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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. The point is that if another school tried to use the big capitalized "M", they would be confused with Michigan all the time. I don't want North Dakota to be confused with Notre Dame, especially now that we are Division I in all sports.
  2. Thanks for the laugh! LOL
  3. Do you really think the average stiff sitting on their sofa at home will know the difference between North Dakota's interlocking "ND" and Notre Dame's interlocking "ND"? Do you think that same average stiff sitting on the sofa will be able to distinguish between the University of North Dakota and North Dakota State University if one of those schools has no athletic nickname and logo? I don't want us being called the "Bison" by anybody, accident or not.
  4. So it's preposterous to point out that having a name and logo that is recognizable to the general public helps generate interest in the school itself? Whatever you want to tell yourself. For my money, this statement is what is truly preposterous:
  5. .....which pays off in terms of exposure. When Gonzaga started making runs in the NCAA tournament in the early 2000's, they attracted potential students who otherwise would not have even heard of the school.
  6. They should have started out with 8 teams. They'll probably have to in the next couple of years as it becomes obvious that 4 leaves too many deserving teams out.
  7. One, that is an NHL team not a college. Two, Nashville's is an animal and ours would be a military plane. Hopefully there are some good ones on the final list.
  8. Well, I suggested Predators (the plane, not the animal) earlier, but nobody seemed to be interested. I like these ideas too.
  9. I'll be the first one admitting I was wrong on this forum and congratulating Hakstol on finally getting over the hump and cementing his status as a great (not just good) coach in the history of this great program. As for bandwagons, I have been on this program's bandwagon since I was 6 years old watching UND and Wisconsin play for the national title on television and I don't plan on getting off ever. And I wasn't taking personal shots at the Wooger; just stating a fact. I have nothing against Woog; everyone that knows him says he's a good guy. Although I did enjoy giving him lots of grief at the Old REA during the 1990's. Some people on here tonight need to take a chill pill and relax. Maybe it's the subzero cold getting to people?
  10. If we are that poor and destitute in the athletic department, why are we Division I at all? I just have a hard time believing we would have moved up without the necessary resources to be successful.
  11. No offense, but this is what I would call the Doug Woog Defense.
  12. Are we going to leave the Alerus Center anytime soon? I say no. The various renovation plans I have seen for Memorial Stadium will cost mad money and won't happen the next 10 years, if not longer. UND and Grand Forks are going to be long-term partners in this whether they like it or not, so I think it just makes sense for them to have a solid working relationship going forward.
  13. UND could work with the City of Grand Forks to get these things done. I don't think it's asking too much for Kelley and Faison to work with the city to make Alerus Center more UND-esqe. I am sick and tired of all the excuses as to why we can't do this and we can't do that. The people in positions of power in Grand Forks and at UND need to cut through the red tape and political challenges and do something with regards to making the Alerus Center look more like the home of UND football.
  14. If we can't afford this and can't afford that, we shouldn't have made this move up in the first place. But I think it's too late to rethink that. We need UND's administration to stop worrying about what people wear to athletic events and start figuring out how to upgrade our facilities to meet Division I standards.
  15. I remember hearing this during the 1980's when I was in grade school and my dad took me to the games we could get general admission tickets for, so it isn't something that just started 5 years ago. Doesn't mean I condone or endorse it, though. And you are right, the suits in Twamley Hall need to focus on upgrading our athletic facilities and finding new sources of revenue, because it isn't going to get any cheaper anytime soon. I do not want us to settle for being a low-major Division I school.
  16. What in the heck is going on with the women's hockey program? I am sick of playing second and third fiddle to Minnesota, Wisconsin and whomever else year after year. Idalski needs to figure this thing out and fast.
  17. As would I. But I don't see this happening. There is too much to lose.
  18. Yeah, there are about 40 bowl games now; every nickel and dime 6-6 team gets to go to a bowl game. Reward for the regular season.....what a joke. Have an 8-team playoff for the P5 and the G5, dump all these worthless bowl games and you have a pretty good system.
  19. Doesn't the ND Legislature have enough on its plate right now? Oh that's right, I forgot, this is the Legislature. Common sense doesn't apply.
  20. Maybe because the women's team is coming off of a Big Sky tournament title and a trip to the NCAA tournament, while the men are coming off another exciting appearance in the CIT? The jury is still out on the men's team, but you shouldn't be surprised at the frustration from our fans right now. I certainly am not.
  21. It would be better than "Green and White", "Sundogs", "Spirit" or "Flames".
  22. Not to start a fight here, but if this was a Tea Party protest that was interrupted by a motor vehicle, there would be people on here calling for a long prison sentence for the driver. Am I right? Simple question.* *Copyright 2015 GOBC. All Rights Reserved.
  23. What, Cowgirls? That is tame compared to some things I could have posted (not without being suspended that is). And Fudge Packers? That is an old one, surprised that you were shocked at its use. And please remember, while most politically correct people are progressive, most progressives are not politically correct. And that goes double for me.
  24. I believe this is the infamous "Tuck Rule" playoff game in 2002. Considering how strained the relationship between Al Davis and the rest of the league has been over the years, it makes you wonder.
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