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Everything posted by petey23

  1. My point is that if you have 2nd and 3rd graders doing on-line only learning you are essentially doing the same thing.
  2. Just my opinion but Hybrid might work alright for 14 and older, IF they are motivated students looking to their futures and/or have a good home structure. Waste of time if not. All Virtual shouldn't even be an option. For 8th grade and younger the options should be A. Homeschool or B. Pause your kids education until we have a vaccine in these crucial development years if the Teachers won't return to the Classroom.
  3. So we have determined that you are able to read...it is the ability to comprehend what you have read that trips you up.
  4. Wall Street already killed her campaign. I could see him having her in his administration but I don't think that is a name he floats prior to the election. Also, the Massachusetts Governor is a Republican(a squishy Rino) and would probably appoint a Rino to her seat.
  5. I think this is why his Veep choice is huge. Should Biden win I can't envision him still being in office come January 2022. If you had told me that Biden would have been President back in 2016 had he been the nominee I would have been "well, this isn't ideal but alright lets see how the first couple years go and if he goes too far the American people will limit him in 2018 like they did to Bill Clinton after the disastrous first 2 years of his Presidency and he in my opinion, scandals aside, will go down in history as one of our better Presidents"...but Biden in 2020 is mentally and cognitively diminished and I worry a Biden Presidency will be severely co-opted by the lunatic left who has taken over the Democratic Party and I worry about what the people that will be in his administration are capable of.
  6. This will likely bring Biden down a bit in the polls. Right now it appears his maximum capabilities are to shakily deliver a 5 to 10 minute scripted message. I am interested to watch how it plays out and how the Democratic Party will try and limit and control the debates or even come up with a reason for them not to take place. I, unfortunately due to personal family experience am able to recognize the signs and symptoms all too well. ---his wife grabbing his arm/elbow for reassurance ---watching him know what he wants to say but being unable to verbalize those thoughts which leads to frustration and anger ---the far away, sometimes confused look ---Whatever you think of Biden, he was always confident and cocksure of himself. Those qualities are in a pretty diminished state right now.
  7. It has exposed many mayors and governors as being political hacks that is for sure.
  8. If they were so bipartisan then why do over 600 the last 2-3 days he was in office?
  9. Not so sure. He had what should have been a easily winnable election in 2012 and he basically took a knee.
  10. Equal Opportunity should be paramount. One party wants Equal results regardless of what an individual does with their opportunities and both parties seem to give failing businesses infinite opportunities because they are too big to fail.
  11. Well. Let me know if you want masks and if so what kind. Let me know if you want them logoed or not logoed. Same goes for gloves, sanitizer, soap and any other PPE you can think of. I would rather go back to selling apparel, pens, and tumblers anytime now.
  12. The first member of Congress who introduced the term "Federal Mandate" in a bill should have a statue erected in their honor so it can be desecrated and then torn down. Return the power to the States and let the States and Cities keep more of 'their" tax money and the people in those states and cities will hold them accountable at the ballot box.
  13. If Biden wins the election the Veep will be sworn in as President before 2022.
  14. Confused. Does that mean Warren is eligible or ineligible?
  15. Not sure. The old "You are a victim, nothing is your fault, let us take care of you" campaign seems to work out well for the Democratic Politicians but not so well for those duped into voting for them.
  16. I don't think you understand the meaning of the word reliable. This isn't the 1950's or even the 1970's where you could pick up a newspaper and read an actual accounting of something that happened.
  17. I have never harassed a mask wearer. I usually wear a mask when I go into a place of business. I am far more "hold the media accountable for their ridiculous bull$%!#" than I am "Pro Trump" although at this point I will probably vote for him this time.
  18. Well the NBA and NFL are considering promoting Marxism on their courts and turf...so there is that.
  19. Fans chanting Sun Belt, Sun Belt, Sun Belt instead of SEC, SEC, SEC would take some getting used to. Maybe they would go with SBC, SBC, SBC? Oh, and did I miss James Madison?
  20. I see people out walking today by themselves in middle of afternoon and wearing cloth masks. Is it wrong of me not to let them know they are endangering their health wearing a mask like that on a hot humid day?
  21. It's all in a name. Antifa likes to call themselves an Anti Fascist "organization" which is the height of hypocrisy or just being completely unaware to the fact that they are in fact actually a group of Fascists.
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