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Everything posted by petey23
they have 9 this year and will add 3 each of the next 3 years
Roger Thomas announced at Sioux Boosters in Fargo today, that Dave Hakstol's father passed away. I hope everyone can remember Dave and his family in their prayers. It makes you remeber what is really important in life.
Women lose 71-60. OK, augie women are tough. Men lose 84-80. Pretenders or contenders?
Ed is not a liberal now? He is progressive? The only thing progressive about him and his show it that it gets progressively worse every day.
You can get drive thru drinks in Rolette, ND too(or at least you could about 4 or 5 years ago). Probably a few other small towns around the state as well??? Totally off topic here, but a few years ago my softball team was in Texas for a National softball tourney in late September. Too save money we flew into Dallas and rented 2 vans for the drive to Midland. We loaded up with some beers for the road trip(the drivers excluded). At the tourney we were talking to a Sheriff's Deputy about how we could not believe that you could do that in Texas. He laughed and said "well you could do that in Texas up until Sept. 1, but not anymore" Whoops. He laughed and siad the new slogan in Texas was "Come to Texas on Vacation, go home on probation"
Does anyone know the ramnifications of an American with a DUI their record and being allowed to travel into Canada? Seems to me that I heard that Canada has certain restrictions about allowing foreigners into their country who have this on their record.
Does everyone have a short memory. Too Bad there were no cameras around when Adam was bragging in Sugar's Lounge about how he was going to get Commodore every time he could. the amazing thing to me is that he was not allowed to do anymore sioux games the rest of that year but now he is??:D???;)???:D??? He has the integrity of Bill clinton in front of a Grand Jury.
Great win!! I realize that D1 women's bb has gotten a little better the last few years, but lets not forget that not more than 3 or 4 years ago, SDAU, NDSU, and UND were(and probably still are better than 20 or 25 of the teams that make the D1 national tourney....just keep it in perspective. The team that wins the Women's NIT(I can't believe they even have it) would not be a top 20 team in D2.
A couple years ago at a game at Minnesota, we were walking towards Mariucci from Stub and Herbs and came across a small group of people chanting hell no we won't go or get out the bushes or something original like that. Anyway, one of the "protesters" who had probably been picked up at a shelter and given some money to make the "crowd" look bigger was babbling and I made a smarta$$ comment and he babbled something about us needing to get rid of our mascot. I stopped and me and him were standing about 10 feet away from the other "do-gooders" and I explained loudly to him that UND did not have a msacot and that if he is going to protest against something that he should at least know what it was he was protesting against and that maybe he should ask one of the leaders for a cheat sheet. Everyone was laughing and I looked over and saw a look of horror on one of the 3 people there protesting who seemed to know what it was that they were there for?, she runs over grabs the guy by the elbow and pulls him back into the pack and trys to get him back on message. Pretty funny. then we go into the arena and my brother's girlfriend gets threatened by some nutjob because she was wearing a coat that had fur on the collar. Gotta love libs.
I have a parking pass with my season tickets and am very happy with the job the parking lot attendants have done this year. Last year was a fiasco, I saw people actually drive so that if the attendant did not move, they would have run them over---not real fun on a cold night. Many times last year I would have to park far away and then walk through the lot that I paid to park in and see hundreds of cars without passes??? Very tempting to hawk a lugie or key some of these vehicles(I didn't, but it was a thought). It amazes me with all the publicity that the parking situtation has received in all forms of media that it never fails that every game people are driving up and being directed away from the lot and seeing them flip the bird or swear at the attendants or jump the curb or run over barricades??? There are so many ways avaialble to get to the games that I am sorry, but I have no sympathy for the way some people act....pony up $$$ or find another way to the game. That said, I have noticed that with the attendants doing a better job this year, that there are always several spots available in the restricted lots this season. could some one count the spots available and someone else count out the passes issued and subtract the smaller number from the larger one and make some more spots available?
So by your arguement, maybe UND should go D1 in all sports!!!! Then we will maintain our current level of scholarship funding and just get Nebraska and Florida to cut their scholarships down so we are all on an even playing field. I like it!!!
