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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. I'm billed monthly on the 18th, so it's not like if you purchased it today it would only be good through the end of the month. (Because that'd be a rip off lol) I would guess if you bought it today it'd be good until the 27th of February.
  2. I honestly was just responding to someone giving game times in the time zone I am actually in. It gets confusing when Colorado people come on and say the game is at 6...
  3. there's no need to flip out on me here.
  4. Probably because everyone hates him haha. In all seriousness it wouldn't surprise me if it turns some people off.
  5. That's our time zone, so that is what we go by!
  6. Is that central time or mountain time?
  7. I should have inserted "at least." I remember him being well regarded when he committed. You just never know where freshmen will slot in until you see what they have vs returning players.
  8. I know next to nothing about the deal with Evers, Bast and if they are or are not ever coming. If neither do come next year, going on a limb and saying Kiersted probably slots in at the no. 6 d-man. Disclaimer: I could very likely also be wrong.
  9. I didn't mean to, I was thinking something similar when you said it.... I apologize.
  10. I'm sorry, but Peski had one bad game (against BSU), which a lot of people seem to want to hold against him for a long period of time. He's been fine aside from that. Wolanin is a veteran. He needs to play like it and he knows it. Peski is still a work in progress and he's not going to improve without game action. So here we go. We'll see how he does.
  11. They can't have obnoxious celebrations if we don't let them score....
  12. Idk. I've heard the whole thing about how hard it is to play at home, but Tomek did play WJC's. I saw both his games there, but didn't pay attention to the crowd. I guess my point is he's played on a big stage already, so his nerves might be more calm? (Full disclosure: I have no idea if this is the case. I am merely playing devil's advocate ) I remember last year when we had to go to Hrynkiw and Stecher said after the season that before Hrynkiw's first game at the Ralph, the D-men had a meeting where the coaches told them "Do whatever you have to do to block everything going towards the net..." So maybe starting a different goalie will just motivate everyone to be better... You never know...
  13. We know this. I'm Then again Vancouver had Boeser gone after last year, so...
  14. I think it's always going to pain me that the 2011 senior class never got a natty...
  15. I always assume they won't make it just because of their typical second half slide...
  16. They are called Hockey LEAST for a reason...
  17. I agree completely. I was looking at our pairwise comparisons we are losing yesterday, and those 2 losses at Duluth are a factor in a lot of those. If we can manage to sweep Duluth at home, that would do a lot to move up. (I realize that's a tall task, but a possibility) (Side note to previous comments made in this thread: the Michigan State result this weekend wasn't the only factor in why we didn't move up more. Duluth losing to CC and SCSU losing twice to Miami were also factors.)
  18. They're currently feeling pretty good about themselves because they live in an exciting place called Nebraska.
  19. And UNO fans wonder why he never gets all-conference awards... Because he's a d-bag on ice and those are voted on by the players and coaches! lol
  20. Technically we never replaced him with a freshman forward this year since he signed later in the summer. His roster spot is still available!
  21. Sling is just an app on Roku that gives you some live cable TV. I prefer Roku because I use it for other things (netflix, sling, renting movies), but the delay for watching live sporting events sucks. I figured out it's for everything and not just the NCHC app because the delay was bad for the game last night too and the internet stream was even a couple minutes ahead. You're almost better off hooking up the computer to the TV through HDMI.
  22. Still listed as committed on the Lincoln line chart as well.
  23. They'll probably lose in the first round so at least it'll be over quick.
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