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Everything posted by bang

  1. bang

    2015 Recruiting

    Looks like a good kid. Lead the lakes conf. in sacks. I wouldn't argue with him being put either place cause he looks like he's got the speed. Like most high school kids he's got some over pursuit issues. Which I see as a good thing, means he's aggressive.
  2. bang

    2015 Recruiting

    I thought we were looking at him as a OLB. Is that right?
  3. Here's my take. I don't care if you're a football school, you play some games on ESPN and there which if it's not FBS football doesn't mean much cause we all know they'll delay it for a high school sport or lacrosse anyway. What matters is your fan base. Kids want to go play in front of a crowd where the facilities are superb and UND has it. A blue chipper is not going to want to play second, third, fourth fiddle to a bunch of other sports on his own campus just so he can play a couple of regular season games on ESPN or Fox. They ultimately want to play that big game at the end on ESPN and his regular season home games in front of 11,500 in the best rink in the nation. I haven't looked for a couple years but a few years ago Ohio State averaged 1,700. I know it's improved but I bet there is more UND fans at a Denver UND game at Magness Arena than Ohio State fans in their own rink. What I'm saying is what matters to hardcore college hockey fans is winning. These TV contracts aren't what we want. Half the time these !@#!$ contracts prevent us from watching UND anyway. I wouldn't mind Fox but these other national TV stations Root, CBSSN, NBCSN and especially ESPN all suck at covering college hockey and I doubt the money they pay is all that high. Alright I'm done. UND hockey is fine and will be for quite some time. These new big schools will have a steep road to climb some will make it some won't, but along the way some of those big schools will get to play a Saturday afternoon game in front of 2000 people in a 15,000 seat arena joined in progress on NBCSN after a Syracuse vs Villanova women's badketball game. How exciting for those kids.
  4. Let's see what happens. I'm afraid you maybe right.
  5. bang

    2015 Recruiting

    I'm not sure they sign. They enroll and then get cleared to play. I'm sure a lot of homework is done to make sure they'll be eligible but I think as soon as they are released from their present school they can enroll anywhere. I could be wrong on this though cause juco's do have a signing date.
  6. bang

    2015 Recruiting

    Let me get everyone including any Bison fans who post on here to get this thread back on track. Any news at all out there on recruits? Trey Anderson updates, UAB former player updates anything at all?
  7. bang

    2015 Recruiting

    The mods provide a service that none of us pay for. Take it easy on them. If we have to navigate around some morons from NDSU who cares. I understand your reasoning but it's their show let them run it how they want too or how they see fit.
  8. bang

    Enough said

    Jeez, your a goofball.
  9. This is an interesting thread. Recapping the last few pages. Somebody makes a observation that Wentz is a marginal FCS QB this causes his uncle to come on and defend him. Also, it causes NDSU fans to argue on a UND board. Everybody gripes about a HS basketball game delaying a semifinal college football game and oh ya there is some mention of NDSU going for four in a row against another MVC opponent. I'll start with Wentz he's a good QB. I would have loved to see him at UND. If he was my nephew I'd stick up for him to. Who can argue about a starting QB that played the whole year leading his team to the national championship game. As for the NFL, you never know. Nobody does not even the so called experts. Hall of famer Tom Brady was a 6th rounder. The future will hold the answer to that. My opinion is that he ends up on a practice squad. As for the NDSU fans spatting on Siouxsports about NDSU football. So be it, atleast it's better than reading GF Hockey and Darrell argue about who's living in their parents basement and how one can drink themselves sober while getting his drinks bought by a guy or guys that may or may not run the town of GF. The high school game is bull but there isn't one thing we can do about it as long as ESPN remains the sports network with all the postseason contracts. It happens to UND hockey to, it sucks the end. Lastly, good luck to NDSU. Four in a row is a great accomplishment. Oh ya, I almost forgot see you dinks next september19th. That game will start on time.
  10. Everyone's interpretation of this differs. When I was in High School. When we played Red River I was aware when we were the visitors but that was it. I always felt like it was a home game even when we were on the opposite sideline. We played one home game in the Fargodome for some stupid reason. At any rate I felt that game was an away game. It was a home game only on paper. Ofoci ally it was an away game when played Red River and home game when we played at the dome no matter how I felt. Not that I'm going to give you guys the answer, just giving my opinion when I played.
  11. Mollberg and I'm sure there is more but yes NDSU has lately won a majority of them. Better question do you ever post on Bisonville?
  12. bang

    2015 Recruiting

    This is exactly right. In fact I think we need atleast one more Juco/transfer OL and I'd welcome two more. We need depth there. To right this ship unconventional things need to be done. I'm glad our coaching staff recognizes that.
  13. bang

    FBS games

  14. Wander what they're paying him? Whatever it is Nebraska is paying 1.8 Million dollars of his earinings per year for the next 51 months (according to wikipedia). Not sure if it signifies a move to FBS. The team I believe hasn't made the playoffs since 2006, They average around 14,000-16,000 fans but are leaving 4000-6000 seats empty per game. Not sure FBS would bring much more interest, especially if they aren't winning.
  15. bang

    2015 Recruiting

    Anyone heard anything on Trey Anderson? I know at one point we were still hot after him not sure if things had changed or not.
  16. I might be mistaken but I believe he went to Stanford and pitched there.
  17. As Sgt. Hulka would say. "Lighten up, Francis".
  18. God, I hope not.
  19. Maybe, but a new D-bag moves there everyday and starts a whole new of group of imbreads.
  20. Let's just hope they aren't in your crawl space. Fetch, every small community that's tight knit has a segment of its population that has that attitude.
  21. Probably a bunch of fake money to go along with all the fake decisions they make. Actually if they do exist "which I don't doubt there is a bunch of guys with money that the GOBC is based on" they probably will have a lot to give to phase two. By the way what did gf hockey do to get a suspension? That's twice now in six months I think. What a character, annoying at times but always entertaining.
  22. Your last sentence is exactly why Roger Thomas didn't play NDSU in 2004 or whenever it was. It impeded on winning a championship. His reason was a clearly written NCAA rule. The reason you don't want to play UND is because it's a non conference game. You need to be more specific here on why a non conference game stands between NDSU and another title. I just don't see the obstruction other than losing.
  23. Who is trying to quit playing these games? NDSU or Incarnate Word? This would be the first time I've ever heard of a team not playing another team because they want to establish/maintain a certain recruiting area. I geuss its the old wrestler logic where two people go head to head and the winner is deemed the better of the two.
  24. Painfully I've read thru the last few pages of post or atleast most of them. So what I'm getting is some Bison fans don't want to play UND cause they have nothing to gain from it. Which I get, a loss to UND would suck for them great for UND. Two Questions I would like to ask. 1) All losses suck, but ones where you lose to opponents at a lower division can be devastating. Like what NDSU did to Minnesota or Sioux Falls to UND. Although this is not the case here both teams are in the same division. A loss to UND is no worse than a loss to Incarnate Word. Why play that game if that's your reasoning? 2) If your reasoning remains nothing to gain. Should all FBS teams never schedule FCS teams again? That meaning no more K State, Kansas, Minnesota, Ball State and Colorado State games. Those teams obviously have nothing to gain by playing NDSU.
  25. bang

    UND at SUU

    Whatever he's doing I bet he's kicking ass.
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