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Everything posted by fightingsioux4life

  1. I called this when the media reported that his first action after being drafted by the Browns was to go to Las Vegas. Peyton Manning started studying the Colts playbook almost immediately upon being drafted #1 overall. The fact that Manning stayed all four years at Tennessee while Johnny Football left after two years at Texas A&M is another key difference that is starting to show itself. Just another bad pick by the Browns. I do feel bad for their fans; they deserve much better.
  2. I would argue that what is keeping Lennon's SIU team down is the absence of solid QB play. I doubt NDSU wins even one FCS title if they had the pedestrian QB's that Lennon has been stuck with since he got there.
  3. With regard to the assistant coaches and players? Yes, that is what I have heard. His people skills with the media have never been all that good.
  4. He learned from his failures in Cleveland in the early 1990's and improved his people skills. The result is what the Patriots are today.
  5. I think it was a Park District deal. A lot of high school and American Legion games take place at Kraft Field, so even if UND dropped its program they still need a decent baseball park there.
  6. The truth is that there isn't a single head coach of a college team that will walk up to a microphone and tell the media and the whole world that their recruiting class was anything short of great. As Denny "Take a Knee" Green used to say "The proof is in the pudding." We won't know how this class shakes out for a couple of years. Having said that, I have much more confidence in Bubba and his staff than in the previous regime and I think we are headed in the right direction.
  7. No comment.
  8. Well, now she knows how I felt on January 24th, 2010. It still hurts to this very day. But if it makes her feel any better, I imagine Joe Buck had the same problem last night!
  9. Because you don't freaking get it. Does that answer your question?
  10. You can bet Fox NFL Sunday won't want to talk about it because it would spoil the Packer Suck-Up Show they have prepared for Sunday. That is reason enough to want the Seahawk defense to shove that State Farm Discount Double-Check down Aaron Rodger's throat.
  11. Nowhere. Remember, this is UND, where we are just happy to have teams to watch and you are a "bad fan" if you dare question the student-athletes or the coaching staff for anything. Flame away people, but that is how men's basketball is treated in Grand Forks. And that is a shame.
  12. Thank you ira for injecting some common sense and calm into the discussion. Agree 100%
  13. You just proved my point.
  14. The point is that if another school tried to use the big capitalized "M", they would be confused with Michigan all the time. I don't want North Dakota to be confused with Notre Dame, especially now that we are Division I in all sports.
  15. Thanks for the laugh! LOL
  16. Do you really think the average stiff sitting on their sofa at home will know the difference between North Dakota's interlocking "ND" and Notre Dame's interlocking "ND"? Do you think that same average stiff sitting on the sofa will be able to distinguish between the University of North Dakota and North Dakota State University if one of those schools has no athletic nickname and logo? I don't want us being called the "Bison" by anybody, accident or not.
  17. So it's preposterous to point out that having a name and logo that is recognizable to the general public helps generate interest in the school itself? Whatever you want to tell yourself. For my money, this statement is what is truly preposterous:
  18. .....which pays off in terms of exposure. When Gonzaga started making runs in the NCAA tournament in the early 2000's, they attracted potential students who otherwise would not have even heard of the school.
  19. They should have started out with 8 teams. They'll probably have to in the next couple of years as it becomes obvious that 4 leaves too many deserving teams out.
  20. One, that is an NHL team not a college. Two, Nashville's is an animal and ours would be a military plane. Hopefully there are some good ones on the final list.
  21. Well, I suggested Predators (the plane, not the animal) earlier, but nobody seemed to be interested. I like these ideas too.
  22. I'll be the first one admitting I was wrong on this forum and congratulating Hakstol on finally getting over the hump and cementing his status as a great (not just good) coach in the history of this great program. As for bandwagons, I have been on this program's bandwagon since I was 6 years old watching UND and Wisconsin play for the national title on television and I don't plan on getting off ever. And I wasn't taking personal shots at the Wooger; just stating a fact. I have nothing against Woog; everyone that knows him says he's a good guy. Although I did enjoy giving him lots of grief at the Old REA during the 1990's. Some people on here tonight need to take a chill pill and relax. Maybe it's the subzero cold getting to people?
  23. If we are that poor and destitute in the athletic department, why are we Division I at all? I just have a hard time believing we would have moved up without the necessary resources to be successful.
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