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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. He'll never be more fun to watch than he was in THIS game... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/hockey/2002/playoffs/news/2002/05/31/avalanche_wings_ap/
  2. You totally took my comment the wrong way. Someone made this decision to save a few nickels in expenditures while adding a few dimes in revenue. I agree 100% on your dad and other older fans like him...some might not be fond of having to drive out to a local bar in order to hop on a shuttle bus...very unfortunate decision.
  3. I didn't agree with it either but after seeing the Yankees and Rays duke it out a few years ago trying to NOT win the division title so they could wind up playing Detroit instead of red-hot Texas, I do understand why MLB had to add a second wild-card. Bud needed to stop the sand-bagging that teams were doing to get more favorable match-ups in the first round.
  4. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Shuttle service = gas and money spent on a driver. Additional paid parking options = revenue.
  5. The 'hot dago' sandwich is popular on menus here in St Paul to this day. In 1992, I took my grandparents to a restaurant in the city and my grandpa absolutely blew a head gasket over the 'outrage' of that word being printed on a menu. He was 100% Italian and very familiar of the days of signs around business in Providence and Boston reading 'WOPS need not apply' and 'no Dagos'. If the standard is 'it can't offend anyone,' we're going to have moniker-less and logo-less sports teams across the board.
  6. Shouldn't you be packing for your trip to Blaine this weekend?
  7. I know that MLB is pulling for Dodgers vs Red Sox...for that reason alone, I'd love to see Pirates vs Rays.
  8. darell1976, I do feel bad for Cleveland...they had a great year.
  9. Go Sox Go...and take the Yankees with you. Re-fixed both posts.
  10. current numbers: Ice Arena Man: 2 black w/moniker, 1 green w/moniker Blackheart: 3 black w/moniker siouxczech29: 1 black w/moniker, 1 grey w/moniker Goon: 1 green w/moniker YaneA: 2 grey w/moniker, 3 pink w/moniker
  11. Green might not be possible - due to cost factors, the embroidery colors must stay the same for at least 6 hats (colors for grey and pink hats is the same so any combination of color hats is fine ). At the moment, there are 2 requests for the green hat. I have gray, black, and green versions of the hats and I would rank them in that order in terms of how they look. Soooo...if you switch your green to grey, we're good, otherwise, I need 3 more green hat requests to get to the magic number of 6. Would have been so much easier had Port Authority just carried a kelly green hat instead of forest green...
  12. Greens are nice...but my least favorite of the four colors I've seen so far. If you get one, that would make two, meaning I'd need four more of that embroidery scheme to make an order.
  13. I sent Ice Arena Man a text...just need Blackheart to reply.
  14. Can everyone re-confirm for me so I know you're all in? I also need to double-check about whether or not delivery before Christmas can be guaranteed. That might be a deal-breaker.
  15. I have a late entrant for 2 grey and 3 pink hats...it looks like another order could happen (3 grey and 3 pink for one set of embroidery colors and 6 black for another set). Ice Arena Man, your green hat would be a no-go, unfortunately.
  16. I'd be even more impressed if he was a captain as opposed to at cap-tian, whatever that is.
  17. Right! Just look at last year's pre-season poll...and see way down in the "also receiving votes" section - YALE. http://www.uscho.com/rankings/d-i-mens-poll/2012-2013/poll,1001/october-1,-2012/
  18. It sounded so good...you said it twice!
  19. I was joking...but one "Code Pink" protest outside of REA is all it would take... Besides...I've brought up this one before... http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-400_162-3573855.html
  20. I know...I was just giving you grief. I don't drink and drive either...it would to too difficult to text.
  21. Well hopefully you didn't doze off and spill your beer!
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