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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. Both those teams have struggled defensively of late IMO. Top of the league in offense, bottom of the league in defense.
  2. This isn't new. The officiating was pretty one sided in Minneapolis in November also. Gopher trolls: flame away.
  3. We probably won't hear anything on it until after the Coaches meetings in Florida after the season.
  4. And there are some (insert team name here) fans who want permanent regional sites. One at the X, another in Boston. And others at TBD sites. HMMMM.
  5. It's okay, because we're playing well right now. Gutsy was when we renewed our Final Five tickets after we lost to Bemidji 2 years ago.
  6. They did when I was in school. But I graduated in 2009, so things could have changed since then.
  7. The first time I drove downtown I was in college and got lost trying to find the ramp to 94 to get back to ND and I'm pretty sure I made everyone in downtown Minneapolis hate me by the time I left. So basically, if you're not familiar with downtown, the light rail is your friend. It does have a lot of stops, so if you don't want to get on at the MOA, you could go to one of the other stops also.
  8. I"d just want us to play a game there because their tickets are cheap.
  9. The teams that screwed the NCHC are UNO and Colorado College. Easily. Every other team, without looking up their box scores, had respectable to good non-conference records. Yeah CC is not good this year. But UNO should have at least been able to finish .500 in their non-conference schedule if you ask me. This is why I can't ever pick UNO to finish high in conference standings until they a) perform better non-conference and b)not have a mid-to-late season slump every year. I'm sure this was already mentioned to an extent. Possibly by me but it's been angering me for a while. #end rant
  10. I can only handle so much Gopher tire pumping on FSN. I fear for permanent eye damage due to constant eye rolling. Hello, mute button!
  11. Are you serious? It didn't even start snowing until AFTER the first game started! Well, at least in the west metro.
  12. I just feel like Loney is a repeat offender when it comes to the "act like you're dying to get a major penalty" BS. I swear he's done it before. But it's not the easiest thing to prove since it's not going to show up on an old box score.
  13. I'd actually like to go to a game at Quinnipiac if I ever am out that way. I saw one of their games on TV last year and it looked like a fun rink. Granted the game I saw was their rivalry game against Yale and they had like, a "yellow-out" so I might have caught a game at a good time, but it still looked fun. Maybe if I'm ever on the east coast I'll check it out.
  14. I'm glad someone else caught this. I remember hearing about him committing to QU and thought it was pretty recent that it happened when the story by Chambers came up but didn't have a chance to look it up yet. So it looks like he committed to QU the day Tambellini left.
  15. This shouldn't be a shock to anyone. I believe this same website ranked us lower than all or most of those arenas last year also. The only arena above us on the list I have attended a game at so far is Mariucci and I can't stand that place. Maybe I'd feel differently if I actually got a seat to sit in when I went to a game. So as far as subjectivity goes, if I was making a list, I'd rank Mariucci below pretty much every other rink I've ever been to that I got to sit in an actual seat in. I took the opportunity to give myself a self-guided tour of Notre Dame's rink on a pit stop on the way back from the trip for the Miami series and it looked pretty nice. But I haven't seen a game there, so I can't judge that.
  16. Quick is UNO's recruiting game. They get in on a lot of kids with offers real quick, before other schools have a chance to. Kids aren't always exactly patient enough to see what other offers they can get, and I'm not sure I blame them because waiting for a better offer is a risk. And I can see why UNO is quick to offer too. They take a lot of high risk-high reward type kids IMO. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  17. https://www.google.c...389913217755205
  18. They are updated as they are showing the new category if you look at the chart, but the "Quality Win Bonus" is just not calculated into the RPI if I'm reading the footnotes right.
  19. Well, looks like I'll be in Bemidji for the game on Friday. Nothing like a last minute invite.
  20. There are 18 scholarships. However, the school can choose to divide the scholarship money we have up however they choose. Very few players are on a 100% scholarship. You can probably figure out who is on a complete full scholarship. We also have recruited walk ons. So the amount of scholarship money for each player varies every year.
  21. I didn't read anywhere in there where it said Hughes was visiting UND. Just Tyler Sheehy.
  22. It was said on the chat and watching the game, I agree... the PP seemed lazy at times. Need to show more urgency.
  23. Depends if he stays through his eligibility. My thoughts on Rocco and Florida are that they are only going to sign either Rocco or Kyle Rau. One of them is going to play the free agent card. Just a hunch right now.
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