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Posts posted by Goon

  1. The word I got that he was an offensive defenseman. Again, LSSU was not very good last year and they scored very few goals about 68 to UND what 120+ goals. I still expect one of the big guys to go pro just hunch I have. With the defensive core that UND has, they could field a pretty good Linebacker core. I pitty the opposing players that come bopping around the net this year. First Schnider it going to hit somebody, then Hale is going lay someone out, followed by a stiff check from Jones.

    Look its going to be very competative in practice this year we could have some very good players sitting in the stands not playing. My guess that practice is going to be very intense if you know what I mean. I look at that as a positive.

  2. http://www.devilslakejournal.com/display/i...ts/sports09.txt Former Satan skater Chad Dahlen headed to UND

    There was a handful of familiar faces on hand last week to help new Devils Lake co-coach Dave Duckworth with his annual Summer Hockey School at Burdick Arena.

    Among them was 1997 graduate Chad Dahlen, who stirred up some news with his decision to transfer from Lake Superior State in Michigan to the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks.

  3. Here is the latest swipe at the Fighting Sioux name, it almost crossed the line too far and is down right nasty. The link is http://www.discovernd-racism.com This site has the finger prints of the two loser connected to thehttp://www.UND-fraud.com/ and http://www.undnews.com

    I know I know your saying who are these two people. Who are they, They are a couple of your basic half wits, they are like a fungus that won't go away. The victims, the loser in society that are there everytime a alegation is level. The victim of all societies wrongs. The two loswer are currently sueing the University of North Dakota. Misken is your basic stalker that was harrassing a physics professor and the instructor gave her a high grade to get her off her back. Supposively she was barred from campus and a she was slapped with a restraining order. Well the queer of the trailer court got her day and court and basically lost a bunch of money that she will never be able to pay back.  Does she go away no she keep trying to have the case proceed on.

    Vivian Nelson is a Misken Clone that Glenda took under her wing. Another two bit half wit that flunked out of medical school and is sueing curretly UND medical school and Judy Demers. Of course Vivian has no case either but is trying to keep it on the front burner and get her day in court. UND has taken the stance that they will not take this to court and will basically fight her till she is old and gray.

  4. I also think SCCC standing in the league is probably seen nothing more than a second rate division II program. I mean really they are a mediocre NCC team and they have yet to win anything in the WCHA other than a final five banner.

    I think the biggest endorsement is the 9-1 defeat of the proposal to drop the fighting Sioux name. I just don't see it in the cards.

  5. First off, Most of the time his work isn't this clueless but, he has digressed. Incidently, I think it is funny Minnesota since their goaltending is no better than UND's if not worse. Heck I know that and I was a football player. Two, I am a little grumpy this monday morning (Golf Course under water, hot humid, summer has suck etc) Three, anyone that think UND is going to suck this season is fricken high. If they dont' finish in the top four I am going to be very surprised. Four, I talked to one of the trainers from UND hockey team (as sprig had mentioned also) and the boys are really training hard for the upcoming season, I am ready for a season of pay back and players that play with a chip on their shoulders...

    lastly SL, is from MORE-Head.

  6. First off Nanne is an Idiot. They guy is on his knees for the Gophers if you know what I mean. Second I think it is arogant to go into a kids house who has given a Verbal on where he wants to play and tell him he has made a mistake. Yesh...

    I lost all the rest of respect I had for Nanne, but I look at it this way, Nanne make Frank Mazzaco look objective, that should tell you something.

    Here is the kind of clueless stuff that erks me: this is from one of Clayton's favorite Gopher fans. The Sioux have to come up with an answer to their goaltending situation, since sub-.900 save percentages won't cut it without an outstanding offense (which UND does not have).

    Correct me if I am wrong UND didn't have any problems scoring they had problems not keeping the puck out of their net.

  7. I've seen those photos on sale at local frame shops and a few other places, but I can't remember what they were going for. If I see one again, I'll check on the price.

    The one I think he is talking about is opening night in the new Ralph. It is a cool picturre. It was on the Caufield Picture display in the mall. I think they are kind of pricey. I though I remembered it being somewhere in the 200 dollar range...

  8. I golfing Perry Nachonechy from the 1987 team (sp and I have no way how to spell it)  during a scramble last tuesday night for mens night. One of the guys had a gopher hat on (by the way he did bring up the fact that he had 3 Sioux ones at home, I suppose they come out in case of a UND championship) and we were going back and forth in a fun way about different things. I still can't believe the band wagon fans in this area. I think it is funny. You didn't see many UofM hats around here when UND was winning.

    To cut to the chase, I told the guys that not to take anything away from the UofM title, hey that  is great if you are a gopher fan but I said all you have to remember is 7 > 4 end of argument. (7 is more than 4 even to begining math students in Minnesota) This is not to take away from the UofM Gophers accomplishments (they proved that if you out score the opponents goal tending doesn't matter).

    I think Speez has something here though UofM is going to be a marked team. I wish them good luck. I would bet the farm and take the field that UofM doesn't win it all next season. With Vanek or with out Vanek...

