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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. My Top 10: Warriors Warhawks Roughnecks Reapers Mallards Nighthawks Frackers Badlanders Berzerkers Stallions
  2. This list of approved names is a joke. Sure there are obviously ones on there that are just plain awfaul like "dirt", "cube", and "2%ers" that have zero chance of making the next cut. But how is "Seminoles" on the approved list? That is why this list of under consideration and not under consideration lists are complete crap.
  3. The number one proirity (which isn't going to break the bank) is getting rid of the old Big Sky logo and replace it with the new one. UND never played in the Big Sky when it had that logo. It is embarasing to see it on our court when every other school has updated their court. Come on REA/Betty/UND AD. This isn't that hard!!
  4. While I uderstand and appreciate the process being transparant and releasing the data for all the names submitted and the reasons why, I really would hope they would release follow up data showing all names listed that are eligible and clear up this whole issue of names being on both lists.
  5. Hak and that guy on ESPN from the 2011 Frozen Four approve as well!!
  6. So, this thread has been very quiet this past week. Nothing has come out as far as players leaving. Just wondering if that is typical? Usually we hear within the first wwk or two about guys leaving early. Haven't heard anything official on anybody!! Is no news good news? Anyone have any uipdates? I appologize for freaking everyone out seeing this thread pop up again!
  7. While I can agree that there are people in the "no nickname" crowd that want their to be no nickname because they fear anything else just isn't going to be good enough. Unfoirtunately, the result of going with no nickname will result in the "Fighting Sioux" being the unnoficial nickname as UND. People can and will still refer to them by the old name. So while the NCAA got what they want and got UND to officially retire the name, having no name to replace it will result in the old name to continue to be used. And the NCAA deffinitely does not want that.
  8. Wow, did this thread derail!!!
  9. What people need to realize is replacing the Fighting Sioux name with something else doesn't erase the history of the Fighting Sioux from the University of North Dakota. No one is saying that we need to forget about the old name. No one is telling people to throw all their Fighting Sioux apparel away and buy up all the merchandise with the new logo. Moving forward does not mean forgetting about the past. That being said, there is a fine line between remembering the old name and honoring its place in UND history and holding on to the name and not adjusting or adapting to the new name.
  10. The pep band used to wear Fighting Sioux jerseys while playing at hockey games. They now wear the new "North Dakota" jersey. So there is your proof. Just look around next time you are at a game and you will see there are others with just "North Dakota" apparel on, in all sports. Use your eyes to see what people are wearing. That is your proof.
  11. As much as some people will disagree with me and/or deny it, there is less and less Fighting Sioux apparel being worn at games. And yes even hockey games!
  12. Stars = shooting stars = Shooting Star Casino = White Earth Reservation = native americans = hostile and abusive!!
  13. Well, one of their nicknames is the North Star State. Either way, North Stars shouldn't be considered. Stars, possibly. Just not North Stars.
  14. Indiana - "The Hoosier State" Iowa - "The Hawkeye State" Nebraska - "The Cornhusker State" North Carolina - "The Tar Heel State" Ohio - "The Buckeye State" Oklahoma - "The Sooner State" Oregon - "The Beaver State" Wisconsin - "The Badger State" Anyone see a pattern here? These state nicknames are all mascots for schools IN THAT STATE!! Minnesota is "The North Star State." UND picking "North Stars" just doesn't make sense. I am not advocating for the UND "Peace Gardeners", just pointing out that schools that pick state nicknames as their mascots always reside in that state.
  15. Pretty sure the Tri City North Stars did not have to get exclusive rights from the Dallas Stars to use the name. Which brings up another point. So no one wants to be the Roughriders because there is a High School in Grand Forks with the same nickname, but using the same name as our barely semi pro football team is OK?!! Also, Minnesota is the "orth Star State" That would be so dumb to pick North Stars.
  16. Like I have said before. We can debate till the cows come home whether or not UND has to adopt a new nickname or not. The real debate is why people would not want UND to have a new nickname. My theory that not having a new nickname allows the old name to remain as the unofficial nickname is valid. Just look how many schools, boradcasters, etc still refer to us as the Fighting Sioux. So we are alrady living in the world just being North Dakota and not having a name. Is this the world we want to live in forever as UND fans? Where some people refer to our teams as the Sioux, some just say North Dakota, and some do both and can't decide. To me, this is not what is best for the University, its athletic teams, atheletes, and its fans. All of us as fans rallied around the Fighting Sioux name. It unifies us. Just like a nickname does at other schools. If things stay the way they are now, that is going to be very difficult to happen. So debate on whether no nickname is allowed, but IMO, having a new nickname to rally around and unify the school, the teams, and the fans is what is best for UND.