When you make the move up to D2, maybe you should take a look at what the scholarship levels are at first to see if it the right move for you conference or school? Grant based aid?? Isn't that what North Alabama finagled thru their academic aid office which basically gave them the scholarship levels that Alabama would have been proud of??
I remeber Lee Davidson was playing for the USA and I think it was in Canada so probably late 80's when it occurred. But Canada and The soviet Union were playing and I think the Soviets were ahead, when Canada decided to goon it up. Lee told a few of us it was incredible. Benches cleared and within a minute or so when you looked out on the ice you saw 22 guys from The Soviet Union getting their asses kicked by 22 guys from Canada. They couldn't stop it, they were turning the lights on and off and finally had to get security(or law enforcement to stop it)
Griggs Landing! Wow. I lived above Griggs Landing my last year in Grand Forks. Pretty weird watching it on tv burn during the 97 flood.
Is Spirko playing with Slovakia in the World Juniors? He is not listed on their initial roster. He played in the last 2 world juniors for them and was wondering why he would not have been with them from the get go? If he is playing, have they arrived yet?...Probably not, but just curious(Wondering because Stafford did not play with UND over the weekend, but spirko did.
Also, according to our radio broadcast team Joey Coccimiiglio and Fred Coccimiglio are both from Sault St. Marie, Ontario but are not related?? Must be a common name like Jones or Smith
Did anyone else think that their co-coach looked exactly like you would expect someone named Clancey Seymour to look.
I thought the Sioux played pretty even with USA, USA has the snipers who put away their opportunities. I would say the Sioux probably had as many or more legit scoring chances as USA but Montoya was tough. I was surprised that the Sioux were able to stay in it in the 3rd, I told my dad after the 2nd that I could see this get out of hand because at the end of the t2nd it looked like the sioux legs were getting a little wobbly. For Team USA, O'sullivan and suter both looked like future NHL superstars!! Very impressed with Brian Lee, glad we are going to get his services(for how long is anyone's guess). He made one real nice play with Murray coming in on him 1 on 1....stood him up and rode him all the way to the boards...HARD. Jones layed a couple nice smacks on Stafford---looked like they were both laughing after 1 of them. Schneider put the wood to O'sullivan on a nice open ice check. The USA Defence looked pretty good with the exception of Borer who looked very out of place even against a makeshift line of Foyt, Bina, and Marvin, I would guess he will be the 7th D for the tourney.
The Pepper 2 words Garbage Plate! Of course you want to have a few adult beverages in you at the time?
He is lucky that the Minneapolis police dog was not there.
Heard Glas on kfgo 790 tonight. Basically said that when you sit down and look at UND's place in athletics you have to ask does UND belong with NDSU, SDSU, Montana, etc. when looking at what level of play and athlete we are trying to attract at UND versus and there is nothing against them, but do we strive to be on a level with Moorhead st., bemidji, crookston, etc. From his tone there is no question that he is leaning toward moving towards moving the UND athletic programs in the D1 direction. He did say that everything was great as far as BB was concerned until the bison and jacks chose to leave D2 and he is of the belief that in order to maintain fan interest and a better quality of ball that UND should probably follow suit.
Hey all, petey here. petey thinks that everyone should give poncho a second chance, cuz like petey likes to say, everyone deserves a 2nd chance. well petey has to go now, petey says later.
I thought the color guy was good. You try and carry pat sweeney all day. It was Jay "Hoot" Gibson, former UND Football and Basketball athlete and current head coach of the West Fargo Packer Football Dynasty.
Bisonguy, I cannot believe you would question Pat Sweeney's vast football knowledge. We in the valley should count our blessings and just be thankful that he has not moved on to ESPN or Fox Sports Net....I am sure he has had several offers.
Went to the Evertblades game tonight!(My brother moved to Ft. Myers and I am down playing a little golf, hope the weather is shi&&y back in ND). Everblades beat The Mississippi Sea Wolves 6-3 tonight. Tim O'Connell had a solid game and David Lundbohm had a great game(1 goal, 1 assist, and created several opportunities). Notorious tough guy Chris Cava cheapshotted O'Connell with his team down 5-3 and with the penalty called and the opportunity to even it up(Timmy dropped em and was wanting to kick his a$$, Cava cowardly and quickly skated to the box, what a pu$$y)