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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I don't think we'll continue winning at the current pace, but no way does this team fall off like last year. Though our schedule doesn't help us. I find it odd that other teams fans tell us were not good, because we haven't played on the road. Even INCH has been making cracks at this. It's not our fault that the WCHA has put us in this situation two years in a row. Any team would rather have more home games towards the end of the season instead of the beginning. I doubt you'll ever see the WCHA's precious Gophers have to play a backhalf loaded with away conference games like we have the past two years.
  2. Whatever happened to putting a indoor bubble deally over the playing surface memorial? I realize it's probably expensive and maybe there just isn't a good way to do this. I believe the track is fairly new and with the eastern stands gone, you could put some nonrunning events inside as well. Plus soccer has practiced on the field before, even though it isn't grass. I agree, that practice facilities are poor, but remodeling the Hyslop is not the answer. That place is such a maze and there isn't even a good way to get from one end to the other. If you've ever had class in there you know that some rooms have too much heat and others have none at all. The place is so bad that the whole wellness center (worst planned idea ever) bullcrap had to be moved out of there, because it was too expensive for the students to pay for remodeling (among other reasons).
  3. Palmo got engaged to his girlfriend since 8th grade. I was very pleased with the way his line played this weekend. I finally got to see some live Sioux hockey this year, and my former classmate doesn't disappoint. I thought they were the line of the weekend. Looking forward to watching them in St. Cloud on Saturday.
  4. He did. I guess I forgot to mention that in my original post. Because he got rid of it, the hispanics protested by pulling kids from school. Wish I could've stayed home and played video games without having an f'ing clue what was going on. Wait until the day when they finally start voting (of course they'll have to be able to read which is why they don't vote). Man could the government get some mixed up ideas then. Canada will end up being the ones with the strong economy and dollar.
  5. TheFarce, you better reread my post. Notice how there is the past tense word "had." His goal tonight was lucky, but he's HAD some amazing ones.
  6. If you aren't watching ESPN tonight, you should flip it on to see the highlight of Blake's goal against the Rangers. He was skating to the corner and fell, swiping at the puck at the same time. It hit a defenseman in front and went in. Blake sure has had some amazing and "lucky" goals.
  7. If any of you venture to the southwest, bring your English to Spanish dictionary. Wait, bring your Spanglish dictionairy. They speak a mixed up hybrid. You can't even order food from McDonald's without having to point at pictures so they can understand. Funny side on California, they require every vehicle to stop at the border for a fruit and vegie check. "What's that sir? You have a bazooka. No problem. You're a terrorist? Oh well, my job is to see if you have any fruit in your car." What a waste of resources. The big fight out here right now is giving illegal immigrants a driver's license. The hispanic community staged a walk out last week and a lot of students didn't show up to school. Therefore, the school loses federal funding, which in turn causes the school to be even poorer. Way to hurt yourselves boneheads. Isn't it odd that if you go to Canada you can't get across without a birth certificate, but down here it's a free for all?
  8. I like the idea of playing Pitt St. every year. We've had some playoff battles and they are perrenially a great team. Plus, they'll be out of the region now which will give us a little bit better idea of how we stack up nationally. I think the Duluth game could have some trophy to play for now that they are in our conference.
  9. You gotta admire that he's stayed when he could've bailed and played at a lot of other DI programs. Go get em T!
  10. Nothing like coming home after a long day of work and laughing. I don't like laughing at serious injuries, but for you Pat I'll make an exception. And for Wooger as well. No wonder he's been saying crazier things than usual on his telecasts. Can't you get in trouble for disclosing Woog's injury?
  11. Thanks for helping clarify that Mory!
  12. It's hard to trust billionaire's that use public funding to reap all the profits from stadiums.
  13. Not sure if this is accurate, but saw it on POI. The state funded 10 mill for Riddle arena. The state funded nothing for Mariucci. I don't mind the state giving money to things like camp grounds and stuff, but for something that is supposed to be a money maker I really question it. Why should Duluth get a new concert/multi-purpose facility. Shouldn't other cities then as well? Where do you draw the line? If Grand Forks can support a partial sales tax increase to build the Alerus, then I'd think Duluth (which is a much bigger city) could support itself and build a new muti-purpose facility.
  14. Smoggy


