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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Dude, what is your problem? This thread finally broke me after 344 pages.
  2. You are correct. I just started noticing it when the Duke was consistently using it. I hate it when that word is used.
  3. Was just going to type that anybody using it at the end of a word should probably grow up. Lol. Cause it's really funny to use that word.
  4. It's the equivalent of the N word, the exact equivalent. Take a step back bud, you're getting a little intense about things.
  5. I realize now you are a bit different but the used of the R word or the second half of it is getting to be a bit much and says alot about you. Keep your schtick up but maybe do without that?
  6. You realize that this is lol a moment in time and one election Right?
  7. It's. Because. Of. Trump. Biden is a senile moron who they are propping up because they cannot possibly run another lady and lose. The party of the woke, disenfranchised, minority is running an 80 year old white guy. Slow your roll, ace.
  8. Not sure why you guys think one party will just disappear into irrelevancy in 20+ years. There is some severe overreaction right now to Trump being the current president.
  9. I go back to my previous comment that we dont matter whatsoever. Blabbering on social media and websites means nothing to anyone and changes nothing. It's fun to exercise our brain through personal biases, though.
  10. So if they show up with kids they aren't illegal immigrants? I dont get it.
  11. What were the criminal cases you were referring to earlier, the ones that would go away?
  12. What would an illegal immigrant get deported for?
  13. For the most part you are changing the parameters.
  14. If only there were an article or two on Google...............
  15. Right on. Race has no significance in our society at the moment.
  16. Bars, salons, fitness centers in AZ or CA and such. Is that what's it pertaining to?
  17. I hope Agyekum can make it over for the season, if there is one. https://undfootball360.com/news/und-awaits-two-freshman-new-turf-at-the-al/
  18. IMO, the coverage of little insignificant testing outbreaks, hospital numbers that taken out of context, etc will greatly diminish after the election. I could be wrong but we will see. Are the media in other countries reporting everything bad about COVID, every single day, like ours does? I have no idea.
  19. "but what about unknown long-term issues that MAY arise". my gawd we suck as a country right now....
  20. So you want to make policy based on an unknown, whereas I would suggest keeping the status quo, which is based on the known.
  21. "Long term side effects" is the new catch phrase. How do they know this already? Wouldn't it be short-ter side effects that could develop into long-term?
  22. Easy: COVID-19 is the most unique, devastating, mutating, exponentially threatening virus in the history of the universe. Remember the term "exponential spread" being thrown around a thousand times a day by the fear porn crowd back in March-April? yah, not so much
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