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Everything posted by petey23

  1. It was good news bad news for me in the Summer time. My father was the head of the Associated General Contractors which meant I always had a job in the Summer time and so did many of my friends....nothing like spending a summer on the hot highway shoveling, running a jackhammer, or putting on the hood to do some sandblasting when it is 98 degrees out and hitting overtime on late Wednesday afternoon. I did get a little smarter after a couple of summers and when the foreman asked if I could operate any equipment I said "Absolutely" and then figured it out.
  2. Unfortunately I have seen all the signs that Biden is exhibiting up close and personal. It is a terrible thing to go through for the person afflicted and their family. Would not wish it on anyone.
  3. Many people haven't locked in on paying attention to the election and don't until after Labor Day. I can't imagine people will be as excited to vote for Biden when he is out in public and answering questions for more than 2-3 minutes at a time....let alone in a debate setting which are normally held in the evening which will be tough for Biden to navigate.
  4. Morticians and Funeral Directors mostly.
  5. How about people just not use either one?
  6. Is this referencing the study done by Harvard Economics Professor Roland Frye? He admittingly set out to prove that Blacks were disproportionally killed by cops. He was surprised at what his research showed along those lines but while his study did show that whites are actually slightly more likely to be killed by cops based on the same number of similar interactions it did also show that Blacks and Hispanics are roughed up and physically abused at a far greater rate in similar police interactions. We need to be better.
  7. Plea deal to Murder 3 and/or Manslaughter 2 with max sentence.
  8. Biden is gonna get done in the first 100 days what he couldn't get done or even try to get done in his over 16000 days in DC while people try and manage his dementia.
  9. What POTUS should have said yesterday should have been along the lines of "We expect The Mayors and Governors to effectively police their cities and states to protect the people and their property. If they are unable to do so they should call on their National Guard for assistance and if that fails then have the Governor reach out to the Federal Government for assistance which may include Military assistance. One way or another we need to put a stop to the lawless white supremacist thugs that are rioting and looting these cities."
  10. I always rooted for Kevin a little bit since he was a Bismarck kid. I remember seeing him on the sidelines at Bismarck High Games standing on the track behind the team throwing 25-30 tight spirals when he was like 4-5 years old. And I am sure it will be a little family/alma mater confusion as his brother Steve who played at UND has one of his sons playing Baseball for NDSU. His other son is a pitcher for North Carolina State.
  11. What? This is all very confusing. So if we are to believe the media spin that this isn't primarily the work of Antifa but rather White Supremacist groups(also a bunch of dirt bags), that would mean the Biden Campaign and moronic Hollywood lefties like Steven Carell, Josh Rogan, and Chrissy Teigan are bailing White Supremacists out of jail. Got it.
  12. Hmmm. A golf course right outside a college kids apartment. That would certainly be an easier course to navigate than the old Midnight Masters Course we set up back in college with the #1 tee box being the ATO front yard.
  13. I have read a few articles and stories interviewing bar and restaurant owners who said that is the case. I don't think it is a one solution fits all but I would guess that those who rely on liquor and beer for the majority of their revenue would likely fall into this category.
  14. Most bars and restaurants do not have a business plan that will allow them to remain open operating at 50% capacity.
  15. Sorry. My post was directed at the original post. I agree with you in that regardless of where the federal tax theft from your state gets distributed a state is still responsible for their budget. Some of these states have been mismanaged so poorly for 50-60 years and are always on the cusp of bankruptcy and now in addition to Covid relief they want a do-over at the expense of more fiscally responsible states.
  16. Had a friend call me up when this was all starting to break. Said that his father who is a retired Doctor called him to make sure he was taking D3 and he told him he should check in with his friends as well. I have been taking it on a daily basis since early March. Figured it makes sense with the amount of sun exposure we get here in North Dakota. The last few days it seems that their have been quite a few stories and studies coming out concerning D3 and Vitamin D deficiency. The studies of course have not been peer reviewed at this point but there does seem to be a pretty convincing correlation between those who die or have a hard time recovering from Covid and D deficiency. The cynic in me thinks that if they could rename it and sell it as a prescription they would be pushing the hell out of it.
  17. Are you a medical doctor? It's not like it is bought over the counter.
  18. Unless they are only going to play conference games I would think it would still happen if Oregon is playing...especially with the very real possibility of USC, Cal, Stanford, and UCLA not playing this year.
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