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Posts posted by Goon

  1. JBB, not to pick one you, but with that being said, oh well. Here is a quote from a real ative Native American his name is David Yeagley he is not white, (In other words he is not some white liberal college professor or some white half wit like John Hoff trying to tell natives how they should think) Maybe some of yall should listen to what he others have to say. Because most of the people in your group doing a lot of talking but not a lot of listening. Question have you guys ever stop to listen to what is actually being said? Probably not... You maybe doing more harm than good. Because if they ever, I mean if which is a huge stretch, changed the name, is it all of a sudden going to change the lives of native American suffering from poverty on the state reservations, probably not... Your going to piss off a lot of Natives by changing it. Also your going to bring a lot of resentment aimed at natives. Your going to be doing more damage than good. But then we can turn around and point our fingers at you guys and say don't blame us, blame the hand wringers. Maybe some of you guys should actually worry about something more important, by the way incase you haven't noticed there is a war going on, I am shocked your not balling about the poor bastards down in Gitmo suffering at the hands of the USA military, shouldn't you be carrying flowers and marching on the capital. What about poor Iraq. Jesus, some of these people pi$$ me off...

    I'm all for fighting when there's something to fight about. But, in my view, this is not the case at UND. Why should any Indian object if a university has an Indian warrior as its emblem? The purpose of a mascot is to inspire the school's athletes to fight hard and win. That the school chose an Indian to represent its fighting spirit is a sign of respect. It shows an admiration for the courage and manliness of the Sioux warrior, who laid so many whites in their graves just a few generations ago.
  2. Here is another good article. Notice that it takes a shot at one of UND own. Hum, I still think that I would rather take Yeagley's word than some of the talking heads we see around the issue in our home town...

    Where Were The Fighting Whites?

    By David Yeagley

    FrontPageMagazine.com | May 1, 2002

    I JUST RETURNED from the newly-famous battlefield of the Fighting Whites, at the University of Northern Colorado. But there were no fighting whites. I

  3. Here is aood article...

    I FINALLY MET RUSSELL MEANS in person. I had debated him once on the Hannity & Colmes TV show, but that was by satellite. Until last month, I had never met the controversial Indian radical, movie star, author and politician face to face.

    To tell the truth, I was a bit intimidated. Russell Means is a major Indian leader compared by some to a modern Sitting Bull. Imagine my surprise upon discovering that, in a most crucial way, I am more Indian than he!


  4. I hope you can see that in your attempts to justify your obviously improper and wholly offensive institutional and individual behaviors your logic has been stretched so thin that it now means nothing.

    As all facts support the larger argument I feel comfortable in saying your university continues to be a frightful blight on the otherwise irrecusable human landscape of the Great State of North Dakota, its honorable citizenry, North Dakota State University and all of the great individuals that North Dakota's otherwise outstanding institutions of higher learning educate.

    I think I can understand your overwhelming dedication to money and the seeming glory it brings you but why let it compromise all of our honor so?

    As I look at some of the stuff this guy writes, It makes me scratch my head and wonder what color is the sky in your world.

    Maybe JBB should read some of David Yeagly's work. I mean honestly do you think his work is less credible then some of the people supporting the change of the name. Its almost like we don't want to cloud the issue with facts...

  5. I guess I miss spoke it should say all of them are losers. I mean really Misken is being sue for character assasination, Nelson is another loser that was flunked out of UND'S Med school, of course Misken took her under her wing. We have seen JBB (I am convinced he is a troll from the other school) and Hoff's Work. Oh yeah Pucker wasn't that idiot kicked off of USCHO...

    Add Russell Means to the mix he is a convicted Felon, who has no acting ability at all. Wow, there are some serious credibility issues with the Pro-name change croud... As they say in Scott_M's world the defense rests

  6. The committee, which just completed a comprehensive, 18-month study on the use of American Indian mascots and logos by NCAA sports teams, has concerns that Engelstad Arena was awarded the championship without considering the ongoing controversy of UND's Fighting Sioux nickname and logos. American Indian and other groups have called the nickname offensive.

