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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. What a shameless publicity stunt, new hockey sweaters is not sufficient reason to tweet that a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT IS COMING SOON. Never a good idea to deceive your fan base.
  2. I really don't see DU and Omaha defecting over the possibility of starting a new conference with Eastern Illinois, why would you leave the best conference to start a crap one? I'm not sure what conference is going to be interested in EI with exception of WCHA, and honestly I'm sure why they would even be interested. I'm with Sic, something seems a little bit shady with this report. I wish the rumors of schools like Iowa State, Boise, and Washington exploring D1 hockey were real, those would be solid additions to the NCHC!
  3. What a beautiful facility they're getting for $24 million, it really compliments their campus nicely. Wonder if UND has any concept renderings for a stand alone basketball facility circulating around the athletic dept. and alumni center?
  4. Looks like a disgruntled Sioux Nation is getting noticed by the top brass of the NCHC. Hopefully the new commish can do us some much needed justice! Brad Elliott Schlossman on July 17, 2013 at 5:04 pm said: I talked to the new commish this afternoon. He is aware that UND fans are irked and is trying to create a solution. - See more at: http://undhockey.areavoices.com/?p=94621#sthash.slmue6Ll.dpuf
  5. We definitely got the tall end of the stick, but it's far from good. I wish we still had all of our home games on Fox.
  6. Smart money says they sent the producers the flame logo and/or the crappy interlocking ND logo.
  7. First incident of sexual assault by an athlete (which is sadly inevitable) and we'll be known as the "rapers".
  8. Yeah, it's totally flipped around, I think the layout works better. Still a great place to drink a cheap beer and catch a game! I love how the booths have pics of all the patrons throughout the years, including many of the Fighting Sioux hockey team.
  9. The rock climber with the dog looks like something out of Disney cartoon.
  10. I agree, I'm not really seeing how this was a move in the right direction for us, especially now that it appears Denver's program is imploding. I think for fans of most schools in the NCHC only having a couple of games televised is probably a step up, but for us it is flat out unacceptable! If more schools had fans like UND college hockey would be a hot commodity for any network. I would almost rather UND rejoin the WCHA and have national coverage of every home game, than be in the NCHC and only be able to watch a handful.
  11. I like to sharpin' up over at Judy's before I go downtown. It's got a nice laid back atmosphere and the beer on tap is more than reasonably priced.
  12. It's a high school not a flagship state institution, if North Dakota wasn't the Rough Rider state I might be more inclined to agree with you.
  13. What was the point of that rant, you knew what I meant.
  14. Wow!!! What an amazing last minute rally by the Hawks!!!
  15. What's the deal with all these fouls??? Are the Hawks trying to lose?
  16. Hawks look awful tonight, their getting ran over.
  17. You're right, there is a huge difference between John Hopkins and UND institutionally, but if the Big 10 Sports Network wants UND to increase ratings then it could very well happen. However, I do not believe for one second that the BTSN would pay UND the same money for hockey that they do the other BTHC members. Lets be honest, the NCHC isn't going to dissolve anytime soon and the BTHC isn't shooting anyone an invite that isnt already a member of the club. No need to be a troll about it.
  18. Wow, this is a huge stretch. Why would Denver and Omaha, let alone CC put their premier hockey program in jeopardy? I really don't see NDSU, SDSU, and USD starting D1 hockey, it's way too expensive, not to mention the lack of recruits those programs would attract. I think the NCHC is going to be just fine and relevant for quite a while to come. Hahaha Summit League Hockey, it just sounds ridiculous
  19. Thanks guys! That makes much more sense now.
  20. Pardon my ignorance, but the Herald reported that Frattin signed a one way deal. Does that mean he's only contracted to play for Kings and not their minor league affiliate team?
  21. Which makes you wonder why there's no takers? There has to be more to the story than salary discrepancies, I'm guessing he's a nightmare for administrators to work with and other institutions know it. I think UAH would be a really good fit for him, they almost need each other to survive.
  22. I totally disagree with his assessment of President Kelley. I think Kelley's done an excellent job since he's been here and is definitely moving us in the right direction. I know there are quite a few people on this board who would disagree because of the Sioux logo issue, but he did what he felt was best for the institution regardless of how unpopular it was. In his time here so far we've reached our $300 million fundraising goal, been accepted into the best FCS D1 conference in the country, seen serious upgrades to current academic facilities as well as the construction of new ones. Love him or hate him, he's done way more good than harm and I hope he gets a raise and a contract extension.
  23. I haven't seen any architectural rendering about what phase 2 will look like, is there anything out there? Very curious what the locker rooms and weight rooms will look like.
  24. I think Fullerton is right about the "illusion of FBS", there is little to no incentive for teams to move up at this point. Athletic programs at UND, NDSU, SDSU, UM, and MSU would be hemorrhaging money to play in a third or fourth tier conference like the MAC, C-USA, AAC, or Sunbelt. The ship has sailed and we all have missed it. Best thing to do now is to figure out how we can build a strong conference with strong regional rivalries that will give both the student and alumni something to be anxious about as well as the regions in which they are televised. We need to start thinking of ways of rebranding FCS in the mid-west. Just my two cents on the situation.
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