  9. I think its funny the amount of Gopher fans that have jumped on the band wagon and come out of the wood work.

    Living in Grand Forks and working part time in East Grand Forks I have never seen so many Gopher hats in this area in my life, I have lived here 9 years. I ask people all of the time if they bought that hat before or after the Goofers won it all. I am also sure they probablyn all have UND hats at home to wear when UND wins it all again soon.

    I hear all of the time how these closet bandwagon newby fans think that UofM is sure thing to repeat, they are going to be more awesome next year. I am not sure how a team can get better by subtraction. The biggest question is UofM goaltending. The present tenders make Hauser look great.

    I think predicting a repeat is one of the more arrogant things I have heard in some time considering who the Gophers lost from last years team. Apparently some think Vanek is the second coming of Christ and that he is going to be the best player on the ice.

    Sioux fans, think back to the past 5 or 6 years and we all can tell other fans how hard it is to repeat, there is a reason it hasn't happened since 1972. B.U. was the last team to do it.

    Most of us Sioux fans know why. !@$! Bag teams (Mankato, UMD, UAA, MTU) are now going to come into Marriucci and play their best games against the Gophers (they are bringing their "A" game), because they want to beat the defending national title.

    Even better, sh!tty goalies are going to stand on their heads, playing the game of their lives because they want to look good against the UofM Gophers. The gophers are going to have a huge bulls eyes on the back of their jerseys, and they better be ready to play every night. I am actually glad that UND is gotten that focus off of their back sides.

  10. Trying to remember where it was reported last week that Sedevie is headed back to Sioux Falls for this year.

    Oh yeah, check out the "new recruits" thread for more info.


    Lane is headed back to Sioux Falls, SD. So I guess we have to stomach Ryan Sofie on the bench as a possible back up for one more year. The story was in the Grand Forks Fish Rapper last week I believe.

  11. Nice to retire after winning the Cup.

    I am so happy Hasek is gone, I had about had it with his antics and whinning. I laughed after he lost the cup playoffs in 1999. Good ridance.

    Although I am one of the biggest fans of all time I will tell everyone I am not a big fan of Eddie the Eagle. Eddie is a baby a premadonna. As for his hockey career. I think he is done and he is going to get run out of Toronto fast. First time he loses it and starts acting like a baby the media is going to have a field day with the spoiled goalie. I think Toronto is wasting money.

    Also Belfore made me mad when he tried to say that he was better than Patrick Roy, what a joke.

  12. Would guess he's in a tutoring program to complete whatever he didn't get done the last semester. Wonder how Lucia will handle this, although it's only USCHO gopher fan posters who have said that Lucia would not give Welch another chance if he didn't do the work.

    I say hey, let the kid play if he can get/remain elgible, I know most coaches around the country are sticklers for grades and that kind of stuff but If I was the coach I'd still let him play. In fact If I was a coach (and I am not) I wouldn't care as long as they could keep the Minimum standard needed to compete. I remember my old college coach saying go to calls do your work, strive to get grades over C's, he went on to say that when you go to a job interview and they ask you what your grades are and you tell them you got all C's in intro level class who are you going to hire. I probably hire the one with the good grades. It is a matter of Pride.

    I have seen some things such as these in college sports, where a player from a college team was given favor over other non-student athletes, on the sole fact that just because they are jocks/jockets but I have also seen other teachers being tougher on kids just because they are jocks. So it works both ways.

    Let face it not all of these kids are genisues, #### it won't matter in 2-4 years anyways. Ever listen to any of these guys in press conferences after NCAA games (especially basketball and football players) some of them are not the brightest but they can sure play college sports. Eventually it comes out in the end, but look at the positives.

    Of course from a UND perspective, I could take the oh well approach, thats the breaks do the crime do the time, face the music... I can at times see both ends of the spectrum and what the big deal is, but it does seems trivial at times. I trust that Donny Lucia will make the decision he feels is best for his program. His record speaks for itself and he has been pretty sucessful. In also know that Blaiser is a stickler for his players attending class and not missing.

    I remember when In college at BSU there were guys that could keep elgible I could never understand how a person can flunk out of school, there were guys flunking out of class like court ship and marriage and intro to american government, whew.

    Half of it is that if you go to class and take notes you can for the most part get a C or B, read the books you increase your chances of being successful, However, if you skip class and don't take notes or attend class you set your self up for failure. Maybe this is the case in the situation. But you would think that if he was serious about remaining with the program he do what ever is necessary to get a passing grade.

    I realize that we need to keep these kids in school and have them up to snuff on grades. If he has elgibility if I was the coach I would over look it. I think character does matter but going to summer school proves to me that he is serious and wants to play on the team. I hope the kid can get his act together.