    I am sorry but there really isn't a controversy, about 100 people out of what a 10 of thousands have a axe to grinde against Englestad and the Fighting Sioux name. I mean how many polls and questionares have to be filled out and with the same results stating that the name is fine or they don't care and this small vocal minority thinks there is a problems. Also SI did a poll on Indian logo and they came up with the same thing, this is the same paper that did a very pointed article on the UND name. Of course the so called smart people in this debate, you know the ones: the Johnny Hoffs, the Pucker The Vivian Nelson, Glenda Miskens, and finally the JBB's (Of course half of these people are big time losers) of the world, think they know more and right away say oh that study is no good it has no credibility.

    Incidently they are all white hand wringing Liberals that will probably never do an honest days work in their life.

  7. After watching Vanek, Guyer, & Hirsh and reading about Parise et al I can't wait for the UND series. Should be very, very, very fast.

    However, opposing forwards be careful tip toeing around UND's Defensive zone... Smack, Boom, Bang...

  8. I think the point that many haven't brought up yet is the fact that UND came back from a 4-2 deficit and won the game. To me that speaks volumns. Something UND didn't do many times last season. I hope this is the beginning of the type of Sioux teams we have seen the past, its called the killer instinct, when you get a team on the ropes go for the throat...

    I am excited as heck about this past weekend. Also, I like the fact that the opposing teams might take UND lightly this season because they were down last year and relatively young this season. Also, I think with SCSU losing one game to FSU this past weekend it would be safe to assume that anyone is probably going to beat anyone this season.

    I can't wait to see the UND Defense men past the oppostion into the boards.

    Lastly I have made a wager with a UofM fan that UND can sweep the Gophers in MPLS this winter. Although bold, I have that much confidence in the boys I have bet a case a beer and a couple of good cigars on them...

  9. The D1 debate has exposed another subtle racist attitude coming from the UND president and the herald. There are many more athletes of color in D1 sports, except for D1 hockey. Among the many reasons given why UND should not move up to D1 is the disturbing "too many criminal problems with D1 athletes". The statement would seem to except hockey players since UND actively promotes its D1 hockey involvement and discourages all other D1 participation.

    Isn't that in line with the racial and cultural insensitivity the entire UND institution has exhibited with the "naming issue"?

    In reviewing this post, not once but a couple of times I have come to the conclusion that this has to be one of the most intellectually deficient statements I have read for quite some time, I hope you didn

  10. I thought I saw Jason out jogging the other day near the Ralph. If it was him, it looks like he's been spending a fair amount of time in the weight room. Those pipes are in big trouble now! :D:0

    Regardless of whether he's wearing the C or A, as a senior, I'm sure Jason will be a team leader. I've never heard anyone accuse him of giving less than 100 percent effort. He will lead by example.

    I know I will be pulling for Jason and the rest of the Sioux Hockey Team, I suffered through every game last year and I saw a lot of upside to this team. I think there is a championship out there. I think some of the pipes and missed nets will turn into timely goals this season. Hell sue me I am an optimistic person. No Jack Daniels tonight...

  11. He will be solid. I dont' think the coaches can look at too many games that Jason didn't show up and put in a great effort.

    I think that would be a pretty good assessment of Jason's play the last three years. For a player that is not very big he sure plays with a lot of heart. I hope the puck goes in more for him this season.

    Maybe John can elaborate on wether Jason has talked to any pro teams about playing after his college days are over? Any insight on this? What is the process for free agents anyone know?

  12. That's certainly why I gave the (so far lowest) 6 vote. I remember 90-96 all too well. The offense was decent, guys like Johnson and Naumenko scored, but our goaltending was not top-5 WCHA caliber. I don't see what's changed between last year and this. Perhaps a year later and whatever training has gone on, someone will step up. If not, well, last year's finish was lower than 6.

