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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. It was my understanding that it was kind of going with the hotel at the Alerus.
  2. NDSU's schedule better be tougher than UND's. They're in the big time now.
  3. The Blackhawks fans used to cheer as loud as they could throughout the anthem while waving flags. I'm guessing the sparse crowds has stopped that tradition.
  4. I don't even know if what they do is set forth in the state guidelines. I believe two Alaskan players were on their team this year. I can't believe that their parents were recruited to work at Marvin. No, they were recruited to for hockey. Also they magically get a foreign exchange student or two that happens to be a guy and plays hockey. While these players may not be 'stars,' it still is mighty strange. My brother's friend was recruiting while in middle school to play there. I believe I heard they tried getting one of EGF's goalies (I'll have to check my source). When I was in high school, the rumor was that Wyatt Smith's mom was given a beauty salon for them to move from TRF. Not sure if that last one is true and wondering if anyone else had heard of this.
  5. Jloos, It's interesting that you note how many would be cut from Moorhead's hockey team. One thing the north does well is create enought teams for the players, up until varsity. When my cousin was in 7th grade at a brand new school in Gilbert (by Mesa/Phoenix), they had over 700 hundred kids try out for 12 basketball spots. No 'B' teams. The school I teach at in Cali has the same problem. We have about 800 seventh graders and finally got a soccer team going (this is THE sport due to 85% of kids being hispanic). Hundreds tried out for this ONE team.
  6. I didn't think the parking nazi's could ticket this, which is why you pay it at GFPD. I know the snowplow people and street cleaners can. Just be thankful that all those one ways are only non parking one night a week. It used to be three nights a week even though they wouldn't clean the streets.
  7. During intermission break of Toronto and Ottawa, ESPN showed a clip of Calgary coming out of the tunnel. Ferraro had to make a comment on Commie's fro. Facts are, he looks like Ogie Oglethorpe.
  8. Ryan Johnson also plays for the Blues, while his brother Greg plays for Nashville. We have Belfour in Toronto, Blake for NY, Commie in Calgary, and Hale in NJ. I'm sure I missed some other playoff roster former Sioux. Any others?
  9. You can't include Warroad on the list of good public schools. They've done a ton of recruiting. After Section 8 teams threatened to boycott all Warroad games about 10 years ago, they settled done a little, but the last few years they've been up to their old tricks.
  10. Because they have to pay that damn activity fee. Along with extra for the fitness center even if they never use it. Or if it wasn't even built.
  11. Let us not forget the role he played in the Subway Holiday Classic.
  12. The rumor out here is that Phil won't be coaching them next year anyways. I guess the players really don't like him anymore and aren't responding to him.
  13. The dumbing down part will happen when he gets to host his own version of American Idol and then writes a book, and then the movie based on his life titled "America: She Bangs."
  14. It sounds like they should have been talking to each other long ago, instead of having the meeting only a few weeks ago. I say play them both. Some people like the Lakers (not me, living in Cali will overload you with them) and some like the Wolves. Too bad that neither is playing a decent team. Or, why not have them play each other?
  15. Just heard this morning that William Hung's new album will debut in the top 30 of Billboard's charts. Maybe you should start singing.
  16. They maybe need to add some more guidelines to their voting. When Miller won it, they gave it to him because they thought he was going to the NHL and they figured another goalie wouldn't win it in the future. Then Miller returned anyways. Using that same partial logic, then they should've given it to Parise knowing that he was going to the NHL. Yes, it's an award given to the best college hockey player that year. Maybe Parise's points weren't quite there, but he did more for spreading (WJC and media) the game of college hockey than any other player has. Shouldn't that account for something? With all that being said, their wasn't that outstanding numbers college hockey player this year. Lessard earned it as much as Parise did and congrats to him.
  17. Either at All Star weekend or the a game before, I believe JR grabbed a mike in the stadium and apologized to the ref. The man is funny to listen to, takes young players under his wings, is tough, and is one of hockeys few ambassadors of the game. Plus, he'll speak his mind on how the game is run. I'd love to see him win. Players I don't need to see win are guys like Kariya/Salanne and in bball Malone/Payton. They picked their team and signed for very little money, but if it was any other team they'd demand so much money that there is no way that the team would have the money to build a champion.
  18. Smoggy

    This is Boring

    Ya gotta go with NHL 94. Was just playing it this weekend. Was also playing some Ice Hockey on original Nintendo. Forgot how weird the controls were for that one. Two buttons. How'd we ever play with only two buttons?
  19. Since some were speculating, Parise is on campus. I'm guessing there is very little chance of him playing in the playoffs, or he would have stayed in NJ.
  20. That is a really great idea. Maybe even a senior game and hold them the weekend before the FF or with the FF.
  21. I like the Olympics to be an amature event. The pros already have the World Cup events. The problem is that many of the European countries won't follow this.
  22. Don't be surprised if the Islanders beat Tampa. The Isles went 3-1 and just seem to be one of those teams that Tampa struggles against. That being said, the Isles haven't played so well lately and will lose. I really think Toronto and Philly will be gunning for the cup. Too bad they are in the same conference.
  23. You'd think that there'd be some talking with the coach. Why spend all that money to sign a guy that might not play? They could've just waited until after the new CBA in hopes of paying less for Parise.
  24. Parise had an interview on the pregame show. I missed most of it and am hoping they replay it later. They talked a bit about his brother and how he played this year. Interesting that Parise called Brandt the #2 goaltender. The interviewer also asked if Hale gave Parise any advice and Parise said they went out to eat one night, but talked more about North Dakota than the NHL.
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