goalie.

    30 Jake Brandt

    Saves 98 Shots 109 .899 1.85 6- 0- 0

    Saves 61 Shots 65 .938 1.22 3- 0- 0

    Not bad numbers at all A save percentage of .938 in Conference games. Not too shaby at all...

  11. Taz,

    Here is the reality you can throw a hundred pro-name people against the small minority of P.C. pro-name change crowd. And for some reason the press thinks the pro-name change crowd has a more valid point. You would also think there is a ground swell oppostion to the fighting Sioux name and there isn't. Your talking about a small number of people in favor of changing the name.

    Now for some reason NDSU has gotten itself into the fray, I think more just to make themselves look more division one.

    Heres the reality is Bridges and a couple of other UND student organizations have contacted various student organizations on the different campuses around the midwest region (UofM, UMD, SCCC, NDSU and MSU) and gotten small protests started. Again I wounder how many of the protesters are hand ringing white liberal arts professor telling people how they are supposed to think? You know the basic theory of lets educate the rubes. Their out to save the world.

    For some reason the Media thinks that a protest of 100 people is some how signifigant versus 12,000 that saw the game against the Gophers last October. Maybe this is why we have so many problems in our country we are flunking basic math. That is a percentage of .0083. Of course you will never read the point of view in your local fish wrapper.

    I am also sure the SCSU president wanting to take the heat off himself and his univesity said, "Hey this is a great opportunity to get the focus off us and on to someone else." So the question I pose to everyone who is more prolific than the UND hockey program and its state of the art 100,000,000.00 college hockey arena. 7 natioal championship banners is lot compared to a small second rate institution like SCSU with its three NCAA appearances, all of them failures.

    Another problem is I think we are giving way too much credence to the to some of the people that are for the name change crowd, ie, the John Hoffs, Vivian Nelson's, Glenda Misken's and the JBB's of the world. Check out some of these peoples resumes they are less than impressive. They go around using flashy theme like Englestad is a NAZI and they write articles with facts that are mostly a stretch and easy to refute. However, no one in the media challenges them. They also publish make stupid web pages like UND.Racism.Com and the media then falls right into their trap and makes a big deal out of it.

    I think this debate also goes back to the biased issue, conservatism is dead and is not welcome on the nations college campuses, I bet if you look at the number of conservative speakers that have spoken on the UND campuses as opposed to the Liberal speakes it wouldn't even be close. The liberal elite does not want to hear the Dr. Yagley's of the world because they shoot holes in their arugments. They use facts and the liberals don't want the facts, they try to play on people emotions. They want to ram rod their case down our throats, and call people who argue with them racists, no one wants that label attached to them.

    Liberals make the false claim to be free thinkers and understanding of others, but they don't want to have a debate with conservatives because they are losing the battles. They blame others for their failures. In retrospect its sad, there will be no debate on this issue, and there won't be any debate because they don't want to make their argument appear flimsy. And this will never change as long as the Liberal establishment has a strangle hold on the educational system in our country.

    I look at the UND Fighting Sioux symbol as a symbol of pride and strenght and a winning tradition. I think for the most part a lot of these schools are jealous of UND. Its the haves against the have nots. SCSU doesn't have a Ralph Englestad. NDSU going blindly into the Divison one status has no clue how to make this happen. They too are probably more jealous of the campus to the north. I wonder if NDSU would ask FSU to keep its logo at home if they ever came up to Fargo, the truth is they will never grace the Fargo Dome turf. And like NDSU would turn the money down to get trottled by the Seminoles.

    I think UND athletic department has done a lot to educate the fans and make sure that the Logo is treated with repect and honor. You will not hear the crowd chanting like they do at FSU. You don't have a white person dressed up in a native head dress throwing a burning spear in to the football field at the 50 yard line while riding a horse.

    On the flip side of that argument last year UND held a Native American ceremony in honor of Coach Walsh was a wonderful ceremony. A very high honor bestowed on the fallen Walsh.

