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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. I'm a student at UND and I've been making videos for non-profit organizations for the past several years. How could I get involved?
  2. Is it me or is the production value on "Through These Doors" substantially higher than "Opening Drive"?
  3. I, like many of you, was at the game last night and was not happy with the sloppy product on the field wearing the black and green uniforms. We got out played, out coached, and out classed by a very good Grizz team. I wonder how last nights loss is going to affect future ticket sells for the season. I have a feeling the Alerus is about to turn into a ghost town. The IPF can't come soon enough.
  4. Did anyone else see the BTHC commercial last night during the Notre Dame v. Michigan game? Looks like they're doing a great job of promoting their new conference.
  5. I must have missed the adds from last year, I buy all of my gear from the Sioux Shop at the Ralph. I was aware that the Herald and Dan Hammer had referred to us as the Green and White in the past. I'm just hoping it's not something that'll stick.
  6. I noticed at the game last night through advertising on the monitors that UND merchandise can be bought at the "Green & White" store. Normally I wouldn't care what they name the store that sells UND memorabilia, but im starting to get the feeling that the administration and media is trying to introduce this term to us as a potential new nickname. Is this all in my head, or is anybody else getting the feeling that were about to be spoon fed a terrible new moniker?
  7. Are we getting a jersey design? Or are we sticking with last years design with an NCHC logo patch?
  8. Why? They are a legitimate state flagship institution along with the other aforementioned schools and would add regional appeal. Idaho would also be another addition that would fit nicely.
  9. Looks like theyre about to blow it.
  10. I agree. I think UND will definitely continue to put a good product on the field, especially once the IPF is completed, recruitment should be ridiculous after that happens. As for the fans, they will show once UND starts winning. I think another major obstacle in terms of attendance is the Alerus. We a re lucky to have a nice indoor facility (especially during the winter months). However, the Alerus just doesn't feel like the home of UND football, a place where legends and traditions are born and celebrated. I know that UND isn't likely to raise $100-$300 million to build a new stadium anytime soon, and the current attendance figures sure doesn't justify the expense. But it sure would be sweet!
  11. Not a bad idea, but the WAC has added a lot of crap schools that I wouldn't want to be associated with.
  12. I actually believe NDSU would be fairly successful at the next level, possibly even a Boise State type program. However, I'm not sure what conference would take you that you would want to be associated with. The worst case scenario would be joining the Sun Belt, the best case is the MAC. And with the BCS ending this year, i'm not sure how or why you would justify the added expense. I know it's not a popular idea, but I think if UND, NDSU, SDSU, USD, UM, MSU, and a few other like institutions banded together and created a new FBS conference it would have a strong appeal and tradition with the regions it represent. Just a thought.
  13. I'm not sure where they'd go? MAC? Sun Belt? Not a lot of room at the Inn at the moment. Best option would be to create one using the WAC's old spot.
  14. The Bison played an impressive game last night and shocked a lot of arrogant K-State fans. Bohl is a hell of a coach, which leads me to believe he's going to be getting poached by an FBS team after this season.
  15. http://www.chacha.com/gallery/5655/what-are-some-of-the-easiest-colleges-to-get-into/53944
  16. I could see that. But as a recruit, what were your first impressions? Or do you think that potential recruits see it as a plus or minus? Serious question, not being a troll.
  17. The view of how cramped the locker rooms gives you a better appreciation of what the new IPF will do for recruitment and the overall morale of the players.
  18. I'm glad he found a good coaching opportunity at the next level. I'm sure he was difficult for administrators to work with, but he's got one heck of a record. Denver's going to go through some growing pains over this loss, and the NCHC is weaker as a result.
  19. No idea how many were there in person, the NCAA screws the pooch on poor tournament placement. But in terms of tv ratings North Dakota vs. BC in 2001 brought in more than 1.3 million, 2002Maine vs. Minn brought in 2.3 million, and the 2010 BC vs. Wis. got over 1.3 million. I looked but couldn't find the ratings for the 2013 Championship game.
  20. I'm sorry you feel that way, and maybe the use of the word "sucks" is a little harsh, "undesirable" would have been a better choice. But the low showing in both attendance and tv ratings would suggest that there is a lack of interest in this level of play. That doesn't mean that I don't follow UND football, it just means that I would like to see UND find a way to go to FBS or invest more resources in building a solid basketball program. At the end of the day athletics is an investment and at UND hockey and basketball offers more bang for the buck.
  21. Those are some interesting stats. However, I believe you'll find that almost 100% of NFL recruits come out of the NCAA, so that would mean that 79.9% came out of the FBS. Hockey is a different animal all together, 29.4% of NHL players may have came out of the NCAA, but what about the other professional leagues throughout the world? I'm guessing if you added that in, it would be substantially higher.
  22. I didn't have the ability, nor the desire. I played soccer at a small liberal arts college. Since this is a FCS vs. College hockey thread, my point is that an FCS championship is not on the same level as a D1 hockey championship. I could make a list of pro hockey players that played college hockey, but that would take way too long to complete. There have been some very good players who have come out of the FCS, but it's no where near as many coming out of the FBS. No need to take what I said so personal, it's just a message board.
  23. I'll be honest, NDSU has built a very impressive football program, and I totally understand why your students and alumni are psyched about winning back to back FCS championships. But at the end of the day an FCS championship is like winning a gold medal at the junior Olympics, sure it's great, but it's not really being king of the mountain. I would honestly say this if UND had accomplished what your team has at the FCS level, I'm seriously not trying to take a shot at NDSU. The truth of the matter is the only sport in which UND, NDSU, and everyone in our respective conferences can gain huge national attention from is basketball. Lets be honest neither of our schools are ever going to get an invite from a power 5 conference to compete for a real National Championship, but you have some control of your own destiny.
  24. I know I'll take a lot of flack for this one, but FCS football sucks. There's a reason tv networks aren't scrambling to ink conferences to huge multimillion dollar deals. For hockey fans NCAA D1 offers a much higher entertainment value, as you can watch players who have already been drafted give 100% to make to the next level and finally realize their dreams of signing that first pro contract. I'll take an NCAA D1 hockey national championship banner over an FCS banner any day of the week.
  25. It seems like a pretty efficient design on the site, very easy to navigate. I wish they would have added a fan forum section, it would be cool to interact with fans from other schools in the conference. In my opinion the NCHC has gotten off to a rough start, I think it was a huge mistake not finding a way to accommodate Notre Dame's NBC tv deal, especially when you see the declining state of Denver's program. We needed more big name schools with money to invest in the sport, instead we got St. Cloud. I really hope they can find a way to fix UND's tv schedule and make more games available, if not the NCHC might actually hurt our program more than staying in the WCHA.
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