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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. I don't know why cops overreact sometimes either.
  2. https://undfootball360.com/news/und-adds-speed-with-their-latest-commits/
  3. Is this what you know is happening? We appreciate the update
  4. Only one person could be to blame for faulty testing at an independent lab. Dammit Donald, get it together already!!!!!!!
  5. Sounds like you discovered something that might change the entire course of the election.
  6. "Don't give a F" is my answer to all your faux questions. Let is know how you plan on taking responsibility for Trump lying to the media.
  7. weirdos like you care. For the rest its just water off their back. My life doesn't change one bit if he lies. Let me know what comes of your crusade to enlighten everyone by repeating what you read.
  8. Nope the cult does not. All 60 million of them. Could not care less.
  9. Hayduke01, Nobody cares what Trump lies about. Those that faux rage are yelling into a wall. He will get his 60+ million votes again and it will all come down to Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Yawn. Like literally, nobody cares.
  10. Did he file for bankruptcy or did the company?
  11. Stay tuned and let us know what comes of it. #pinsandneedles
  12. Takeaduke1 is feeling pretty good about Biden reading a prepared speech from his basement. The guy just has "it".
  13. Let me know what they send Trump to prison for after he testifies "under oath".
  14. You think a former President is going under oath in court? Tell me more....
  15. Nobody gives a prompter speech like Obama. Truly one of the best.
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