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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Pretty sure you skipped a chapter or two.
  2. The picture bubble in my head unfortunately is liberal women with poor grooming and hygiene habits and quite a few "It's Pats"
  3. Fact Checkers say this is Fake News....and you should really use spell check.
  4. Remember the Conrad flu statement fiasco after he passed. I remember the running joke was that Conrad, Dorgan, and Pomeroy had 2 flannel shirts that they shared for campaign commercials since they never were all three on the ballot at the same time.
  5. David Strauss was/is a pretty sharp guy. Wonder why he never ran himself, although he has carved out a nice career for himself.
  6. I said it. And I stand by it. My father and a couple Contractors were in DC and headed to the Senate office Buildings to meet with Senator Conrad and Senator Burdick. They were heading one direction towards the offices for their scheduled meetings and Burdick was heading the direction away from his office. Wasn't a big deal since everyone knew that David Strauss was our de facto Senator at that time anyway.
  7. I think they will prop Joe up until December 2022 if they can. They will likely lose the house in 2022 elections and if Kamala is already in office it could be a bloodbath. As long as he has competent loyal people around him they can limit his exposure. It isn't like the media will ask any questions that they aren't given to ask. Hell in North Dakota we had Senator Burdick who was basically a figurehead at best for the last 6-8 years he served. He was frequently seen going the wrong way on the Subway system and his wife had to help him eat at events and dinners.
  8. Well it is kind of like watching House of Cards.....i would pause the show and ask myself if I could see the Clinton's doing that? Yep, hit play and continue.
  9. Agree with this somewhat. The difference is one party would ram everything through while the other party will cower to pressure and ridiculous hyperbole and not follow through despite running on those very issues and getting elected because of what they ran on......this is how they created the opportunity for Trump in 2016. If the Republican party had any leadership with a set Trump would have never got any traction.
  10. A years supply is about $20-$25. If it was a prescription that people could make money off of, it would be all over the news.
  11. Friend of mine whose Father is a retired Doctor told me to start taking D3 back in February. I feel lucky as I had a minor cold and cough when I had Covid a few weeks back. In normal times I probably wouldn't have missed a day of work. Some of the "non peer reviewed" stories and reports are pretty telling. many reports showing that among people who died with Covid or from Covid or really struggled with recovering show that anywhere from 85-92% of these people had one thing in common and that was they were deficient in Vitamin D.
  12. Getting pulled over for speeding and the officer says "Is that a box of straws underneath that bag of cocaine in your backseat? I am going to need you to step out of the car please"
  13. Sell those straws on the black market. The people in Oregon might need them for their Coke.
  14. Death threats to them and their families for some of them.
  15. Reparations! Adjusted for inflation I assume.
  16. I would guess the 6 regular season champions and 6 conference tournament champions will make the tournament which would allow for between 4 and 10 at large bids.
  17. What does the Newsmax founder have to do with any of this? Put down the crayons and take a nap.
  18. Do you have a credible source? NSA calls bullsh!t by the way.
  19. Russia wanted to sow discontent and cast doubt on our election in 2016. They were able to find a willing media to do it for them.
  20. β€œIt isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” ― Ronald Reagan
  21. There was a pretty good reason the Clinton campaign didn't want to dive into the election results.
  22. Depends I guess? We had a concentrated effort by several entities the last 3-4 years consisting of spying, false fisa reports, a Russian hoax, a fraudulent impeachment and I don't anticipate anyone will be held accountable for that.
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