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Everything posted by sioux24/7

  1. Most Likely - Improved QB Play Middle - O-line Least Likely - defense being average I am not confident in any of these happening though.
  2. I guess you should factor that in. I’m guessing there’s regular season games you could miss too.
  3. Linfield is where Sam Riddle transferred to from here. I thought he was going to be so good. Believe he had a solid career there.
  4. I get pretty negative about things sometimes but man you guys all must walk around with big turds in your pants. Why is it such a big deal that the playoff ticket is included in purchase? It’s not like they’re going to just take that money from you. If they don’t make it, it will roll forward. If you don’t get your season tickets the following year, I’d imagine they refund you. What is it, like $20? Come on.
  5. I don’t think you should be ashamed. I’m jealous, to be honest. I do wish it was still open to the public, but it is what it is.
  6. Weren’t tailgate passes $50 last year? I know not everyone is a math wiz here but with 7 home games (not including any playoff games) and $50 for the season that would have been $7.15 per game. Less than half of what it costs to just pay to get in the lot but not be in the tailgate alley. Now with raising the price to $100, that’s still cheaper than paying $15 per game, assuming you attend every game. I don’t really get why people are that upset. I want the lot to be full of tailgaters too and not a bunch of cars with no one by them.
  7. If you wanted the tough questions asked, sounds like you had your opportunity.
  8. Were you at the meeting?
  9. https://fightinghawks.com/sb_output.aspx?form=1232
  10. I do too and only posted because of the things that upset the family comment from ND-fan.
  11. Idk the validity to it but I had heard Bubba had told Sam that his family partied too hard during tailgate.
  12. Had to extend to attract any promising OC to the program as well. As much as I am ready to move on, Bubba did not deserve to be fired. I always hoped that he bled enough green to realize he should step aside and yet the young up and coming OC run the show.
  13. I will be there. Have submitted some questions as well.
  14. I believe he asked to come back. I wonder if the Hutter hiring made him feel undermined.
  15. I hope so. One to replace Hong’s spot and the other for Bothun, since he’s now on scholarship.
  16. Greyson Uelmen commits I believe this is a PWO.
  17. Seeing you return is like smelling the fresh cut grass. Football is back baby.
  18. In my mind, your focus should be ND (when there’s talent) and really hit MN, specifically the cities, hard. You shouldn’t limit yourself to recruiting other areas but I don’t think the focus should be Michigan or those other regions. I am assuming this poster is frustrated because we seemed to put a lot of eggs into Michigan and I wouldn’t say the ROI has been great. Beal and Hurst are contributors but I don’t think they have panned out to what has hoped. Now they’re only going into their junior year so still time.
  19. What does Mal have to do to keep her job after this year? Signed through 2025-26 but this feels make or break to me…. Or it should be.
  20. Oh yeah that’s my bad. I assumed the commitment was for a 24 as well but could be wrong!
  21. Names that I’m aware of where there was reportedly some interest or they have visited: Chiang Ring, PF Park Center - twitter interest Patrick Rowe, G/F Chisago Lakes - visited, possible PWO Greyson Uelmen, G Minnetonka - visited, possible PWO
  22. I believe jerseys for other sports will be available, just not yet.
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