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Everything posted by petey23

  1. As someone who is also a Philadelphia Flyer fan this weekend was like a double gut punch of embarrassment as far as mascots go.
  2. As some one who did everything in my limited power(1 of 20 or so student senators) to try and stop that travesty from appearing on campus, I agree.
  3. Well. That is what I would call an enthusiasm robbing loss. The last 2 games we have actually had a pretty decent game plan coming out of the locker room at the beginning of the game....then halftime comes and as is normal all teams make adjustments that they hope will work in the second half. In watching UND the last 2 games it seems like we are willing to just concede that whatever defensive changes our opponent has made at halftime are going to work for them and we go away from what worked in the first half without actually making them prove that their changes are going to be effective.
  4. In deference to the great thespians of our time, how about Lincoln Hawk or Hudson Hawk
  5. Well. Only 2 teams won their final game of the season last year. UMD, and UND who beat UMD.
  6. He is a caricature of a sh!tty message board poster.
  7. Cass County is notorious for only caring about conviction rates no matter how reduced the sentence and charges in relation to the crime committed.
  8. Have a few conflicts this year so am looking to sell tickets for a few games this season. 2 tickets for each game...$80 or best offer. Saturday, October 6th vs. Manitoba Friday, October 19th vs. Minnesota St.-Mankato Friday, November 16th vs. Western Michigan Friday, November 23rd vs. UAA Saturday, November 24th vs. UAA Friday, January 11th vs. Colorado College Friday, March 8th vs. Nebraska Omaha Message me here or email me at mikepeterson23@hotmail.com
  9. petey23

    2018 Season

    I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but when I can stand on the railing in the end zone and score between 95 and 98% on the old QB1 game, I am guessing the other teams defensive coordinator probably could have the same success even if he did stay at the Ambassador Motel on Friday night.
  10. petey23

    2018 Season

    WAY TOO MANY 3 and outs has been the story with Rudolph at OC
  11. Hence, why we need some creativity on offense and put our weapons in position to make plays. If we want to sustain drives which way would you rather have your running back accumulate 100 yards on 19-20 carries. A. All runs of positive yardage with most carries getting 3-5 yards and the occasional 10-15 yard play and a minimum number of carries for loss or B. Several plays that result in negative yardage with the majority of yards coming on a 70-80 yard run.
  12. We need whichever QB emerges to have a break out year or everything else is moot. Hopefully all the injuries we had last season on the defensive side of the ball do not repeat and the result of the unexpected playing time has helped us develop some depth on that side of the ball. We need our offensive line to take 2-3 steps forward. This has been the most disappointing group under Bubba's tenure. guys have either not developed or have left. On offense we need to show a little creativity and unpredictability. I know the lack of depth on defense has been part of the issue but our goals on offense should be to score....not just run clock to give the defense a rest. We have some talented tight ends, we need to use them and for the Love of all that is holy, can we try and put our best offensive weapons on the field at the same time on occasion instead of 1 at a time, 90% of the time? I am hoping to see some sets, especially early in games with JJ at fullback, Brady at tailback and Santiago in the slot...I would rather see Santiago running the Jet sweep or giving misdirection instead of one of our pedestrian possession receivers. As the game goes on and we have a leads, then load up the tight ends and extra linemen and pound JJ from the tailback slot and Brady as well and give Santiago some deep read plays to keep the defense honest.
  13. Was just there last night for a bit...They also have one of these.
  14. I like Cunningham on radio, does a nice job. He used to do some officiating as well. A few years back, we were playing in a softball tournament in Oakes(before they banned all teams above Rec level). We were getting ready to start a game and our first two hitters were standing outside the dugout taking a couple swings and our leadoff hitter says to our 2 hitter "I am going to hit a line drive between first and second to get the game started, what are you going to do?". Our #2 hitter says "I am going to hit that !@#$!ng bus" The Town Hall team had brought the Town Hall Bar bus down for the weekend....their is a rule against profanity if it is loud enough for those in the stands to hear it but the only people who heard it where those 2, Ryan, and myself as I was going to coach third base. As I am walking by I hear Ryan yell "Casual Profanity, batter is out". I tried to argue a little bit but was laughing at the fact that our leadoff hitter(my brother) was getting called out before the game even started and the guy who said it got to hit.....he promptly hammered one off the !@#$!ng bus.
  15. If Webb and Schuler had been healthy that would have probably gotten them through the Big Sky tourney.
  16. So somewhere along the line, it made sense for the Athletic Department to either propose this arrangement or agree to this arrangement.
  17. Chicken or Egg question(s) Whose idea was it to move UND Football ticket sales revenues under the control of The Ralph? No matter which entity suggested it, it must have made sense and must continue to make sense as both sides have signed off on the agreement in the past and going forward. Maybe one of the Junior Athletic Directors in this thread could answer.
  18. Well, he is either an idiot or he was trolling. Maybe I am giving nd1sufan or whatever his name is too much credit as he was regurgitating all the misinformation that has been spewed in this thread and that he was just wetting a line. Either way, you jumped right in the boat.
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