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Everything posted by siouxforce19

  1. I like Wilkie. But am confused on the physically gifted part. Didn't Olson play instead of him in playoffs because of physicality? Or are you just referring to size when you say physically gifted? Sorry, it's been a long day at work.
  2. I think some people feel that Toews should have brought the Cup to UND, therefore is not as "loyal." I'm not one of those people. You just didnt hear much out of Toews because he wasn't active on social media until recently. Not gonna touch the issue with his bro, though. I also heard the rumors.
  3. There's a fix for that! I will check out the setting tonight and let you know.
  4. I prefer if the games were available on a Roku because I don't need the cable to watch the games on my TV
  5. It won't be Hulu. What the NCHC is looking into is creating an App that would be available to those with Apple TV or a Roku that will allow easier viewing for those with those devices, but have not yet heard an update on the progress of that. I, personally am crossing my fingers.
  6. Sorry, I've been MIA recently. WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY? LOL
  7. Is it worse than Philly? Because I HATED Philly.
  8. Just to add on to that... Especially when that captain is one of 2 seniors. Further, I have no idea who on our current roster would be a better captain anyways... (probably no one) Don't mess with something that's not broken, ya know?
  9. Yeah, I've been to one regional EVER and I only went because it was at the X. I've been to 4 Frozen Four's on the other hand. So you can imagine where this UND fan's head is at, and I know many that feel the same.
  10. I probably am quoting the wrong people. Sorry guys. But about the whole "scrambling" thing... Everyone is talking about scramble mode because we had a kid pull out late in the summer (JT Miller). While not ideal, the problem then was that none of our committed recruits were age eligible for college to bring in early. So we pulled in Gaarder. I think that experience made the coaches reassess recruiting and making sure there was always a plan. They have a plan for who is coming in if so-and-so decides to go. For example, Poganski came in ahead of schedule because Grimaldi turned pro. If Nick decides to leave, they probably already know which recruit is coming in to take the roster spot.
  11. He went in the 9th because he's already committed to playing for Penticton. Long shot to come to Fargo anyway.
  12. I didn't mean to suggest we won't be good defensively, just not as experienced as the previous 2 seasons.
  13. I think we're going to see more out of Gersich and Wilkie. To name a couple. Gersich in particular, had 9 goals in a mostly 4th line role, I say that increases with more ice time. And I think Wolanin and Shaw will be good on the back end with increased ice time too. Valuable experience for them this year that will help them next year. I think next year's team will just be set up a little bit different. Last year's was so good and experienced defensively. Next year's, the experience switches to the forwards.
  14. I was actually curious to see if they split Ausmus and Poolman and have them play with a freshman.
  15. I didn't think his post was about deciding to come back because of a pro offer, I took it more as the team starts workouts up again after their 2 week break after the natty.
  16. Man. It took me 11 hours to figure out what article you were talking about here...
  17. Fair point, all I know is in my viewings of QU, they are far from innocent victims as their coach makes them out to be.
  18. He's not very well liked out east either. Neither is QU. They have a reputation of being a dirty team, so when their coach is whining about non calls and high hits, it rubs people the wrong way. Since his team is doing the exact thing he's complaining about.
  19. Ha! There are those of us from my hometown that aren't over our high school's switch from Mohawks to Thunderhawks! I'm 33 now and we switched when I was 10. People who write these kind of articles that have no connection to the issue astound me because they just have not been in the shoes of those that have been through this kind of change and have no idea how long it takes for schools to successfully make a transition. And there are those who will never move completely past it too. I met a lot of people in Oxford,Ohio at the Miami series that were still upset about their change and they changed a while ago also.
  20. I listened to Berry on one of the UND Sports podcasts, and he gave the impression within a week or two they'll have a pretty good idea who is staying and who is going.
  21. We were talking about this on Saturday after the game. But for a team like QU, ranked #1 overall going in, shouldn't you have enough depth to get through at the very least regionals without a player like Anas? Heard all season how deep they are from pretty much everyone. My thought was if they would have let him rest up during regionals, he might have been in a lot better shape at the Frozen Four than he was.
  22. Smith is for sure coming and Jones is for sure not. He's a 2017-18 recruit. He was just named next season's captain for Penticton.
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