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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Back in 2000, I went to Mariucci and found many Gopher fans standing outside hoping to re-coup anything close to face value for their tickets. Back then, two teams went to the Frozen Four. I remember UND defeating Niagara and Boston College defeating New Hampshire.
  2. No problem, Ice Arena Man. Glad I could save you a few bucks.
  3. Thanks to everyone who came out to the Hoggsbreath for brunch. It was nice to see repeat-fans again and nice to meet Ice Arena Man and our guest siouxsports.com "lurker" who came out as well. I hope you all enjoyed the meal and conversation and come back next year. Tom was disappointed that he confused Sioux hockey with Bison basketball and thought we were going home on Saturday. He PROMISES to have something up on the marquee outside of the restaurant next year.
  4. Gloom and doom over on GPL for the Gophers. Hilarious that most fans I ran into this weekend STILL felt that they were a shoo-in for the NCAA tournament.
  5. Siouxmama and Sioux-cia...I'm two minutes away from the IHOP...if you want to ride with me, let me know. I'm leaving at about 10:00 am and picking up YaneA in Inver Grove Heights at 10:30 am.
  6. It's funny you mention that...I almost did bring along the Maine jersey for tonight. Alas, I think I'm goin' Russian Red Army jersey. Tell ya what, when UMD takes the ice against the Sioux on Friday night, stop by section 102 and I'll flag down a beer-man for ya so you can drown your sorrows courtesy of me.
  7. A friend of mine once asked me how bad I hate the Gophers. I thought for a second and told him "if they reunited the Soviet 1980 Olympic team and sent them to Mariucci Arena to play Minnesota, I'd be there at center ice wearing my red CCCP jersey screaming 'Let's go Commies.'" As I recall, BC also beat Minnesota in last year's tournament.
  8. Section 102 row 9. Watch for various jerseys this weekend during non-Sioux games. Go Bulldogs!
  9. Anyone...anyone...Bueller...anyone...Hoggsbreath...the answer is Hoggsbreath...
  10. Great seat...one ticket...buddy of mine's wife is having appendectomy surgery tomorrow AM and he may not be available to attend tomorrow night's game. He's 50/50 at this point. Ticket would be face value (I believe $20) and a GREAT seat (9 rows up on the blue line). It's not a 100% done deal, but it's more than likely available. If you're interested, PM me and I'll let you know the scoop as soon as I do.
  11. I can clean up my Suzuki XL-7 and seat 5 comfortably, so, yes, if you want a ride, let me know. YaneA will be the first pick-up, so she'll probably call 'shotgun,' though. Just an FYI to rider-requests...I'll be going from the Hoggsbreath straight to the 2:00 pm UMD/Denver 3rd place game on Saturday. I park about 1.5 blocks from the X. I posted my cell number on an earlier thread so I may as well do it now. Unlimited texting too, and that's a good way to get ahold of me. 612-386-8207.
  12. I'm probably picking up YaneA by the airport in Bloomington and will drive thru St Paul as opposed to deal with the Highway 62/35W mess going on north of me. I could swing by and pick you up if necessary.
  13. 1. MafiaMan 2. Siouxman 3. Mrs. Siouxman 4. YaneA 5. Siouxmama 6. Bob in Wisconsin 7. Sioux-cia I have some friends who will probably come out (not SiouxSports.com members, but they're the guys I go to the Final Five with every year) so that'd around 10 people. There was a pretty good crowd last year, I want to say 15-20?
  14. Don't tell ultra-pinko council member David Thune that. As far as he's concerned, Norm Coleman and hockey have KILLED downtown.
  15. Assuming I'm in the mood to drive you to the Hoggsbreath!
  16. OK, that's three: Siouxman, Mrs. Siouxman, MafiaMan. I'll need more than that!
  17. If you like to pay $15 for a burger, fries, and a pop, then Wild Tymes is your place!
  18. No, I didn't. I had 4-5 calls with offers for tickets, most around 1 pm or so. I was so close to pullin' the trigger but Mafia Jr was grumbling about the long drive and I decided to just 86 the idea. Of course, after we went to the Mall of America for an afternoon/evening of theme park rides, he decided he wished we had gone to see the Sioux play. By then, it was a little late to make the drive...
  19. Sorry, iramurphy, I had about a half-dozen calls while I was hangin' out with MafiaMan Jr and decided that I would just wait it out to the Final Five. I want to thank everyone who PM'd or called...I wussed out on the long drive there and back. I appreciate everyone who wanted to hook me up and help me out. Go Sioux!
  20. That's right...it's time for the attendance guess-timate.
  21. Haven't logged in since my post and gave up on the idea after I knew I couldn't sneak out of work early Friday...discovered last night that MacNaughton Cup won't make an appearance until tonight assuming the Sioux win...bottom line, if I find tickets by 1:00 pm today, I'm out the door and headed up to Grand Forks... 612-386-8207. I'd like lower bowl, please. Last-minute road trips are fun!
  22. Don't make me post pictures from The Platinum Fox, YaneA! P.S. I just put up a post in 'tickets wanted'...I am seriously mulling over a drive to GF this weekend.
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