    So in retrospect there will probably be dissent againts the UND as long as UND has the Fighting Sioux name. And I guess there will be protests as long as there is someone there to listen.

  12. I thought that I saw/read some where that Dixon Ward was back playing hockey in the NHL with someone that slips my mind. Can someone confirm this? I thought it was New York for some reason.

  13. Would he have had a 5 minute major somewhere?

    Ok Duh the fighting Major, I guess I didn't think Kevin was in the penalty box that much since he is not the type of player the racks up a lot of penalties, he kills them...

  14. Badgers will be ready to play, it's a special weekend for Sauer, and a big rivalry.  Their upperclassmen know about the Sioux and will have the team ready.  Plus, after last season they will feel like they have a chance to win.

    We need to crush that confidence.

    Emotion and confidence will only take you so far. I am also not much for sentimental B.S. unless it envolves a Sioux title...:p

    I also think that not every team is going to shut down the Zach Fyling, Bochenski line. :angry: I mean really, it will take a talented player just to keep up with him and the thing that will happen is keep focusing on the one line and other players will come up with some big time goals.

    Besides Parise should have gotten points this past weekend but was robbed. We will see. ;)

    I am definately mentally prepared for the game this weekend. ???

  15. I'm sure it was sold out at some other time and some seats opened up (seems to happen often with ticketbastard). Anyway forecheck, it is looking like the duluth series will be even better than wisconsin.

    Maybe they are going to sell all the seats they have ropped off in the student's section. I think that is the biggest waste of money and space.

  16. Wow that impressive, Mr Green has almost spent a hour in the penalty box.

    Now maybe someone can answer this but how do you get an uneven number in peanlty minutes. Kevin S has 35 minutes in penatlies. How is that possible.

  17. I heard some of Scotts dialog with Paul and Paul sounded like a complete idiot. I think Scott kept it respectable but I am sure he could have really slambed him, in retrospect I wish he would have.

    I think some of these schools should worry about something else. I think it all comes down to jealousy, I mean really. How many schools have a Ralph to donate money like that to their schools. None. I think that is what it really boils down to.

  18. Speaking of Former UND alumni doing well, Landon Wilson had 5 g's 5 a's for 10 points in 18 games with Phoenix, he is at the top of his club for points.

    Roach just back from playing with the Candian National Team is doing well with Houston.

  19. I mean honestly, Woog is a gamer, basically it is an embarrassment to his university of course they are going to try to discredit the report, but really has Brooks came out and made a comment against the statement? Nope so that in its self give credence to the statement.

    I mean really who cares its not that big of a deal but it appears to be a sore spot for some. I think its funny that some are getting sore about people commenting on how Zack went to the UofM. Wait till Brady Murray comes next season and they tear the league up. UND is going loaded for quite some time. Looks like the Target is returning to the back of every Sioux Jersey already...

    Face it, lossing Parise was a big blow to the UofM so was losing Bochenski. For those that say differently I say fiddle sticks. Why do them make so much about it. I say it is time to move on. Maybe we should be pissed that Blaiser didn't get Vanek. Could you imagine Vanek next to Bochenski and Parise? Wow...

  20. Is this guy any good. I have a hard time believing that he deserved to be dressed over Siembida. I suppose that is Blaiser's way of getting his attention.

    Before Saturdays game he was less than please with Josh saying that a 750 save percentage won't cut it...

    What ever happened fired Jake up. It seems there is a little motivation going on here. I remember Blais challenged a few of his players during the 1997 championship year. I guess this is his way of getting people's attention...

  21. Maybe they might have miss spoken then. I was kind of shocked when I heard that since UofW and UND series always seem to sell out, maybe they don't count all of the students picking up their tickets this up coming weekend.

  22. Hopefully Archhibald's spirit will enhance the Sioux's ability to handle WI this weekend. I just wonder if when Archie sees all that red during his HOF induction if he just won't blow another gasket. Wish I could be there. :D

    Dagies, I think you ought to come up, they announced last night that tickets for all remaining games are up for sale if you know what I mean. The arena had quite a few available seats this past weekend.

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