    I will add on that statment. In fact I will totally disagree with that statement. Last year was a fluke, an enigma, it won't happen again for a long time. I believe that UND is a different team. For those of you that forgot UND is the Florida State and Miami of College hockey, Blaiser won't put up for being a loser for two years in a row, (oh course FSU lost to UofL tonight so that ruins my anology) UND is not SCSU, UND is a superior program and will not be allowed to lose to SCSU again like they did last year. Don't think that Blaiser is chomping at the bit to get back at Dahl. Craig left his number one power play on the ice after the Sioux were down big time that is a bush league move... I hope UND hammers SCSU hard this season.

    Lastly, have some faith in the boys this season, I sure as hell do, sure I am drunk as I right this right now but I know hockey talent when I see it and UND is going to be good this season. I think UND might be able to get away with mediocre goal tending and still be a winner, UofM proved this theory, I think UND can repeat it. Honestly, I think some of you guys are selling your selling our team short. Have some confidence. Don' t listen to what the rest of the fans think around the league. I could care less what some half wit from another WCHA team thinks about UND.

    Peace brothers...

  13. Sock_eye,

    I think your son will be a great addition to the UND Fighting Sioux Hockey team. I like the flash and heart that he shows, much like the McMahan (sp) kid does. Tough as nails and will get in front of the net and get his licks in and give a quit a few more. I think UND will score a lot of goals and I don't care how they do it. Wether it be off the head, knee or foot.

    I also like the lunch box kind of players, ie the Noterman, Spiewak, Hale (2)... Strap it on and play good tough hockey. In looking at the roster, UND is going to be bigger than they have been for sometime. If James Massen can play a little tougher UND is going to be tough between the offensive face off circles.

  14. Can we say troll. Maybe you might want to go to another web page. This is a UND web page. Lets see what college do you cheer for?

    I am sure your college has a throphy case full of throphies. Besides it is going to be very hard for UND to duplicate the year they had last year with all of the good players that they have lost...

  15. In reguards to what Schimdt Doggy dog said, I can say that in knowing Palmo over the past couple of years that if he says that Parise is that good, he probably is telling the truth. Tyler is a stand up guy. But after reading all of the hype that was put on this guy he was compared to Theo Flury and he is pretty damn good. You don't get those types of comparisons by being marginal. I think he will be as good as Vanek.

    I must also say that I am very happy to have Cannady on the team. I like what this guy brings to the table. I don't care if the gopher fans think he is a hack he is not. If you guys remember the game against the gophers last March after Brian got hurt in the game against the gophers, Wooger mentioned that Brian is one tough cookie and to get him off the ice. Woog went on to marvel on the way Cannady plays. I am excited to see what kind of game Brian brings to the table this season. I pitty the teams that play UND this year.

  16. In looking at the roster, I think we have enough forwards don't we?

    I think there are going to be, I am sure Blais will pick up one more forward so he can have five lines in practice. I do expect great things from Lundbohm and Massen this season. Playing time is still going to be earned and I think we will see a better effort by the guys this season. Nice mix between braun and speed this season. I also think this is one of the bigger Sioux teams in quite some time.

    5 Lundbohm, David, F, Jr 6-0 180 12/17/79 Roseau, Minn.

    7 Bochenski, Brandon, F, So 6-1 190 4/4/82

    10 McMahon, Rory, C, So 5-11 177 2/9/82 Perdue, Sask

    11 Parise, Zach, F, Fr 5-11 180 7/28/84 Faribault, Minn.

    15 Palmiscno, Tyler, F, Jr East Grand Forks, Minn.

    16 Spiewak, Kevin, F, Sr 5-10 180 5/3/79 Schaumberg, Ill.

    17 Connelly, Ryan, F, So White Bear Lake, MN

    18 Fylling, Quinn, F, So 5-10 188 1/16/82

    19 Prpich, Mike, F, Fr 6-0 180 3/27/82 Kenaston, Sask.

    20 Massen, James, F, So 6-2 220 1/13/82 Bismarck, N.D.

    22 Canady, Brian, F, So 6-1 195 7/29/80

    25 Hale, Ryan, F, Jr 6-2 198 11/7/78 Colorado Springs, Colo.

    26 Notermann, Jason, F, Sr 5-9 175 12/2/78 Rochester, Minn.

    29 Genoway, Colby, F, So 6-0 175 12/12/83 Morden, Man.

  17. He scored a hat trick early in the season and got in a fight and beat the heck out of a guy. So, I go back to see him about a month later, and he scores two goals and beats the heck out of another guy. I said to myself, 'I kind of like that guy.' -- Dean Blais on scouting Lee Goren

    I really love Pat's Signature. That is old time hockey at its best...

