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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. The key to offensive success, especially relating to QB success, really depends on the support the QB (whover that is) gets. An improved offensive line will help that, obviously. Other players on offense will have to step up to make the QB's job easier. That being said, If we can develop a defensive as good as ones we know UND can have under Bubba, the offensive numbers don't have to be out of this world. Our offfensive won't have to put up huge numbers if our defense can hold teams down. If our defensive can shut the other team down, scoring 17-24 points a game may be enough to win. Obviously out of the ordinarry for games in the offensive minded Big Sky, but UND can be very god and stand out and the defensive power house we know they can be. LAst year was a huge step. This year could be a statement!
  2. I think we all realize what voting "North Dakota" really means
  3. OK, looks like I will have to do the math for some people on here. No nickname (or North Dakota in the poll) got 33.64% of the total votes. The other 6 got 66.36% vote combined. So a logical conclussion would be that 66.36% of people favored either Roughriders, Nodaks, Green Hawks, Fighting Hawks, North Stars or Sundogs. The poll didn't ask simply nickname or no nickname, but it is fair to make the conclusion based on the numbers.
  4. http://www.inforum.com/news/3767454-inforum-poll-finds-und-fans-want-north-dakota If 33.64% of the people voted to have no nickname and just be 'North Dakota', do some quick math and tell me me what percentage voted for a differenct nickname. I'll save you some time and just let you know that it is MORE than 33.64%
  5. Alright, time for a reality check for all those "no name" "just be North Dakota" supporters out there. In case you all forgot, I direct you to the voting results from the June 15th committee meeting that narrowed the list down to the current 7. http://und.edu/university-public-affairs/nickname/6-15-15.cfm "North Dakota" finished last in the remaining 7 and it was last with a bullet. Recieving 14 less votes than the 6th highest point getter Green Hawks. The list will be most likely narrowed down to 2-4 finalist to be voted on. If you think that all of a sudden the committee is going to springboard a name option to make a final 3, you are kidding yourselves. Sure it may be popular with many fans, but the fans don't get a say, YET. The committee is responsible for narrowing the list down again for a final vote. If they follow the trend in this latest vote, "North Dakota" will not be moving forward.
  6. You mean everyone will know that the U?niversity of North Dakota is the only school without a nickname. "The team formerly known as the Fighting Sioux". The school where some people refer to the teams as North Dakota, some refer to them as the Sioux, some just yell "let's go guys/girls" at games. Is this the identity you want UND to have?
  7. OK, so let me add another choice for you: F) Other. and please explain your reason.
  8. bigskyvikes, are you a fan of being just "North Dakota" because : A) By being "North Dakota" and not having a nickname, UND will unnoficially be known as the Fighting Sioux and you can still reference them as such B) You are a stubborn "Fighting Sioux Forever" fan who refuses to move on from the old name C) You are a hockey only fan that doesn't want UND to have a new logo that will replace the Fighting Sioux logo on your jersey D) You want UND to risk not fullfilling the settlement agreement with the NCAA that no one has asked if UND would be violating by staying just North Dakota E) All of the above
  9. So Going to one of the Power conferences is not an easy task to say the least. Sure UND could do all the things you listed above. But, the most importatnt requirement that you didn't list is the BIG10 actually wanting UND and inviting them into the conference. A lot of money could be spent with no gaurantee of the BIG or any power conference wanting to extend an invitation. Sure, you can think big. But, the Big10 is not going to invite any Dakota school. An UND is not going to raise and spend up 3/4 of a billion dollars on a slim chance to join a conference. (Don't we always make fun of Bison fans talking about joining the BIG 12 in all sports??)
  10. When I look at that, I instantly think "Roughriders"!! I'll pass/
  11. Anyone that Sundogs ranked higher than 7th in the remaining list I find hard to take seriously!!
  12. With all this controversy over flags lately, might be a bad idea!
  13. Don't you mean "Hoe Gardeners"?!!
  14. So do you suggest that UND become the Peace Gardeners then?!!
  15. We cannot worry about what other schools would potentially say or do when they play UND. If fans are going to be that disrespectful and immature, than that is their problem and their schools problem, not UND's. Also, do you really see this even happening? Say it was your intention to do it. How the hell is someone from the stands going to get a condom on to the playing field/court. Would be tough even from the front row!! Unless they intend to throw an entire box out.! Point being, I don't think this is even a clever idea. Condoms aren't really the first thing you think of when you hear Roughriders.
  16. Sundogs does not need any other reasons to not consider it a valid nickname idea. It fails on its own merits!
  17. Good luch in your endeavors. Might be easier to convince the NCAA to let UND use the Fighting Sioux name again!!
  18. 1) North Dakota - not a nickname. it's our state name. 2) North Stars - nickname for Minnesota. 3) Nodaks - what is a Nodak? What's the logo going to be besides the wrd "Nodaks" 4) Fighting Hawks - not awful, but why do we have to the the Fighting _______'s. 5) Sundogs - probably the worst nickname idea ever. Abdominal snowmen was better!! 6) Roughriders - Best possible option among remaining names that most fits the criteria laid out by the committee. 7) Green Hawks - so unorriginal that we paid 100K to have experts come up with the PC garbage! So using that rationale, Roughriders is 1, Fighting Hawks is 2nd (but a distand secod) and the rest are pure garbage. (IMO of course)
  19. Tough times for Bo and Luke Duke!! Better park the General Lee for awhile!!
  20. Luke Skywalker an Han Solo were in the Rebel Alliance. I'm not going to sit here and here you bash all rebels!!
  21. "Flags don't kill people, Twinkies do." Run with it!!
  22. "It was their Superbowl" "It's just a non conference game, conference games are way more important" "I'd rather lose now than in the playoffs, so this loss is not that bad" Some new ones for you maybe!!
  23. There are 7 names left. (6 technically). Please tell me a better name form the reaming list that you think UND should adopt as their new nickname? We all get it. This process has been a s#%t show. You are not alone in your thinking. But face reality. UND's new nickname is one of those final 7. It's true, a lot of good names are not one of the remaining names. That sucks. This is what we are stuck with. For better or worse. Again, tell me a better name from the 7?
  24. That is if imaginary friends are able to have jobs!
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