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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. I saw this on the 5pm WDAZ newscast and it made my blood boil. http://www.valleynew...clipId=10139102 I am not sure what is worse, the bullying or the a$$-covering act of the Superintendent, whom I think might have attended the Robert Kelley School of Crisis Management: No Mr. Nohner, it could not be resolved "without going to Facebook" because you, the principal of the elementary school and the bus driver didn't do your freaking jobs. But if you want to start actually earning your salary, you can start by FIRING the Principal AND the Bus Driver in question. If you don't fix this, you will be looking at a lawsuit. And I can't think of a school district more deserving of a legal smackdown. If anyone wants to give Mr. Nohner your 2 cents, here is the contact info: Superintendent Mark Nohner 218-435-6036 mnohner@fosston.k12.mn.us End Rant.
  2. Then call me "lame" because that is what I do!
  3. Did something spook you.....
  4. I am starting to warm up to Oilers. And with all the cute headline ideas, I bet Schlossman is too.
  5. Yes, I think you are the only one that thinks that. But that doesn't mean you are wrong. I hope you are right; he deserves success as much as anyone.
  6. I agree with a lot of this, but please leave the partisan political crap out of it. All it does is start a political flame war, which usually ends with the thread being locked. I often am the black sheep on this forum when it comes to certain topics, but I am not afraid to speak my mind and I make an effort to back up my point of view. Just keep the personal cheap shots out of it (and don't respond to anyone else's cheap shots) and I think you'll be fine.
  7. I just hope he is prepared to ride the buses in the AHL for 3-4 years, if not longer. Someone please tell me if you believe I am wrong about that.
  8. You need both. You need that handful of studs that will stick around 2-3 years at most, but you also need that larger group of guys that stays four years and gets better from year 1 to year 2 and from year 2 to year 3 and so on. And I think Hakstol is starting to do this, so the next couple of years will be interesting.
  9. This is a good point. Timing is very important when it comes to public issues like this.
  10. Wasn't Charlie Crist the governor of Florida by the time all of this crap hit the fan? Anyway, I don't know if it would have made a difference for us or not. Remember, Al Carlson and his buddies went to Indianapolis to try and talk the NCAA out of their policy and it didn't work. The NCAA wasn't going to budge on this.
  11. I think part of the blame lies with UND and UND boosters. If we had engaged the tribes over the past 50 years or so and developed a working relationship instead of calling anti-nickname activists "bed wetters" and other demeaning terms, we might have been able to dodge this bullet. But we didn't, so we got dinged and we can't do anything about it now. I have moved on, but not without some regrets and a little bitterness over how we were treated by the NCAA and people like Ron His Horse Is Thunder.
  12. Then this whole question is permanently moot.
  13. Then how did UNC and ISU get on there? Shouldn't they be banned too?
  14. Probably something about ROI and/or TV ratings. What kind of ratings are ISU and UNC getting on televised games with their lousy track records? I am guessing it's not good.
  15. This doesn't surprise me. For years, Gerald Groenewold has pretty much gotten away with whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He forgot that he serves at the pleasure of the President of the University of North Dakota and that he isn't a private business owner. I for one don't feel sorry for him.
  16. As do I, but the older episodes are funnier.
  17. I think I can explain this nonsense. Ever since Karl Goehring graduated and moved on, no goaltender is good enough for our fan base. And our opponents always have the greatest goaltender in the history of the game. Hence "The Brad Schlossman Rule". Hence the annual tradition of blaming UND goaltenders for every loss, no matter how many shots he was peppered with and no matter how bad our offense was. I think a lot of people have taken this attitude and applied it to the NHL playoffs. I'm afraid there is not much we can do about it, but I share your disgust.
  18. I honestly don't have a favorite NHL team; I just like to watch good games and the Stanley Cup playoffs are as good as sports ever gets. I like it when former UND players make it in the big leagues in any sport, but that doesn't change which teams I like or don't like. Like MafiaMan has said before, the emphasis on having UND players make it in the NHL is not necessarily good for the program when that becomes the focus instead of winning championships at the collegiate level. If it has to come down to a trade-off, I will take winning championships at the NCAA level over having a bunch of former UND players in the NHL. I guess we all have different opinions on that, which is okay.
  19. If these kids don't think they fit in, they should leave. Having kids on the roster that don't want to be there is bad for team chemistry and bad for locker room culture. We might have to get worse before we get better and I am fine with that.
  20. Let's see..... A Wild-Blackhawks rematch from last year.....CHECK. Team Thug-N-Slug (Philadelphia) knocked out by the Rangers.....CHECK Getting Montreal out of the playoffs.....Opps, not yet. Overall, I like what is happening so far.
  21. Well said, this is good advice for all our fans.
  22. No, no, no, not that "Pride of Lions" crap. Some people at G.F. Central High School were pushing that in the mid-1990's. Thank God Knights was chosen. I have no problem with the others on your list, however.
  23. The radical surgery on the FB program continues for Bubba and his staff. Short-term pain...long-term success. Keep it up Bubba, you are the man!

  24. True, but this is all about the long-term and not the short-term. I can accept a couple of lean years if it leads to success down the road.
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