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Everything posted by bang

  1. Maybe a cash drive is not the answer. Bemidji State has a golf event every year called the Galen Nagle (a former Beaver player who died of cancer a few years back). The event raises around $30,000 every year and all proceeds go to BSU mens hockey. Maybe we should push for an event like this. That might be our best avenue. Plus it stirs more interest in the program and gets former players together every year.
  2. I assume Saturdays game you would be able to pick up on Midcontinent, but I doubt you'll be able to find it on Paul Bunyan.
  3. bang

    New Jerseys

    I like the idea of finding if there is enough interest in it. If there is we would have to secure with university if we can even start a fund that goes directly to the football team. After that we probably need to create a non-profit organization with a treasurer ect.. This could be a yearly club that all proceeds would go to UND football. The money would go directly to the coaching staff to be sent as they see fit towards the football program. Again I don't know if any of this is realistic or if there is enough interest but its an idea.
  4. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    That is odd.
  5. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    That makes since. I can't remember if he was a PWO or not but the LB from Texas last year came far after the signing day. I hope that a CB does show up but at this point it sounds like a LB is all they are expecting. Thanks for the info.
  6. Can anyone confirm the Jared Tuilagi transfered to Southern Utah? I've seen stuff about it but never anything confirmed.
  7. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    Kind of reminds me of the Aarin Smith situation from a couple years ago. I believe that was academically related. Of, course with Opara committing the morning of signing day they might not have any scholarship money for him. I would say either one of these two explanations would be the reason for the Opara situation.
  8. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    God I hope not. I wouldn't think so since we aren't specifying her son to go to a certain school. Anyways the internet is a iffy thing. I mean somebody from Montana State could come on here and totally sabotage us by telling a recruit to come to UND.
  9. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    He runs hard, gets alot of yards after intial contact I like that also he seems to have good vision. If he had better speed you might see him get some offers. I can't really give you any good advice having only watched a couple minutes of highlights, but if he has passion for the game anything is possible. Some players who play hard can make a career of being a special teams player.
  10. Lombardi never played in the NFL. Gretzky didn't have great success coaching in the NHL.
  11. You're right the fire Hak comments are completely moronic. I can understand but don't agree with the fire Muss comments. But the fire Bina comment on Siouxsports.com blows my mind. As far as your sources go, I guess I'll just have to believe you like I believed Manti Teo had a girlfriend that died.
  12. If you're going to call people out you should have a better argument then "that's what I was told".
  13. I believe the first time was 1981.
  14. Well at any rate I'm not wasting much more time with this. I'm sure Bina is not in this for the money. In fact I know he's not. They said the same crap about Chuck Ness when he coached and I've been told by actual people that went on to play at college and minor pro hockey levels. That Chuck was a heck of a hockey mind but maybe would've been better with college aged players. Either way the schools are getting a heck of a deal on these guys. They don't get paid much and they are there for kids. They don't need some guy repeating on a blog what he heard from a parent after he drank 20 budweisers. Enough said.
  15. Ok, I can't resist I need to say something here. Geaux_sioux, you give me the year they won it before Bina and I'll tell you the talent. Also you tell me the year they should've won it, along with all the talent on that given team.
  16. Maybe in ten years it will be dead, probably not since the schools play in other sports. At any rate it's not dead right now or else you wouldn't be on here commenting about it.
  17. The reason this game needs to be played is tradtion and history. You don't need to dig any further. I watched a documentary the other day on the Michigan-Ohio State football series. I loved it, it made me want to be a Wolverine or Buckeye fan. It's just a great event that is good for both programs. People who don't get tickets for the game are just as excited as those who do. I think this point is being lost with Bison fans. The amount of tickets sold for that game maybe won't increase but the amount of interest in both programs will grow exponentially. People that most days don't care about football at all, will all of a sudden become huge football fans. Chemistry professors that don't know what a first down is will make bets with their counterparts about a sport they don't care about. All that they know is that its pitting school vs school and that's what matters. So in my opinion this is why the game needs to be played.
  18. With all this depth at WR and more real good ones coming. I wonder what the odds are that some of these lower depth WR's become DB's. I see that Romon Bridges had 46 tackles as a senior. I know he's small but if memory serves correctly he's a speedster which may make him a canidate for CB.
  19. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    Who else besides Riddle do we have at QB (or had)?
  20. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    I read he was not going to further his football career and was attending a school in Ohio perhaps Ohio State. I aslo read that NDSU offered him as LB a couple of days ago. Of course I have no insider info, this is completely what I've read from this site.
  21. bang

    2013 Recruiting

    If they are talking a RB in IL we only have one listed on Wiki which is Direll Clark. He's listed as having two offers from Big 10 schools as well as several other offers.I assume its not him, but what a catch it would be if it is.
  22. I don't comment on here often but this is the time of the year where things take shape for next year and I like to throw my two cents in. First of all can anyone confirm or refute that Olliver, Tuilagi and Kennedy left the team if so are their any others? I know it was talked about but never had any confirmation on those guys. Second thing is I agree with everyone on Sparks but I also thought Shaugabay looked good as well. Lastly, the secondary was well you know what last year. Does anyone have any insight of how the defensive back field might look next year? I hope to see Butler, Lewis and the Browns, but what about the young guys like Idowu. We need change there in the worst way.
  23. Here are some of the biggest most heated rivalries in all of college football Oklahoma vs Texas, Michigan vs Ohio State,Florida vs Florida State, Auburn vs Alabama, Notre Dame vs USC. They all have become rivalries for different reasons, but the one thing each and every one of these rivalries have in common is history and tradition. Rivalries, as the one UND has with NDSU don't happen over night. Yes I said has with NDSU. Even though UND and NDSU hasn't played in football in seven years its still our most heated rivalry. You can see on the message boards. There is more NDSU people on Siouxsports.com than any other school we're currently playing. Granted I don't think there is as many UND fans on there boards, but if we start playing each other it won't take long for everybody to be back to normal hatred. I remember as a kid going to the games against USD, SDSU, UNC and UNO those four games had a high level of energy. The NDSU games on the other hand had a higher level of energy with massive amount of pent up anger that reached into the stands. That stuff is hard to duplicate.
  24. I agree 100%
  25. I agree with just about everything you're saying. As far Ray Richards golf course's location it is straight north about a half mile from the Alerus and across the street at the corner of Demers and 42nd street.
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