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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Smoggy

    Gophers Lose

    I never said they'd win the NC. But I didn't think they were good enough the last two years either.
  2. If memory serves me correct, NHL teams don't like sending their players to this tourney. I remember the Wild announcers making a big deal of this last year, because a couple of Wild players went. I still think we'll see Stafford in it, but if he doesn't go he will have two more years to play in it.
  3. I've been to many youth and high school hockey games. I've seen way more fan fights than the kids fighting. Normally a punch is thrown, but with a helmet on it isn't that big of a deal. The big difference is reffing. The linesman will immediately break up a fight in the youth leagues, where they let it go in the older leagues. I don't like the college 3 fights and done for the year rule. I don't mind if you get suspended for a game, though. One thing I like about hockey is that it can really police itself. Except for the WCHA which really doesn't allow fighting thanks to the Commodore Rule. Keep in mind that hockey players are rarely able to land good punches. They also have a very hard time staying on their feet. In any other sport it would be a boxing match, but in hockey it's over with pretty quick.
  4. I think that we should note that UND doesn't run security at the Alerus. The Alerus has their own security people. The Alerus isn't on UND property.
  5. Smoggy


    Oklahoma didn't win their own conference. Enough said.
  6. I believe it was at one time as well. The band brought back "North Dakota U" last year, but I'm not even sure if there are words to it and no one else knows them. "Stand up and Cheer" is the official school song, while "Fight on Sioux" would be closer to a victory march. When you watch DI football and hear the same song over and over, that is their victory march, while the school song is played after scores. If you think our band plays the same songs over and over, go to a DI game. I counted 4 different USC songs that were repeated constantly when they were at ASU.
  7. Smoggy


    But there would be very few of us that would understand it. Even now, we have to have BCS 'experts' just so us regular folk can understand it. If I had the time I suppose I could figure the dumb thing out. Actually that wouldn't be a bad job. I do have a math degree, so that might help. Hello? ESPN, sure I'll be your computerologist!
  8. Geez, and UNA was saying that we need to go DI. I read on GVSU's message board and they have the same reasons as us. There are no DIAA teams around them to play. That's enough sense in itself. How come GVSU doesn't play hockey? Just about every other Mich. school does.
  9. Smoggy


    Even the computers are flawed. Nobody understands them which makes it hard for anyone to argue with them. They are controlled by a human and if that human likes TCU better, then they get in. A couple of the computers have USC ranked 4th. 4th!!!! How can that happen? Who's ahead of them that has one loss? Boise State? Dicky V said this morning that the winner of the Rose and the Sugar should play. Why not? Run a playoff with the lesser bowl hosting early rounds and the major ones rotating the ending rounds. Each conference champ gets in, that way conferences can keep their money making championship games. I heard there are 11 conferences. That leaves 5 at large bids for the independents and the other good teams. Use the BCS to determine who gets the at large and who plays where. The whole thing is comical. You should hear the b!tching out here.
  10. LOL. I just squirted beer out my noise!
  11. Smoggy

    Gophers Lose

    I realize that the X is a beautiful facility, but why did the Final Five quit rotating with Wisconsin? Or am I just completely off my rocker in thinking that the Final Five was played in Milwaukee every other year? Keep in mind it's been at Minny since before the X was built. You can't tell me the Target Center was more deserving than the Bradley Center. The only thing I can think of is that Minny is just a little bit more centrally located. And the fact that Minny thinks they invented the game and the WCHA would bend over backwards for them.
  12. Smoggy


    Fighting Sioux Fan, First I DON'T like USC. Secondly Oklahoma doesn't belong in because they couldn't even win their own conference. Plus they lost at the end of the season, which always looks bad. While our SOS doesn't take into account enough teams, the BCS SOS takes into account the record of the team your playing and the recored of who they played and so on. Any time Hawaii and Boise State decide who gets to go to the national title game, you know something isn't right. I went to the Oregon game when they got 'stuck' at the Fiesta Bowl. It was in 2001 I believe. Yet another case where Nebraska didn't even play in the conference championship and yet they got to go to the national title game where they got pummelled. I believe it was Miami that beat them. Obviously the conference championship games are hurting DI teams, but they make too much money at them to quit playing them.
  13. Smoggy

    Gophers Lose

    So how will the WCHA try to get the goofs into the Final Five this year? Top three is certainly out and now the top 5 is in question. Boy would I love for them to go on the road for the first round. Why is it that I see the goofers finishing out of the top five in the WCHA and yet still going to the NCAAs? Of course they don't have a home NCAA playoff game this year so hopefully the NCAA will realize that the Goofers don't have the only fans that go to games. In fact, their fans won't even go and watch the other games during the regionals that are at their own arena.
  14. Smoggy

    National TV!

