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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Is Northern Arizona in Flagstaff? Because I'm pretty sure they play in wooden dome.
  2. I realize that it's his first goal as a Sioux, but don't these stats just basically get wiped away?
  3. No, because they normally won't turn them on until closer to pregame/game time.
  4. Is the football game airing on 100.3? Fightingsioux.com does have a link for that station. It's another matter if it works.
  5. True, but the Heraldo is certainly good at pushing the agenda and the issue that they want. I'm sure another nickname article is just around the corner.
  6. Personally, I'm on the students side. The REA has done nothing for the students. Since that arena opened I always thought the students should do some sort of protest/boycott. What does amaze me is how the Heraldo loves to keep pursuing their own agenda. Once their editors have expressed their opinion, you get article after article on the subject.
  7. I believe you are right, and that is why I think UND will ultimately make the decision to go to DI. Hockey is the breadwinner and would be even more so in DI.
  8. What if you could pick them up at the union? Or somewhere else more on campus. What if you get season tickets, but still have to pick them up each week (again, somewhere closer and later hours)? Does that defeat the purpose. At least there shouldn't be a line, and then if you didn't want them, the REA could resell.
  9. UND is DI only in hockey. For every other sport we are DII. In the past you would say that North Dakota State was the big rival. I guess they still would be, but they jumped up to DIAA in football so every other sport went DI. I think we are only playing them in baseball this year. The rivalry with Minnesota-Duluth has become an intense hockey battle in recent years. Their head coach was our assistant. Duluth has also joined the North Central Conference for the rest of the sports, so we'll be playing them in just about everything now. So I think that rivalry will heat up. Their head football coach is also a former UND assistant. I think St. Cloud (MN) kind of gets under everyones skin. They're like the little kid that won't leave you alone. It also doesn't help that they've been trying to change our team name for years. We play them in pretty much every sport as well.
  10. Good to hear on the boom of hockey in New Jersey. I think most of us are familiar with Jimmy Dowd, since he played for the Wild. Welcome to the board and to Fighting Sioux athletics. The season is almost ready to go so put on a hockey jersey, put in a mouth guard, and keep your head and elbows up.
  11. Maybe I've missed something along the way. I know NDSU fans have talked about going DI helping academics, but I just don't see it. The only link I see between academics and athletics is that the athletes need good grades to play. Why would faculty of academics matter in a move that only involves athletics?
  12. It's been my experience that the faculty that would be complaining hate sports to begin with. So why would it matter if UND surprised the faculty by going DI? It shouldn't change research money. It won't force them to be better professors. Why would they care?
  13. There's plenty of people that would pay the money and actually show up or at least give the tickets away.
  14. Is SCSU still grass? Boy do we seem to struggle on grass. Seems odd since that is what we practice on.
  15. Aren't the pucks with the national title stars give-away pucks? Game pucks used to have WCHA on the back.
  16. Why are we complaining so much about the students not showing. Every game I've been to, the no shows for non students season ticket holders is way worse. Most games the upper deck is near capacity and the lower bowl is a third empty. This is part of the reason I'm happy that they've closed those clubs on the ends. Those waiting list season ticket holders are the ones who should be bitching.
  17. This actually happened to the STUDENTS. The original plans for arena seating had the students getting the 4 sections of lower bowl seating, and then the two on top. Then they changed things on the students. Imagine if they would have left the original seating. No complaints about standing. Lots more season tickets packages for students. Plus, there would have actually been more game tickets for non-students, since more of the upper deck would belong to them. Though, I believe this would be less money to the Fighting Sioux Club. Would students give up some seats for more lower bowl? I would. Though I'm not a student anymore.
  18. Smoggy

    pittsburg st.

    Also interesting to see that North Alabama lost.
  19. I heard Lennon told the boys to stay out of trouble last week when they had the weekend off. Maybe an example is being made of Grossman.
  20. Smoggy

    Internet Audio

    Are you using Windows Media 9?
  21. It looks like this upcoming season is catching Eaves by surprise.
  22. I do wish that REA would have done something similar to XCEL, so that you do have standing room sections. Once in a while it's nice to stand and watch. Plus, it gets more people in.
  23. So you're mad at everyone for showing up early, but you were going to show up at 4 am? Seems like someone has some issues.
  24. And in the upper deck. Next to the visiting team's fans.
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