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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. I'm really salty about tonight's results, but I'm also thankful that tonight's game was the last time we see Todd Anderson this season.
  2. Gopher fans just say the fans at away games are ND transplants. Some are, some aren't. We show up, all that matters.
  3. It's beneficial especially for those out of the area. If you make it to a lot of home games I'm not sure it's as beneficial. Like if you're a season ticket holder and just want away games, if the away games are on CBSSports and not on NCHCTV... Doesn't do as much good.
  4. They're wrong. http://collegehockeystats.net/1314/boxes/mmiandk1.m21
  5. We played the late game in 2014 also. Lost to Miami.
  6. Ha I was just remembering this morning the last time we played DU on Pattys Day myself... Good times.
  7. No kidding. I had to do extra credit to pass College Algebra...
  8. College Hockey News has us at 90%. I'm not sure how they determine this. I'm merely here for commentary
  9. Good luck. I searched the app and only came across Denver's audio stream. It's my understanding the CBS Sports app is for events on CBS, not CBS Sports.
  10. I personally wonder if that's just the spin on the article. I mean there was another article out of Vancouver earlier this week that made it sound like Boeser was bailing on the rest of the season to sign there this week. I know when Brock is asked he is pretty non-committal.
  11. It better prepares you for what's ahead if you are dealt a tough draw IMO.
  12. That's because Twitter UMD fans are psychotic obsessive compulsive types!
  13. Anyone else think if only that one goal he got taken away in the second game of the year had counted? That maybe he'd have more than one goal this season...
  14. When was the last time an east coast team did well at a regional not on the east coast? I will wait for the answer since I don't know.
  15. All Roku apps that feature live events are delayed. The NCHC was looking into getting that issue resolved but I'm not sure much can be done aside from lessening the delay. I watch NHL games on Roku and have the same problem.
  16. Providence isn't the host in Providence, so you could technically move them, FYI. The last time Providence had a regional it caused a big uproar because by the straight bracket they should have been in Fargo instead of Quinnipiac. Brown is the host in Providence.
  17. Ah Grainbelt. Already winning if you ask me!
  18. Those will never happen in Oxford. It's just not a big travel destination. It's not easy to get to. When I was there, the only other Sioux fans we met there were the Caggiula's...
  19. Giving up that 3 goal lead on Friday shook me...
  20. NCHC tweeted it was pulled from Fox Sports Ohio lineup. (I'm paraphrasing) Sounds like a late change.
  21. Pretty much agree on the underperforming part. Outside of Gersich, guys we all expected would take that next step (and we all know who they are) have not done so. If they had, we wouldn't be talking about these things.
  22. And 5 of their top 6 scorers or something like that... Not that I could name who they were...
  23. Johnson had been sitting until last Saturday. I think it is becoming clear that Peski is ahead on the depth chart.
  24. I think he could spend more time doing those things and less time going on Vancouver radio to tell them about our player(s) leaving the team after this season. But maybe I'm the only one bothered by that...
  25. Most teams in our league are young because a lot had significant departures. Duluth is an exception. Denver lost a couple big scorers but they returned their goalies and a bulk of their D. Those two being on top is not shocking.
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