    It'll be Jack Edwards picking Dan Patrick's nose. Anyone have any idea who's doing the play by play? As long as it isn't the woman that does college football games. Her voice makes the paint peel.
  15. My favorite is Diet Coke Coke and Pepsi Coke. Our band director is from Oklahoma and I've heard them all.
  16. Smoggy


    The last time there were two national champs was before the BCS (I believe it was Michigan and someone). The whole idea behind the BCS was to ensure that there wouldn't be a shared title. But the press has their vote and the coaches are forced to vote for the BCS "champion." Hence, we can still have a shared DI title. With the system they run, if you can't win your conference, you don't belong in the national championship. Now if they had playoffs, then this would be diferent story.
  17. Smoggy


    Watching the selection show, I find it absolutely hilarious that every coach has essentially said they want a playoff. Even though I live in So. Cal, I'm not a USC fan. However, even though I've always cheered for the Big 10, I'll cheer for USC in the hopes that they are awarded a share of the national championship and destroy the BCS. We may have our SOS problems in DII, but thank goodness we get to play the games. Neither GVSU or UND would be in the national championship game without a tournament and both are deservedly going to Florence.
  18. I can't imagine a "huge" Sioux following like GVSU is bringing. Number one, for students its finals starting on Monday. It's tough to make a twenty five hour drive after the game to get home to take finals on Monday. I did see on the Laker sight that they were saying you can always retake a class. I wouldn't want to. I suppose you could study in the car. Come on students, ROAD TRIP! Number 2, plane tickets are way too expensive for a couple day journey. You'd think that Florence could work with an airline to offer some cheaper tickets. Number 3 is Sioux hockey. Hockey will always be king and there are home games that weekend. But any hockey fans debating what to go to should just go to Alabama. How often do you get to go to a national championship game? I guess that was a dumb question, because we pretty much go to a national championship in some sport every year! Don't let the 500 ticket thing fool you. There are many Sioux fans from across the country that will just show up.
  19. Smoggy

    Gophers Lose

    Actually, my point on my last post is that their SOS has to be dropping big time. Duluth isn't the team they were earlier. For that matter I believe either Mich or Mich State will fall pretty low. Wisco will help boost them unless they start losing like some other fast starting WCHA teams. Losing to bad/low ranked teams is going to hurt the SOS.
  20. Smoggy

    Gophers Lose

    Every loss by the Gophers brings them that much closer to being eliminated from the playoffs. I would expect this loss might sting more than most since Alaska isn't a highly ranked team. Even being swept by Duluth is looking worse for the Gophers since Duluth has been losing lately. Now that I stated that, watch Duluth come in and play like madmen next week.
  21. They could've moved the students, but the students would have been in an uproar. They've sat there since the opening of the stadium. I think even where you sat there are many season ticket holders. Are playoffs in fb a seperate buy for tickets, or are they included for season ticket holders?
  22. I probably would rather be in the end zone section as well instead of next to our students. I don't get into that stuff, but I don't have a problem when it's directed at the team, as long as it isn't a bunch of swearing or racist things being said. I don't like it when it's directed at fans, unless they are being jerks. I'm not saying you were being jerks and deserved it either. The actions weren't right by our fans. We are known for having rowdy students and I guess I've seen it rattle players which works to our advantage. You'll see a much better and friendlier display of the way our fans behave if you go to the game next weekend. Don't any of the places you play at or your own team have students that harrass the other team?
  23. Smoggy

    Gophers Lose

    If I'm not mistaken, don't the goofs usually struggle in Alaska. Where are our dulute updates tonight?
  24. Be thankful the students weren't harrassing you more. Many a team has been dumb enough to put benches right below our students. Many a time have I seen players from an opposing team mouth off to our fans and act cocky. Many a time I've seen players throw water and other things at our fans. If you play sports, you better expect to be razzed. I've never heard racial slurs used at our games before. It's a big deal if they were. Don't generalize all the fans and people because of a couple of idiots. At the same time get over the way the students act. I can name hundreds of worse student sections and various athletic contests. You're lucky to get those seats at the forty. Normally the visiting fans are stuck in the end zone where the team comes out. I've been to places that seat worse than that. When you are a visiting fan, you better have thick skin. BTW, how did you hear what was being said to the chearleaders when they were on the field?
  25. Even if Lennon got that job, I just don't think I could root for the cornchuckers.
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