I'll take "Completely missing the point for $500, Alex."
Maybe you are okay with what happened last night, but I am not.
This is a fan forum. People come on here to vent after a loss and celebrate after a win. Don't act shocked when people do those things.
As for ".....appreciate the efforts of a group of young men, trying their hardest to not disappoint", this isn't freaking high school athletics, although watching how UND runs their athletic department, it is hard to tell the difference sometimes. All that is missing is selling baked goods at the front door.
And no, my "self-esteem" is not measured by what happens at a sporting event. But I wouldn't be a fan if I didn't care whether or not the team does well. That is called indifference and it is the polar opposite of love, not hate as some people think.
Don't agree with this. That is fine, but please don't tell me what and how to think. Thank you.