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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. This has to be the saddest thread I have ever seen on SiouxSports. I can't believe you actually called the guy out by name and posted a picture of him for having a decal on his car??? This is a text book example of cyber bullying. I hope the mods lock this thread or erase it, it has no place here.
  2. Im with you. It's a day late and a dollar short. But it would make for an interesting documentary someday.
  3. Dont get me wrong, it's still loud, but not nearly as loud as previous years IMO.
  4. I agree with where you're coming from. But honestly, the amount of people yelling out Sioux at the end of the national anthem has gone down considerably. I honestly think that in ten years or so, newer generations will continue on the old traditions but with a new name. I may not like it, but I'd bet good money on it.
  5. I saw the one you're talking about. The material looks wrong as does the size of the Sioux head logo.
  6. Could Grand Forks sustain a minor league team? Were not exactly a city void of hockey venues to support. I'd almost rather have a minor league baseball team. That way I could drink beer, eat hot dogs, and watch baseball outside like God intended.
  7. If it has to be anything, Rough Riders has my vote.
  8. I really feel like UND has done a terrible job urging SIOUX fans to vote for Zane. They posted articles about it, but no direct hobey baker links on social media. I can't believe we're getting beat out by Michigan Tech fans on this. It's unacceptable, our fan base is much bigger. I wonder hat the hold up is?
  9. Lets be honest, would Mankato or Michigan Tech be rated so high if they played in the NCHC, especially after christmas? The truth will come out during the NCAA playoffs. I could be wrong but I have a feeling an NCHC team will be taking home the big prize this year.
  10. Would WMU really volunteer to leave the best hockey conference in the nation to join that list of dregs? True, they would be a good fit in that conference but I can't see their fan base being too happy about it, other than the opportunity to hit a few closer road games. If we can't expand the NCHC with the right schools then I'm against expansion all together.
  11. What happened to the majority of the promises they made during that impressive power point presentation to get into the league? They should have made them a probationary team.
  12. I think it's definitely looking that way. But if they add ASU wouldn't they need to add one more team to even it out? Normally I would have said Notre Dame would be the logical fit, but there's a lot of bad blood between the Irish and the Big Ten for that to happen. Unless they can snag BC (which is doubtful) Im wondering if there is another Big 10 team about to add hockey?
  13. With that said, I know I will most likely come across as a hypocrite but I kind of like the idea of adding Notre Dame. Not for the name recognition, but because they have nice facilities, the ability to grow a supportive fan base, and last but not least, a bitter disdain for all things Big Ten. It would be nice to see them on the schedule every year.
  14. I would appear that Arizona State is bound for the Big Ten Hockey Conference at the moment. But lets be honest, if it wasn't for their name recognition and student/alumni base we wouldn't even be considering them in the first place, they honestly don't bring anything to the table other than that. I was leery of the NCHC at first, but the last two seasons has made me a believer that this conference can not only be a magnet to top recruits but can also spawn some of the best, heated games and rivalries in the sport (I include the NHL in that statement). I like the idea of adding smaller schools who's athletic program and budget focuses primarily on hockey. These are the schools that will generate the best atmospheres, rivalries, and level of competition to attract the top end recruits. Let the big schools play corporate hockey, no one will be watching.
  15. That's too bad. I guess I'm listening to the game via radio tonight.
  16. Is tonight's game against CC being streamed anywhere online?
  17. The Big 12 is most likely only interested in Cincinnati and Memphis.
  18. I realize that ASU is not in any particular hurry to select a conference, but I'm wondering when they will make their decision and announcement. Im guessing it'll be sometime this summer, but that could significantly effect recruitment efforts.
  19. Hahaha...... St. Cloud and UND is the biggest rivalry in the NCHC??? What a joke. It's easily UND/ DU.
  20. According to the Star Tribune "The Gophers hockey Twitter account welcomed the Sun Devils after their announcement. The Big Ten retweeted the news and then deleted the post. " . That's intersting, why would they delete the post on Twitter? Why wouldn't the B10 want to welcome ASU?
  21. I don't think the Big 10 is interested in ASU. #1 they're not an AAU member as you mentioned. #2 They're are a geographical outlier with substantial travel costs. #3 They won't generate that much additional interest for their fan bases. #4 They want to reserve those spots for future Big 10 schools to make the jump. Seriously, if they were to make a play for any school during the conference shuffle it would have been Notre Dame and they clearly didn't. I honestly think we'll be hearing an announcement very soon from the NCHC welcoming ASU as the 9th member.
  22. I'm sure that if there is potentially another Pac-12 school seriously thinking about following suit (U. of Arizona) the NCHC most likely has the inside track and has most likely reached out to them. BGSU isn't a terrible school, I just think there might be better options out there for our conference that might be on the horizon. ASU is the canary in the mine, I think a lot of other Pac-12 schools are going to wait and see how it pans out and even then will probably wait a while to invest in D1 hockey. I think adding ASU is greta for UND as it will help foster a relationship between our two athletic departments and maybe a hockey rivalry might develop into a basketball, volleyball, football rivalry, etc.. down the road. Their fans seem excited about the prospect of playing the Sioux at home. Not to mention the additional NCHC tv subscribers.
  23. I agree. I understand that Miami wants/needs a travel partner, but BGSU is not exactly a quality add in my opinion. I also think that Pac-12 hockey is just around the corner and wonder how it will effect UND. Fortunately we have a strong traditional, passionate fan base, and kick a$$ facilities. Others in the NCHC are not so fortunate.
  24. Honestly, I would rather have BG over WMU. I don't think Iowa State would fit into the WCHA very well, they would most likely rather be in a conference with academically likeminded institutions (Miami, UND, Denver). I'd hate to see you guys go due to travel expenses, I think Miami v. UND could become the next great annual rivalry right up there with UND v. DU. I like the idea of Iowa State but it appears that ASU may be closer to pulling the trigger than the Cyclones, at least on the surface it does.
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