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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. At some point you assclowns will figure out that whoever is loudest & most persistent about somebody doing something bad...actually more than likely did it themselves.
  2. Who do you think is better at their job - Trump's lawyers/accountants or the IRS?
  3. I keep reading how the GOP is all for the billionaires, then I see campaign donations numbers and who supports who....
  4. #HATCHACT!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPEACH EVERYONE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Like bailing out convicts so they can vote?
  6. That school is in trouble, imo
  7. Not really. Let's reconvene in November and see how it went. There are 4-5 cancellations a week in college football right now. That's absurd. The FCS schools that are playing right now are getting destroyed and playing for literally nothing.
  8. Its the first year. It appears to be fizzing out much like viruses do, even without a vaccine or any medication.
  9. To be fair, its a bit of pressure applied by all to buy in. Nobody knows WTF is going on so they are all falling in line. One word - LIABILITY. Nobody wants to be the one that took a chance and had something happen, even though we keep waiting for all these dead bodies to pile up and it's behaving like every other virus.
  10. Yep, thats all 60 million voters represented by her.
  11. Once again, 60 million. You pointed to a rally with 5000 people.
  12. He got 60+ million votes last election. Are the vast majority of them "stupid white trash"?
  13. So it's all intelligent, deep thinkers on the other side, especially from 2008-2016? Whats your point?
  14. Once again, after all the Russia, impeachment, and Kavanaugh bullsh*t that resulted in nothing, the Rs should tell them to pound sand. They kept RBG alive as long as possible but couldn't quite pull it off.
  15. Let's just call it what it is - they are using Biden to get the first female President in office.
  16. LOL...the Democrats are on the high road. LMFAO.
  17. I would say after the last two years of utter BS they are going to tell the Dems to F-off, we got the receipts.
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