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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. PA and Dubay were really bringing up the Potulny comments from yesterday on how this is just another series. Lucia expanded saying that they broke the season down into four game segments, with this segment of UND and UW being the biggest. However, it seemed like he was downplaying this weekend and looking towards next, because he said that they can't catch UND but can catch UW and so next weekend was a bigger deal. Is Lucia losing it? I can see his thinking, but if they are looking towards UW, they will struggle this weekend. IF they get swept this weekend, they will have to sweep UW. I think I'd concentrate on one series at a time.
  2. Here are my favorite interesting stats (keep in mind they are all for the Gophers): When scoring 4 or more - 10-1-2 When scoring 3 or less - 4-7-1 Allowing 4 or more - 0-8-2 Allowing 3 or fewer - 13-0-1 Looks like us scoring 4 is the threshold. Also, the Gophers are only 3-6 in 2 or less goal margin games.
  3. Parise may have played very well the last game, but look at the media attention he is receiving in the Cities. I like playing Brandt first, because it takes the pressure off of Parise.
  4. I saw a stat durings Minnesota's games this weekend that they have scored first in a lot of games or that they win when they score first. Can't remember which. Any help? I too have had the belief that it is better to lose a game or two before tourneys. I think winning streaks make you a bit too confident. It is always tough to sweep a team for the year and I get the strange feelings that these two teams will meet a few more times after this weekend.
  5. He had the motivation. It was his hometown in front of family and friends. Though some can't handle this. So I am impressed. I also don't think CC is as good as their record. They looked terrible in that series.
  6. You said it perfectly. They only want to rile up everyone outside of the Cities. I don't mind homerism on things like the radio/local TV, but my problem with FSN and KFAN is that they are heard throughout the upper midwest.
  7. That was one of the more insightful things I've heard from Woog. Are we sure he wrote that? Or does he have a stat lackey working for him? Maybe he does the idiot act on TV on purpose. He mainly speaks from his arse and never pulls out stats on broadcasts, but used them well in the article.
  8. I've heard Blais say this multiple times the past couple weeks. He said it during one of the coaches shows I believe and also mentioned it pregame this or last weekend. I don't have a problem pushing Parise, but up to this point Bo has had a better season. The hobey isn't supposed to be about who has the most talent, it's who had the best year. So far Bo is the one leading this team and he stepped up while Parise was gone (again). I get the feeling that Parise will be helped due to the world juniors. But he won't beat out some goalie from out east. Proving the voters wrong that were worried that Ryan Miller would be the last goalie good enough to ever win the award again.
  9. That's why I asked the question about the winter games. Wasn't sure if it was for practice, games, or something else.
  10. As much as I hate fb indoors, it does help attendance. So this new stadium will be indoors for winter games? How are they doing this?
  11. Thanks for the update husky679. Glad to see another team get a new stadium. I'm glad it's outdoors. Was there any discussion to having an indoor stadium?
  12. I find it odd that Dean keeps saying that UND is pushing Parise for Hobey. I'm sure they sent some press packets out on Parise, but couldn't they do the same for Bo? Or is UND hyping both of them?
  13. I couldn't decide if I actually wanted to predict, but decided it would be fun to look at later. UND 28 44 UMD 28 38 UW 28 35 UMN 28 34 SCSU 28 32 CC 28 23 Denver 28 23 AA 28 21 MTech 28 16 Mankato 28 14 I picked UMN to split their next three with UND, UW, UMD. What might be scary for them is that after those three tough series, they might let down and get snake bit by Denver and UAA, but I picked sweeps. Also, I think UW and SCSU still have a lot to prove through the rest of the games. I'm not yet convinced on either one.
  14. I'm really surprised that MTU is last. They seem like a really gritty team. Plus they have some scorer's. Now Mankato...
  15. I agree with you Greyeagle, but I also agree with Goon. I'm glad that we don't have to rely on our PP to win games for us. However, there will be a game during tourney time that we need a PP goal or two in order for us to win. I think Minnesota is kind of the opposite. They seem to thrive or even live by the PP. I'm not sure on every game this year, but I'm thinking along the lines of the BU series. They might run into problems when they can't score on the PP. I enjoyed the back of the head punch that Vanek threw on Saturday night. I was surprised that he didn't get off his game while taking such dumb penalties. What was with the Mankato player tugging his jersey after scoring and then Vanek did it later? I'm curious as to what the Gopher player (Vanek?) was yelling at one of Mankato's players after the Gopher's scored their 3rd or 4th goal on Sat. night. Probably saying how much he liked the yellow in Mankato's jerseys.
