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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Herb Brooks actually does represent an NCHC program, although it's obviously not what he's most famous for... http://www.stcloudst...p?storyID=40599
  2. Good call, Snake. I'll get things started with my picks for conference regular season champions: Hockey East: UMass-Lowell WCHA: Minnesota State-Mankato NCHC: North Dakota BIg 10: Michigan ECAC: Union Atlantic Hockey: Niagara
  3. OSU had better hope the NCAA hammer never falls on its football program (I honestly don't know how it avoided more sanctions following Saint Tressel, Maurice Clarrett, and their antics, but obviously they're an NCAA cash-cow and we couldn't possibly let that happen, could we?) or its hockey program will be dismantled immediately afterward.
  4. I need time to put together my thoughts, but there will be a response. I used an old argument a while back on a friend of mine who was tired of the Notre Dame logo being compared with the Sioux logo and how it couldn't be racist because it's a fictional character. I asked him if UND received permission from Notre Dame to use the same logo but colored his face a darker shade, what his thoughts would be. He immediately replied that it WOULD be racist, at which point I reminded him that the logo with a white face isn't racist because it's a fictional character. He looked puzzled...
  5. Why the small print, Mariucci? It's hard to read.
  6. The avatar will give it away too. I'm not sure how long you've been hanging around here, but I, for one, always enjoy reading opinions and thoughts from fans of other teams. Welcome!
  7. The only reason OSU hockey will draw better this year will be because Gopher and Badger fans will occupy what previously used to be empty seats... All this time on SiouxSports.com, Mariucci, and I couldn't even talk you into buying one of those snazzy winter hats in your beloved Gopher colors?
  8. Hmnnnn....muhawks...that wouldn't be Miami of Ohio RedHawks, would it? I personally like Miami hockey and Enrico Palazzo Blasi. Still can't believe they lost the title game to BU the way they did...
  9. WRONG! OSU women's basketball drew an average of 3,849 fans at each of their 18 home games last season... http://fs.ncaa.org/D...ttend/13att.pdf 43,000 students on campus...and you're trying to suggest that three schools whose combined undergrad enrollment is about 6,000 more than that have poor attendance as compared to the mighty Buckeyes?
  10. Which should be even MORE embarrasssing for a school like Ohio State, wouldn't you think? Columbus is a major metropolitan area, unlike Oxford, Kalamazoo, and St Cloud. http://www.stadiumjo...er-s1113/images Now, contrast those pictures of Ohio State hockey vs this...
  11. Illinois was my guess too. I can't recall when but I knew that the show had been to Northwestern.
  12. If OSU football was played in a stadium with even 5,000 empty seats, it would be considered a campus travesty. But OSU hockey playing in front of 11,000 empty seats is a sign of success?
  13. Dangit...now I need to find the answer...
  14. If the Gophers were drawing 4,000 fans per game at Williams Arena, you would think your program sucked too. Build a damn hockey arena, OSU. You make a big deal about being Big 10 but your hockey arena screams D3!
  15. Funny you should ask, Matt... http://www.sportingn...an-game-suicide However, there is WAY more to this story than you think...after this fan was ripped online and Michigan fans in general were called out, this particular fan decided to explain the sign... http://deadspin.com/...eday-1271410289
  16. This show could either go very good for Fargo and NDSU...or very bad. I am cringing at the thought of Bison fans chanting SIOUX SUCK on live TV...and the chatter afterward about how racist UND is responsible for their bad behavior.
  17. With Doug Woog's recruits...a couple of non-Minnesotans and a foreigner (gasp!)...
  18. Well, it's better than Goon sending me a "GO BISON" bumper sticker and a half-eaten pack of Big Red gum as "payment in full"...
  19. Schmitzzz's check arrived today so all I'm missing are payments from Cratter, LeftyZL, and yababy8...thanks everyone for your prompt payment.
  20. Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur...that's only because they played a lowly non-Big 10 team in the first round! Had they played MSU or Michigan, Buckeye Nation would have put 1,000 butts in the seats at their practice rink for that third game!
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