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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. I like him as a 4th liner right now, but I think a lot of people feel him and Yon play well together... I felt that had more to do with Yon than Bowen though...
  2. While I don't necessarily disagree, I do not think That won't help our power play, which has been the problem this weekend. Because they know what we're trying to do.
  3. Pogo and Brock both play on the right side. Guessing that might have something to do with it.
  4. It's Not just on the power play... My opinion of course.
  5. Superb. I live in Moorhead. I can watch him play this winter.
  6. And it shouldn't be up to Gersich alone to cover what was lost. He will easily surpass his point totals from last season. I like his contributions thus far.
  7. Outsiders thought we were a one line team. That's what I meant by top heavy. Obviously we all know about the Heavy line, and the D core, and their offensive contributions, outsiders not so much. But like I said, it depends if you prefer a dominant top line over spread out scoring in terms of if you prefer this year's forwards over last's. Personally I'd like a dominant top line and spread out scoring. And a brick wall in net. Haha.
  8. Where do Fargo peeps watch games? I just moved from Minneapolis. No cable here. Just curious if Bdubs is still (one of) the spot.
  9. There appears to be more spread out scoring thus far. Guess it depends what you prefer. I liked last year's forward group also, but outsiders did call us top heavy for a reason.
  10. No worries! Me and my 0-4-2 record when attending games at Mariucci are staying in Fargo. Things will go better with my cursed self staying home.
  11. Hahahaha well yeah. It's just silly they think that's the reason...
  12. If Wisconsin's internet service is as spotty as their cell phone reception coverage, that might present an issue for streaming. Disclaimer: I'm no technology expert. Have you tried getting an ethernet cord to get on the internet that way at least just for watching the games? A buddy suggested that to me because I kept getting disconnected because of bad wifi. I never tried it, but just a thought. I too, am hoping the games on Roku are going to be nice.
  13. This has been going on for a few weeks. This one dude was freaking out and ranting to the USCHO twitter account like they were the ones who voted in the poll. Complaining about being disrespected because Penn State doesn't have any history or tradition like the other schools in the polls. I guess he's found some more friends to complain with him.
  14. Ah! That must be what I had seen previously. I know I definitely don't care enough about other schools to pay 25/month.
  15. Amsoil is the only d1 college arena in Minnesota I haven't been to. I really wanted to go. Then my car died on Thursday. I'm not mad...
  16. When I got the streaming set up, they didn't have a per weekend fee set up. I see now they have a day pass. But that's 14.95 per game, which is stupid when they list the monthly package at 18.95. (apparently I was wrong about the 24.95 price - must have read incorrectly earlier) http://www.nchc.tv/packages
  17. I had decided to pay monthly instead of that annual fee in case there's a month where I'm going to more games in person - then I could just cancel for the month I wasn't going to use it a lot. But that was before they raised prices. Now that they raised their month prices from 14.95 to 24.95 I'm trying to decide if I'm better off just getting Midco. I am paying the lower price now, but if I cancel I'm going to get stuck with that 24.95 monthly price.
  18. I agree. Prior to Friday's game, Peski had been solid. He had a rough night, confidence took a hit. I'm willing to cut him some slack 5 games into the season. Honestly though, IMO, when Wolanin went out with injury they should have never had Peski and Johnson on a D pairing.
  19. Unless Wolanin is healed, I think we'll see Peski. In fact, I would like to see how he responds.
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