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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. While I'd like to agree with everything you say, I stop immediately after "I am not a gopher fan...". Frankly, I'd love it if UND got a chance to avenge some disappointments at the hand of Boston College and hand them a beat-down in Denver as opposed to having the Gophers do it for us. Miami irritatingly overrated? They've played Michigan several times and usually given the Wolverines all they could handle. I bet you'll think better of them once this tournament gets under way. They stumbled last year, but they have lots of returning players who won't let that happen again.
  2. And wasn't Chorney like a -4 or -5 on the second night of the UNH series? What do you want Finley to do, turn his jersey into Hakstol? Maybe you could stop by practice today and show big Joe how its done?
  3. Wow. One bad play and some people are "Brian Lee'ing" the guy.
  4. It rolls off the tongue much better than 7>6!
  5. There was NOTHING brave about those morons.
  6. It'll be Kangas' first real test where 33-98% of the crowd won't be cheering FOR him. BC has too much firepower to lose. 4-2 BC.
  7. Gopher fans AND Sioux fans in my section actually thanked me for saying something to them. They were pretty subdued by Saturday night, but probably only because they were too full of beer and too hung over to be as dumb as they were on Thursday and Friday. What was equally apalling was the parents not only sitting by and watching their sons make fools of themselves, but almost encouraging it.
  8. These idiots sat in my section and they weren't funny in the least. There were about 4-5 college-aged kids holding these signs up (along with the 8 beers per game that each of them consumed). They stood up during every break in the action and held up their signs, cursed at other fans, and flashed the finger at people. At least two of them went up for beer between periods at some point during the weekend and had to be helped back to their seats by their moms. I'd had enough of their antics myself by Friday night and stepped down a few rows to tell them that on behalf of Sioux fans everywhere, I was asking them to cease and desist. After having one of the d-bags swear at me, things got a little heated and mommy quickly jumped in to defend her upstanding citizen of a son. I'll stand by what I told them on Friday night: They are an absolute embarrassment to Sioux fans everywhere.
  9. I actually met several nice Gopher fans this weekend and the fans sitting behind us in row 10 of section 102 were great. The bad apples of our section, some fans near the boards, were about 4-6 drunk Sioux fans obnoxiously waving HOLY CROSS and RIT signs for the entire Thursday and Friday night games.
  10. Once we got the crispy bacon vs regular bacon, pancakes vs hash browns, and sour dough vs wheat toast all straightened out, it was a GREAT breakfast! Good times this year at the Hoggsbreath and if I'm successful getting the "WELCOME SIOUXSPORTS.COM" put on the sign outside the place next year, we're taking a group photo!
  11. I'm soooooooooo tempted to pack up MafiaMan Jr, buy a couple of tickets, and make the trip. I need some cheap accomodations though...and maybe some carpool buddies.
  12. I went for the BA-DONKA-DONK over the ba-donka-donk.
  13. And yet I STILL had perverts like you trying to squeeze them at the X on Saturday night!
  14. Is anyone from Minneapolis/St Paul mulling over a trip to Madison for the regional tournament?
  15. It was nice to see some familiar faces again and share some stories and good times! Thanks to all who came out this morning for brunch! Safe driving to those returning home tonight/tomorrow and Happy Easter! GO SIOUX!
  16. How disappointing. However, I find it equally disappointing that immediately, a group of partyers is lumped in together with people in favor of the Sioux nickname. Ugh...
  17. There was a play in I believe the first period where the Gophers were on the power play and a half-assed Wheeler passes up a shot opportunity, muffs the puck, and then 3-4 seconds later causes his team to be off-sides. Even Minnesota fans chuckled when I stood up and yelled "Hey Wheeler, when your phone's not ringin', that's Gretzky not callin'!".
  18. I think we're anywhere from 10-20 people at the moment...
  19. It wasn't exactly a full house. I might be tempted to sell my above face value ticket to a Gopher fan who sold his ticket last week.
  20. Dude, what's with the man-crush on Bo and Luke? It took me 2 seasons of watching that show to realize that anyone but Daisy was on the show.
  21. Now that's more of a story than the foot of snow, isn't it?
  22. I'm sure some classy Gopher fan will come up with something as witty as "How's the neck, Bina?" was a while back...
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