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Everything posted by petey23

  1. What would this segment have to do with Qanon? Harf and Melissa Francis freaked out when Newt made a statement that is 100% accurate and verifiable.
  2. Remember when the Obama administration decided to just stop testing all together for H1N1?
  3. These are good and accurate. The advanced politicians get federal money coming back to their district for all kinds of projects and programs that will never get done or implemented. Somehow their campaign supporters and family members who own companies that could conceivably do these projects and implement these programs get the money and kick it back to the politician. This is most popular method in your worst cities across the country where things are so run down you can't tell what projects are being started and which projects have been sitting dormant for years. The more advanced and senior politicians do the same thing but with foreign aid. Biden and the Clinton's have enriched themselves and family with this method.
  4. The Arsonists are just drawing attention to Climate Change. #heroes
  5. Q is a little bit of truth splashed with quite a bit of into that requires some pretty serious mental gymnastics. That said, what if I told you guys a few years back that there is a rich pedophile who owns his own Island were he brings underage boys and girls for him and his rich friends, politicians, and Hollywood types to party with and sexually abuse. I am sure the response of most, including myself would have been.
  6. Grand Forks City Council Meeting. Watch the last 20 minutes or so, particularly Dr. Jean Gullicks. I tried to link it but didn't work. I will later when I get to computer. It is on you tube for 9/8/2020. Anyway, watch Dr. Gullicks and then ask yourself "what in the f*#k are we doing?"
  7. Last time I saw Wilco was in 2015 at the Basilica Block Party. Beautiful day, ran into Woody Harrelson who was in Minnesota shooting a movie. We were checking out the stage lists which are nailed on trees for the 3 stages when you walk in. Told him I was a big fan and asked who he was there to see and he said Wilco mostly. The Great Clips stage finished with Jenny Lewis, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, and Wilco. I was there mostly to see Jason Isbell who is America's greatest songwriter. Isbell joined Wilco on stage for California Stars to finish the show.
  8. You do know that several of these Gloria Allred/Lisa Booth/"alledged victim" staged press conferences were debunked and discredited before they even shut the microphones off...but you do you.
  9. Have seen Wilco in concert a few times. Like them both but out of the Uncle Tupelo split I am a bigger fan of Son Volt.
  10. Wasn't just his phone. 30+ phones. We might need a special counsel for the special counsel.
  11. Good friend of mine did some work on that show. He has also worked on the Simpson's show for the last 20 seasons or so. Season 7[edit] "Leela and the Genestalk" "Near-Death Wish" "T.: The Terrestrial"
  12. By the standards and precedent set by what I like to call The Pelosi Doctrine if Biden were to win the election the impeachment hearings should start the first day Congress is in session based on his press conference concerning the Ukraine alone.
  13. Michelle Bachman, AOC, Fauxcohontas, Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jeff Flake, and Howard Dean off the top of my head. I am sure there are more. These are the politicians who you can tell are bat sh!t crazy by just looking at their eyes.
  14. One thing in the article I saw that I had heard. A friend of mine whose Father is a Doctor told him to tell all his friends to take Vitamin D. I have been taking it daily since early March. Most people in this part of the country don't get enough sunshine and vitamin D is as good a replacement as you can find. It certainly isn't going to prevent someone from getting Covid but could lessen the severity or even make someone an asymptomatic case. At this point the studies have not been peer reviewed and of course there is no money to be made from Vitamin D but I have seen studies from the U.S. and several other countries as well and one thing about 90% of those that die from or have a real tough recovery period from Covid have in common has been they are/were vitamin D deficient.
  15. Anonymous Source=reporter sees the "source" every morning in the mirror
  16. Proud Deplorable here(thanks Hillary) and I didn't even vote for Trump in 2016
  17. The media plays to the 7 out of 10 rule. Congrats on being a part of that group.
  18. 2.2 million for the United States. By those figures, North Dakota would be a little north of 5,000
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