  13. I found this on http://www.uscho.com I guess the astricks mean that they were on last years team.

    USA World Junior Tryout Rosters

    2002 U.S. National Junior Evaluation Camp Roster

    Name Ht. (cm) Wt. (kg) Birthdate S/C Hometown 2002-03 Team


    Bob Goepfert 5-10 (182) 165 (75) 5/9/83 L Kings Park, N.Y. Providence College (HE)

    Jim Howard 6-1 (186) 204 (93) 3/26/84 L Ogdensburg, N.Y. University of Maine (HE)

    Dwight Labrosse* 6-1 (186) 167 (76) 10/6/83 L McMurray, Pa. Guelph Storm (OHL)

    Alvaro Montoya 6-2 (189) 173 (79) 2/13/85 L Glenview, Ill. University of Michigan (CCHA)

    Dominic Vicari 5-8.5 (178) 168 (77) 10/30/84 L Clinton Township, Mich. River City Lancers (USHL)

    Travis Weber 5-11 (182) 205 (93) 5/26/83 L Hibbing, Minn. University of Minnesota (WCHA)


    Matt Carle 6-0 (184) 176 (80) 9/25/84 L Anchorage, Alaska River City Lancers (USHL)

    Matt Gens 6-0 (184) 180 (82) 3/31/83 R Baudette, Minn. St. Cloud State University (WCHA)

    Tom Gilbert 6-2 (189) 190 (87) 1/10/83 R Bloomington, Minn. University of Wisconsin (WCHA)

    Tim Gleason 6-0.5 (184) 199 (91) 1/29/83 L Clawson, Mich. Windsor Spitfires (OHL)

    Matt Jones 6-0 (184) 214 (97) 8/8/83 L Naperville, Ill. University of North Dakota (WCHA)

    Jesse Lane 6-1 (186) 210 (95) 3/2/83 L Needham, Mass. Hull Olympiques (QMJHL)

    Brian Lee 6-2 (189) 187 (85) 7/5/84 L Berrien Springs, Mich. Erie Otters (OHL)

    Bryan Miller 5-9 (180) 179 (82) 2/17/83 R Wayne, N.J. Boston University (HE)

    Corey Potter 6-3 (192) 171 (78) 1/5/84 R Mason, Mich. Michigan State University (CCHA)

    Danny Richmond 6-1 (186) 175 (80) 8/1/84 L Buffalo Grove, Ill. University of Michigan (CCHA)

    Evan Shaw 6-2 (189) 201 (92) 3/24/84 L Cumberland, R.I. Michigan State University (CCHA)

    Judd Stevens 6-1 (186) 193 (88) 4/9/83 R Wayzata, Minn. University of Minnesota (WCHA)

    Mark Stuart 6-2 (189) 220 (100) 4/27/84 L Rochester, Minn. Colorado College (WCHA)

    Ryan Suter 6-1 (186) 172 (78) 1/21/85 L Madison, Wis. U.S. National U-18 Team (NTDP)

    Eric Werner 5-10 (182) 185 (84) 1/26/83 R Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. University of Michigan (CCHA)

    Ryan Whitney* 6-4 (195) 200 (91) 2/19/83 L Scituate, Mass. Boston University (HE)

    James Wisnewski^ 5-11 (182) 197 (90) 2/21/84 R Canton, Mich. Plymouth Whalers (OHL)

    FORWARDS (24)

    Dustin Brown* 5-10.5 (182) 196 (89) 11/4/84 R Ithaca, N.Y. Guelph Storm (OHL)

    Pat Dwyer 5-10.5 (182) 176 (80) 6/22/83 R Great Falls, Mont. Western Michigan University (CCHA)

    Patrick Eaves 5-11 (182) 174 (79) 5/1/84 R Faribault, Minn. Boston College (HE)

    Lee Falardeau 6-4.5 (196) 203 (92) 7/22/83 L Midland, Mich. Michigan State University (CCHA)

    Dan Fritsche 6-1 (186) 197 (90) 7/13/85 R Parma, Ohio Sarnia Sting (OHL)

    Gino Guyer 5-11 (182) 180 (82) 10/14/83 L Coleraine, Minn. University of Minnesota (WCHA)

    Dwight Helminen* 5-9 (180) 184 (84) 6/22/83 L Brighton, Mich. University of Michigan (CCHA)

    Chris Higgins* 5-11 (182) 192 (87) 6/2/83 L Smithtown, N.Y. Yale University (ECAC)

    Ryan Hollweg* 5-10 (182) 201 (91) 4/23/83 L Downey, Calif. Medicine Hat (WHL)

    Ryan Kesler 6-2 (189) 185 (84) 8/31/84 R Livonia, Mich. Ohio State University (CCHA)

    Justin Maiser 6-1 (186) 191 (87) 6/29/83 L Edina, Minn. Boston University (HE)

    Brian McConnell 6-2.5 (190) 190 (87) 2/1/83 L Norfolk, Mass. Boston University (HE)

    Greg Moore 6-1 (186) 208 (95) 3/26/84 R Lisbon, Maine University of Maine (HE)

    Mike Morris 6-0 (184) 182 (83) 7/14/83 R Braintree, Mass. Northeastern University (HE)

    Ryan Murphy 5-11 (182) 185 (84) 1/23/83 R Rumson, N.J. Boston College (HE)

    Eric Nystrom* 6-1.5 (187) 195 (88) 2/14/83 L Syosset, N.Y. University of Michigan (CCHA)

    Patrick O

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