    Stringing 14 in a row is tough to do no matter who you are. Winning breeds confidence. Look at the Wild last year for an example. If Wisc would've started with a tougher schedule and lost, they might have seen themselves losing 14 in a row. They've built a nice string that will keep them there in the end. Watching them play Mankato this weekend, they looked good, but not overpowering. It wouldn't surprise me to see us lose to them in their barn. Was very surprised that they didn't have many fans in the seats this weekend. I'm not sure what else the fans want them to do before they start going to games.
  15. What about Lueck? He had almost a 40" vertical in high school. I saw him shatter a backboard one day. I know he was getting looks. Travis Lindgren (of DAC 10 fame) would just throw lobs from the other end of the court that Lueck would reverse alley-oop. Not sure what his game would be like today. Originally he was going to play at whatever junior ND school he started at.
  16. Not sure where to put this, so I'll throw it with the amazing stats. The Heraldo mentioned today that we had a thousand yard rusher and receiver. Look at the number of catches. RECEIVING GP No. Yds Avg TD Long Avg/G ------------------------------------------------- W. Stattelman 14 97 1049 10.8 8 61 74.9 97!!! He averaged 6.9 catches a game. That is unbelievable. What NFL wouldn't want those numbers. Not to mention that he averaged over a first down every time he touched the ball. I guess those bubble/slip/tunnel screens really pay off.
  17. I've been watching Devils replays a lot lately and the other night in Philly Hale didn't look too good. He had a couple of bad turnovers and took a terrible/unlucky penalty at the end of the game. He had his stick on the ice and the Philly player stepped on it and tripped. Penalty Hale. He seems almost timid at times. The physical play does need to pick up for him or I think he'll be sitting. Especially if DeMarchi is improving. The bit I've seen, he doesn't even really bang guys around in front of the net. I think Martin has benefitted by playing with Stevens a lot. Hale is on the third pair, while Martin has kind of been roving. I guess it's probably because NJ has more stay at home defenseman ala Hale, than the scorers.
  18. I believe all schools are controlled by the state of Minnesota, including Bemidji, the state schools (ie mankato and st. cloud) and the Tech schools. I believe they are just grouped differently. I believe that only private schools don't get some sort of state money (ie Gustavus). I guess my thinking goes with ScottM. If it was a UMD only for sports type of facility, then I suppose the state could give some money. If it's meant to be more of a concert center, then the state shouldn't pay. I just don't understand funding a stadium by the state with all the cutbacks they have made in education. Anyone know how much the state put up for Mariucci? I believe Riddle arena (gopher women) was all private donations.
  19. The problem I'm seeing more and more in the NHL is low scoring games. The worst part is that they aren't good goalie duels filled with many spectacular saves. Many NHL teams just can't get shots off. If you don't shoot, you don't score. Dallas just tied an alltime futility streak of scoring 1 goal or less for 7 straight games. And they are supposed to be one of the more talented teams. Seeing blowouts gets old as well (unless its your team), but I don't think 2-4 goals for each team is too much to ask. Just too many good goalies.
  20. Smoggy

    hey guys

    I did say IF it was true.
  21. Better save that one for the grandkids.
  22. Who said BSU was joining the WCHA?
  23. Smoggy

    New Region

    I get this strange feeling that this might not be the end of the region realignment. If it goes a few years where very good teams are consistently left out of the midwest region and not as good teams are making the playoffs in other regions, things might just change. I think the at large bids should be pooled throughout the country. That way if one region is stronger than another, a team from the strong region could be shipped elsewhere.
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