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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. I've typically been a pretty positive person with this hockey team in my years as a fan. And maybe that's because typically from start to finish, the team has improved over the course of the season, and you could just feel it was coming. But idk I don't feel like as a team we've improved at all. And while there is still time (not much but a little), I was hoping to see some sign that would give me some hope that we could go on a run, and right now we are barely scoring 2 goals a game, turn the puck over way too much and can't put the puck in an open net. So if they could give some sort of sign of life that would be great. I haven't given up on them, but a sign of life would be great.
  2. Just saw on the Herald site that Zach Yon is out this weekend. Bummer.
  3. Phoenix. Because my godfather lives there and I won't have to pay hotel. (I'm aware that's selfish lol)
  4. You think only one of them is butt hurt?
  5. I think the point is if you go around searching for trouble, you're going to find it. In this case, criticism.
  6. I don't know why they do it. Wolanin is the only one I know that has blocked anyone. One of my friends told me this over the weekend and she couldn't even recall anything she had said that was that bad enough to get blocked. I HATE the when people are directly tweeting to players negative things. I hate when opposing fans do it to our players and when our fans do it to opposing team's players and then have them justify why it's okay.
  7. The players search themselves on Twitter. Most of the time it's live tweeting and reaction during a game and it's not even going directly to the player. They seek it out.
  8. The defense will be fine if we can eliminate turnovers at the blue line. But I don't want to name names or anything...
  9. That is correct - no Schmaltz and Caggiula last year. Last year at WMU, I believe we scored 4 goals, 3 by Boeser and 1 by Gersich.
  10. He was off side, but he was not on the initial zone entry. The puck went out of the zone again after the initial zone entry. The explanation Zach got was that the officials weren't permitted to look at that entry, only the initial zone entry can be looked at.
  11. Several players read twitter too much. To avoid them seeing it (this is for their own good), you just put their number instead of their name. Because they will find it otherwise.
  12. I feel like I've seen this story before. I didn't like the ending.
  13. High Street is where you will want to go.
  14. We don't like to talk about that here.... I pretend it never happened ha.
  15. I remembered how bad they were last year so I muted it right away haha. I wish the NCHC could figure out how to get it so you could select home or away radio announcers when you play the webcast. I've watched a few USHL games a while back where you picked home or away for the stream.
  16. Same here. I like Cam and I hate that it's assumed you're against him because you may want to see some of the other goalies. At some point, Cam's not going to be here anymore and it'd be nice to know what kind of comfort level we can have with the goalies that remain.
  17. I feel bad for him because of that and also... (and maybe it's just me) but it feels like certain media types get all smug and want him to fail so they can make a point to fans about Cam being far superior. IDK just rubs me the wrong way.
  18. Last year it was like that too. Players got tossed from every face-off. I remember because the radio dude complained so much about it. Must be a CC thing...
  19. I don't mean to say this year's team doesn't have any, but when I think of some of the previous, less talented teams we've had (years 2011 to 2015 come to mind) the less talented teams had way more heart, and a bigger will to win. Particularly with the team 2 years ago. Not a lot of talent, but they pulled out wins in a lot of games where they just did whatever it took. Then again, those teams had for the most part some what experienced defensemen.
  20. Sounds like Janatuinen may or may not be able to go.
  21. I'm billed monthly on the 18th, so it's not like if you purchased it today it would only be good through the end of the month. (Because that'd be a rip off lol) I would guess if you bought it today it'd be good until the 27th of February.
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