    I don't think UND is going to miss not Having Fournier, honestly if he can't come to camp in time I really have to question his dedication. Campionships are won in the off season conditioning. Third period is where a lot of games are won and if you not in shape, you not going to win...

    I have have seen a few of the players over the summer and David Hale really stands out in the crowd. Last time I saw him I thougt he was a football player at first. I pitty the players he is going to be checking this winter. They better have their helment strapped on tight.

  18. That will teach Kelby to go north. He should have stayed in South Dakota.

    Hell, SDSU is not even fit to carry UND jock strap, I am probably wrong by even answering this rube. ;) S!#t there isn't anything in SD. Tom Dashcle, nuff said...

    My question is has SDSU even ever made the Division two playoffs. Probably not, since I dont' remember it ever happening since I have been in Gand Forks since 1993. Screw the stupid SD Fans, you know what the best thing to come out of SD beside pheasants I 29 North.

    I think it is a nice time for a wake up call. Lenon can use this as a serious wake up call.

  19. And please, no more backing in for entire third periods. What DI team can't score when you give them all of neutral ice, plus the blue line, plus half the defensive zone (Sioux's).

    You have point. Last year I noticed UofM really stacked the defensive zone and made it hard to get across the blue line in the third period of games, hence fustrating the opposition I would like to see UND return to this type of game plan. I also remember Denver using this tactic against the Gophers in the final game of the final five. Lock down the neutral zone in the third and protect the defensive zone.

    UND did this in years past when they won the NCAA title in 2000. I remember in 2000 they really played tough defense come tourney time. In the third period they cranked it up and played solid defense. This can lead to breaks the other way if they play it right.

    In other words don't give up the neutral zone and defensive zone. Fore Check, Fore check...

  20. I didn't mean to slight anyone in the last post, I just thought Noterman is a good example of Hard work and dedication. I guess I would put Speiwak in there too. I like the effort these guys put in game after game.

  21. What do you guys think. I still think boot camp is over rated some guys can do push ups but when it is time to take the hill they don't show up.

    Your missing the point. Blaiser has said this before it takes certain types of players to fit into to his mold and to play for him, his way or you sit. You work hard and you are rewarded. I think that is great. Don't go to class you run. Don't go to class a second time the whole team run. I heard that when it comes to that that person is not going to have much fun.

    I think its easy to explain and understand. Come to camp out of shape, your looking suffering an injury... Each player knows what he is getting into when they come to UND. Egos are for the most part check in at the door. Look at Blake he sat for having a bad attitude back in 1997, Blaiser said it might have cost him the Hobbey but Blais got his point accross. I doesn't matter who you are. Don't work hard, you sit.

    Look at what happen at other schools, a perfect example of this is Tyler Arneson. While Dahl allowed him to get fat and lazy that wouldn't happen in the Blais camp. I think that is why dean didn't land him. Blaiser has won NCAA titles. Dahl has not won an NCAA game.

    A perfect example of hard work is Little Notterman, in his three years of me watching him I have never seen him take a shift off. Never. He is an example of hard work. That is why he plays, he has the right stuff to be a member of the fighting Sioux hockey team. I hope all of our guys play like that this season. Give me 20 notermans before I will take 5 Arnesons.

    I agree with a comment made earlier. Last season was unexceptable. UND is the FSU, Miami of college hockey. We will return to the top. It won't be long.

  22. Good for the Gophers in listening to their fans you would think that UND has lost every recruiting battle to them, however, I think UND sets up quite well over the next 4 years. Heres to a few more banners.

    Anyone excited yet about the season...

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