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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Insurance isn't much of a benefit if you can't afford to use it.
  2. Women have been getting guys in fights since the dawn of time.
  3. It is one thing when polls have a margin of error of 3-5 points. This year the election will have a margin of error of 3-5 points. New York primary took over a month to figure out who won. They actually ended up counting mail in ballots without a postmark?
  4. Another terrorist group, Hamas also used Human Shields.
  5. Bring in the Water Cannons if for no other reason than it is good TV! Also would not be opposed to using snipers to take out the sh!tbags using high powered lasers in an attempt to maim and blind law enforcement.
  6. And as troubling as his past is...his present is painful to watch.
  7. Well they did say that 265 million Americans would become infected with Covid 19 and that we could expect 2.2 million deaths.
  8. Two rich guys that ran in the same circles in the 90's. Eventually had a 1 way falling out over the actions of 1 of them leading to him being banned from the others properties. I know libs would like to see Trump caught up in what comes out from the Maxwell case it she stays alive long enough. The SDNY was sitting on the case and trying to squash it but libs seem to think that Trump would in effect remove and replace those at the SDNY with prosecutors that would move the case forward if he was caught up in it himself. Brilliant logic.
  9. I would be interested in this as well. Dr. Fauci said in mid April that President Trump followed every suggestion that Dr. Fauci and his team recommended. So what plan would Hillary and Biden have implemented to go against what Fauci and his team recommended?
  10. Should equivalency tests be developed to test grade school kids? Should they be held back if they fail and expected to repeat the grade the following school year or just pushed through?
  11. As the media has switched the narrative from number of deaths to number of positive cases they count on very few people asking why. I realize that number of deaths lag from the number of cases but you will never see it noted that the death rate over the last month seems to have shrunk by about 300% from .05 to .017. If you look at the numbers based on positive cases and number of deaths from the start up until a month ago about 50,000 more deaths would have been expected between June 22 and today if the rate had held.
  12. Hearing Minnesota is going with Statewide Mask required policy tomorrow or at least announcing tomorrow.
  13. I think it the standards to immigrate to the United States should be similar to those of our neighbors Canada and Mexico.
  14. Not sure how much stock I put in people wearing masks due to user error, choice of masks, etc. but don't judge people either way. Am amazed at the videos of the mask Nazis approaching people and pulling down their masks so they can scream in the non mask wearers face. I don't wear one outside or in my vehicle and I don't take virtue signaling selfies wearing one to post on social media. More than anything I just try and maintain distance in public settings which I have done for years. I have a few in my vehicle and if I go Grocery shopping or into a convenience store I put one on. If I go into a place of business for work I usually throw one in my padfolio and read the room. If I go out to lunch during the day I don't wear a mask and just maintain proper distancing as well as possible. Going to keep crushing Vitamin D and hope for the best.
  15. I think Miller will dress quite a bit as the 7th D which would allow the coaching staff some flexibility if either a forward or d-man gets injured.
  16. One of the largest teachers unions in the state of California, the United Teachers Los Angeles with 35,000 members, says public schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District should not reopen if certain policies are not implemented on the state and national level, including defunding the police and implementing Medicare for All. The union called on local authorities to "keep school campuses closed when the semester is scheduled to begin on Aug. 18." The union’s demands listed in a recently released policy paper include implementing a moratorium on charter schools, defunding the police, increasing taxes on the wealthy, implementing Medicare-for-All, and the U.S. Senate and President Donald Trump approving House Democrats’ HEROES Act, which allocates an additional $116 billion in federal education funding to states. Tell me again what this has to do with safety concerns.
  17. At one point I know Miami and WMU were lobbying for Bowling Green to be added along with either ASU or Mankato.
  18. There is a lot of similarity in how they used fear porn and spread a lot of false and exaggerated information with regards to HIV transmission and AIDS as well.
  19. Might be time for a Billboard again. Quite awhile back I remember a few businessmen in Bismarck put up Billboards on I-94 just as you were coming to the Bismarck exits that read something along the lines of "Welcome to Bismarck! Please judge us by the quality of our people and not by the quality of our newspaper."
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