  16. Speaking of UW, what's with them tying Notre Dame on Saturday? Odd to also hear them use the excuse that the World Junior players messed up their chemistry and that's why they lost to Michigan Tech.
  17. The difference this weekend will be specialty teams. The Gophers have always seemed to feast on the PP. This year UND is struggling on the PP, but very good at the PK. Should be a very interesting match-up. Here's some highlights that will be changed once this past weekends stats are posted. These are WCHA rankings from College Hockey Stats Power Play: Totals SHA PCT 1 Minnesota 34/115 3 29.6 9 North Dakota 15/113 3 13.3 Penalty Kill: Totals SHF PCT 2 North Dakota 101/115 2 87.8 3 Minnesota 98/113 5 86.7 Combined Special Teams: Totals PCT 1 Minnesota 132/228 57.9 5 North Dakota 116/228 50.9 Special Teams Net: PPF SHA PP PPA SHF SH NET 1 Minnesota 34 3 +31 15 5 -10 +21 7 North Dakota 15 3 +12 14 2 -12 0 Also, look at the Power Play Points stat. Minnesota has seven players in the top 25 while UND has one. Not taking penalties and then a great PK will be key this weekend.
  18. The two clowns of Minnesota sports are payed to telecast Gopher hockey. Booger does a few other projects and I'm not sure about McCrappo, but neither one works too hard at their job. "The Sioux haven't played anyone this year." Odd, but we have the #1 SOS. Morons.
  19. I've tried to root for the Gophers during tourney play the last few years and can't bring myself to do it. I guess I was brought up to hate them. Of course, I hated UW until I met some of their fans. They treated me just great out in Providence in 2000 and since then I don't hate them. Amazing how the hatred for a team tends to be more of a hatred for the fans of that team. I've just not had good experiences with Gopher or BC fans. When the band left the Frozen Four in 2001 we had to hide away everything so their fans couldn't steal it. Not to mention the abuse we took the entire time. I'm so sick of 3 out of 4 Frozen Fours being out in the Boston area. BC is the Minnesota of the east. Every team hates them except for their own fans. This came from all the east coast fans I have run into in my couple of trips to the Frozen Four.
  20. Confusing isn't it? Pretty soon I might occupy everywhere! If you are seriously wondering, I'm on my month break. I teach year round.
  21. The hockey home page has a box score link that gives goals and penalties. I didn't hear the third (which must have been good) because I was at the EGF/GFC game.
  22. Yeah, I'm stupid. Smith's name was stuck in my head, because I was surprised he was playing for the Predators against the Wild that night. I meant to say Landon Wilson and can't fix my other post. No edit option. Must be because I'm working on a different computer.
  23. Smoggy

    Old arena

    What fun. I've been going to games since I was a little kid in the early 80s. My uncle (who was a student) and grandma (who works at the clinic still) would stand in line all day for tickets. I remember the band playing "na na nana hey hey hey goodbye" with the entire crowd singing at the end of the series sweep. The "start your bus" chant in later years and of course the cups. Even popping the wax cups after the games was fun. I still have the ND plastic ones. The new arena is a palace and a little too corporate. Hopefully seats will start going to people instead of businesses. A lot of new people are watching hockey, but they are seeing it for the first time. It'll get better. Is there anything nicer than having a beer while watching hockey? Only one bad incident so far with beer (on opening weekend when the student fell over the railing in the stair well) and the beer sales have bought us an $8 mill bball/vball arena. Wouldn't even be selling beer if the Ralph was in UNDs hands from the start. Duluth/DECC could fund their new arena if they started to sell. We need a favorite memory book on the Old Ralph with everyone contributing.
  24. I heard Skip O'something or other on the radio, and he said that the NCAA makes 93% of it's operating costs off the NCAA bball tourney. Mainly from the TV Deal. He then said that the only self sustaining sports are men's ice hockey, baseball, men's bball. He thought wrestling might have been as well. The guy seemed very knowledgeable, but I haven't gone and checked any figures. The hold up in football is the big schools won't share with the little schools, where bball supports all NCAA sports.
  25. There are many people in the bar during the game. Not paying attention, just socializing. I'm not saying it's necessarily you, but you can't tell me that people don't stay in the bar into the game. Since it's the lower bowl with many of the empty seats (not including the full sections of upper deck) and these seats are mostly elite members, it leads me to believe many of the big time donor people are elsewhere during the game.
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