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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. It's a 5 minute drive north on 35E from downtown St Paul to Highway 36 west, first exit after you hop onto 36 west, which is Rice Street, then north on Rice Street about a mile on your right-hand side.
  2. It's posts like these that remind me why NorthDakotaHockey is the Yoda amongst all Fighting Sioux fans. If Hak, Eades, and Jackson are such good chemists, can I ask them to help find me a nice lady? Yea...that'd be great.
  3. You gave away the surprise, Siouxman, but I'll remind Tom and Jossie and get it done. What would you prefer to see, "Welcome Fighting Sioux Hockey Fans" or "Welcome SiouxSports.com Fans"? I will also dig thru my garage and see if I can find some "prizes" to give the fan who travelled the farthest distance for the tournament and for brunch.
  4. I will once again be organizing a Saturday Final Five brunch at the Hoggsbreath for SiouxSports.com fans and friends. We had a GREAT turnout last year and hopefully even more people are interested in sharing some stories and laughs with us this year. You don't have to be a Sioux fan to attend, either. I'll have more details later, but we'll probably be looking at meeting around 11 am. If you're planning on attending on March 21st, please let me know so I can give the management of the Hoggsbreath an idea of how many people will be attending. I'll give them a good guess-timate a few days before the tournament starts. Thanks and GO SIOUX!
  5. BigChief, I had a late night at the office last night and arrived at Senser's at 9:00 pm, just in time for most of the third period. I walked around the place two or three times, but didn't find you. Maybe Sioux fans on the board didn't recognize me in a suit and tie, but I wound up standing by myself watching the rest of the game before leaving. That was OK though...I left with huge grin thanks to a big win! Are you going tonight?
  6. Congratulations Sioux coaches and players! This team has shown great heart this season after a rough start. Now, some of you so-called "fans" on this board need to track down that October Mankato Friday night thread and eat your apocalyptic words. The season is a marathon, not a sprint. It's not done yet.
  7. Just got dogged by a friend who was supposed to join me for tonight's game. HELP! I need a kind Sioux fan to allow me to sit at their table!
  8. Lots of teams do this to thank the home fans for coming out for the game.
  9. Is that when the men come out of hibernation, Sioux-cia?
  10. A late night on the board...let's go Sioux!
  11. I scored a similar goal last week in my men's C/D broomball leaugue. Unfortunately, I don't have the video to show it.
  12. You know what, dagies? I had that exact same thought myself...
  13. As classy as saying in an interview between periods that "good sportsmanship goes right out the window" when these teams play? Now THAT'S classy!
  14. In a related story of equally "unbiased" opinion, I'm going to ask a die-hard Barack Obama supporter tomorrow night his impressions of inauguration day.
  15. I don't remember specifics of the agreement, but I do recall the WCHA and CCHA each picking one Alaska school for admission to their respective conference.
  16. You do realize, Goon, that NMU left the WCHA for the CCHA, right? Is there a hot rumor of the Wildcats wanting to return? I haven't heard it.
  17. Down 2-0 mid-way thru the third, the Sioux showed plenty of heart tonight. The move by #29 with seconds left was spectacular. Ole! Ole ole ole! Ole! Way to come thru tonight, Sioux. Great work!
  18. Did I really say 'immediately'? I guess I might have time for one lap dance drink at Mettler's after the game.
  19. Left you a voice mail a few minutes ago. Hopefully you're still interested in purchasing as I'm still interested in selling!
  20. Had a friend/wife combo back out of going to Mankato for Saturday's game. If you're interested in buying a pair ($50), please let me know. I'll be leaving Bloomington Saturday afternoon and coming back immediately after the game...if you're looking for carpool incentives, it's a possibility.
  21. Wow. Two games into the season and already these types of predictions and comments are being made? It didn't take long, did it?
  22. Yep. After 4-5 losses to finish the season, it'll be good luck at the Peach Bowl.
  23. Oh here we go again...two games into the season and the "ABANDON SHIP" call has been made. Sound the alarm!
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