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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. I knew I was dragging this place in the wrong direction...
  2. I'm calling sweep. But I always do. What can I say, I enjoy life in my bubble of positivity.
  3. Only team to have a 2 goal lead, sure. But triple OT not the closest to defeating them? Come on.
  4. I'd be surprised if that's the case.
  5. All the east coast teams are really close together. They take a max of 2 flights. We have 6. Their longest trip is probably 3 hours, which is our shortest trip most likely. For teams in the NCHC/WCHA territory, a 7 hour bus ride is normal. Out there, not so much. For all we know, if these eastern teams played teams around the 6-7 hrs away, they may make the same decision to bus. I'm just glad the trip we used to take to Michigan Tech was never brought up to this guy. He may go crazy.
  6. I didn't write it, so I don't know why he didn't mention the #1 profiting college hockey program. But it is Minnesota.
  7. It probably wasn't necessary considering we graduate 2 forwards and are planning to bring in 4 or 5 next year by the sounds of things.
  8. Minnesota makes more in than we do. And they bused to Omaha last year. And it'd be about the same as far as length of bus trip.
  9. Suggesting we are the only team taking 7 hr bus trips is ridiculous though. He's calling out UND without realizing how many schools out here take these kind of trips.
  10. This is a BU fan telling us we are terrible to our athletes for not flying. http://baystateroadsports.blogspot.com/2013/11/guest-post-from-burntboats-in-response.html?m=1
  11. Don't think so, aside from the one kid. A lot just get in a couple games before the HS season starts.
  12. I believe it's still in tryout phases in MN so I will wait until games start before I answer that definitively, as I paid zero attention to the Elite League this fall. Haha. I think the first batch of games are around Thanksgiving weekend.
  13. I'm gonna guess we don't see Panzarella this weekend unless we run out of d-men too...
  14. They've taken kids Schmaltz's age before (Jason Zucker, Jack Campbell recently come to mind), I just don't know how much he's on the radar for that team this year. I personally think he should be with the kind of international success he has had. If not this year, next year for sure.
  15. Exactly what I said, that they have no clue about how travel is "out west." He claims with our 3 million plus in ticket profits last year that we should fly everywhere apparently. Apparently not flying to Omaha was doing our student athlete's a "disservice."
  16. I'm currently arguing with a BU fan about why we'd take a bus to Omaha when we make soooooo much money in ticket profits and can afford to fly. Yes. Because BU fans know so much about 7 hour road trips like this one.
  17. Agreed! Call me crazy, but I'm going to guess all those boys find winning fun. Suggesting they're not having fun is just crazy talk.
  18. Oh, I will be at the game on Saturday, so clearly this means we will win Haha.
  19. They beat DU in back to back OT games so you could argue those games could have easily gone the other way as well. *and I think you mean Saturday/Sunday since there's no game Friday
  20. We definitely would lead the league in penalties with them here
  21. I've turned the page. I'm mentally preparing for Omaha now. Feel free to join me!
  22. Would you feel better if I told you Omaha is last in Penalty Kill? And looking at power play, statistically every team except UNO and Denver have worse power plays than ours. In league play, only 3 teams have PP percentage in the DOUBLE DIGITS.
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