  17. "provided the University remains in compliance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement." Funny how you and others keep forgetting that part. The terms of the settlement stated that UND had to adopt a new nickname. Any the addendum that was signed states that UND must ramin in compliance with that. It really is that simple. Not sure what is so hard to understand about that.
  18. Let me sum up why people don't want UND to choose a nickname. People have come to realize, finally, that UND will never again be the Fighting Sioux. Whether voices weren't heard or not, UND is not going to fight that losing battle again. So for people who are passionate about the name and don't want UND to be known by anything else, by supporting "no nickname" as an option, it allows people to not have to cheer for a new name and still unofficially refer to UND teams as the Fighting Sioux. With the absense of a name, many will just revert back to the old name. Now we can have a debate on whether the NCAA required UND to adopt a new name to prevent this from happening. But you can not deny that the "no nickname" crowds main reason for UND not to adopt a new name is so they can refer to UND as the Fighting Sioux. They just don't want to admit it. They can say things like "no nickname is unique" and "just North Dakota would be just fine" but we can see through your reasoning. Now I am one that wanted UND to remain the Fighting Sioux and supported the Universities fight against the NCAA when the fight was still winneable. It is clearly not anymore. It is time to move on and select a new name that we can rally around. "North Dakota" simply does ot do that. Now if I am way off and you just want UND to just be known as North Dakota and it is not for the reason I stated, I guess that's fine. But tell me how often you yell the words "Go UND" or "Go North Dakota" at a UND sporting event. Once you do it 1 or 2 times, you will realize a new name is needed.
  19. Benny /Baker, mksioux. Put all the legal stuff aside for a second. Why do you want UND to have no nickname? You and the other "no nickname" people have yet to answer my question. What is your reasoning?
  20. Ok. Let's say that UND can go without a nickname. Is that really what you want? And one question that all you "no nickname" people fail to answer is...why do you want UND to not have a nickname? Is it because you loved the Fighting Sioux nickname so much that you feel no other name is worthy to replace it? Is it because having no nickname will still allow "Fighting Sioux" to be the unofficial nickname of UND without having to pick a new one? Someone in the "no nickmame" crowd please tell the reason that you don't want the University of North Dakota to have any identity for its athletic teams. I will hang up and listen!!
  21. Putting all the legal mumbo jumbo aside....not having a nickname and being just "North Dakota" is super lame. "Go North Dakota"....yeah, that's something I want to yell at games!!
  22. Every team in the league has drafted first round picks that are a bust. It is not just the Vikings. Sure Ponder and Williamson ended up being busts. But its not like the Vikings haven't drafted good players in the first round over the years. Funny how Vikings haters seem to leave out these guys: 2014 - Teddy Bridgewater 2014 - Anthony Barr 2012 - Harrison Smith 2009 - Percy Harvin 2007 - Adrian Peterson 2006 - Chad Greenway Besides Percy Harvin, all of those guys are still on the team and are all productive starters at their possession. Harvin is gone, but he was offensive rookie of the year! So while the Vikings, like every other team, have had busts, the Vikings have deffinitely made some great draft picks as of late.
  23. I all seriousness, that was a pretty awesome moment. A guy that had been with the program all those years and gave it is all every day in practice knowing that he would probably not play. Says a lot about the character about Tate Maris. When he made the save on the only shot he faces, the place went nuts!! A much well deserved moment for Tate!!
  24. How could anyone forget the final home game of the year on March 17th, 2012 with the long, overdue, and much anticipated debut of Tate Maris!! Statistically the best goalie to ever play for UND.
  25. AP right now is better than any RB that any team could pick up in the draft and better than any running back that a team is willing to trade. So why would the Viking want to get rid of him. You can say all you want about his age and his declining numbers, but who that the Vikings even have a chance at getting through trade or draft would be any better? Until someone can give me an answer to that, I'll stil with AP.
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