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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I have caught a few playoff games on ESPN2 when they have shown them...Montana is obviously a very good program with a loyal fan base and great venue. I'm not a fan of school colors and 'spirit colors' since that's just hokey, but there is definitely quality football to be seen at the FCS level. I know the Griz had a down year last year but beating them is still quite an accomplishment. Thanks for the information and link.
  2. I spent four years at UND from '88-'92 and had my butt in the bleachers at Memorial Stadium for plenty more than just the NDSU game every other year. I also sat is the stands for tons of men's AND women's basketball games. I know lots has changed in 20+ years and I was looking for insight like this, not a 'get the hell back to hockey' snide remark. Obviously being on par with Minnesota in men's and women's hockey makes for a rivalry for Sioux fans living in the TC metro area (like me). It's a little harder to follow the football team from here given the obvious media coverage the Big 10 generates. I would most certainly enjoy watching North Dakota vs Montana in football and hope to get a chance to one of these years. Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.
  3. See above post. Thank you for your two cents. A previous poster gave some good points and I thanked him for the information.
  4. Gee, forgive me for trying to obtain a little more insight into the football team...
  5. A warm-up game is one thing...I don't follow Valpo football at all and was a bit stunned to see predictions of 50-70 point blow-out proportions. I simply hope UND's march to D1, particularly in football, doesn't come at a 'win at all costs' expense. The shenanigans at Northern Colorado, Montana State, and Montana in the past several seasons is an embarrassment, don't you think?
  6. Great post and insight, thanks.
  7. Cream of the crop...like former first-rounders Henrik Zetterberg and Pavel Datsyuk, right? Ok, I'll play along...that Travis Zajac guy turned out ok...
  8. Because only first-round selections amount to anything in the NHL? The question was why is Valpo good for the football schedule. I wasn't trying to turn this into a hockey discussion, I was trying to point out why Manitoba might make sense in hockey as a comparison.
  9. Trust me, I would rather see BC, Maine, or Michigan come to town for a weekend as opposed to Manitoba...
  10. Seems to me plenty of them wind up in Grand Forks...
  11. How does it count towards a playoff win?
  12. Interesting, because every time I've seen Manitoba come to town, I see planty of 15-17 year old Canadian hockey letterman jackets in the stands of REA...these couldn't possibly be kids who might be recruited to play at North Dakota, could they?
  13. You're kidding me, right?
  14. And I don't particularly care for scheduling patsies at any level...nothing bores me more than seeing Wisconsin vs Michigan Institute of Mechanics pop up on the ESPN ticker on a Saturday afternoon. FWIW, Kent State is an awful example of a cupcake...they went 11-3 last season.
  15. Scheduling Manitoba in hockey is a recruiting tool for young players who might actually wind up playing college hockey. What is the benefit of playing a team like Valpo in football? This is an honest question, BTW.
  16. I'm admittedly not much of a football poster but is this what UND signed up for with the D1 'push' a few years ago? This is the big dream coming true? An expected 40-65 point thumping of a school with no scholarships? UND will learn as much about its football players from this game as LSU would from playing Minot State.
  17. Schmitzzz...your hats are in the mail now as well.
  18. Did you immediately run to the gas station afterward and pick up a lottery ticket?
  19. choyt3 and yababy8, your hats are in the mail. Schmitzzz...where are you?
  20. Mis-read this as 1 black 2 green - since kelly green wasn't an option, I ordered 1 black.
  21. Text me again (I am sure you still have the number). I'll send you a picture.
  22. Note to self: Don't whine and complain about winter again. Ever.
  23. I am being absolutely bombarded with PM's and text messages regarding payment, so let me say this one final time...I do NOT have the exact dollar amount due yet. I had previously estimated the cost of the hats based on the number of hats being ordered and/or the $7.50 additional charge for monikers being added to certain hats. Some of the hats were picked up in Fargo and distributed locally, saving shipping charges. Some were mailed to Grand Forks and picked up (one set of shipping fees - Fargo to GF) from there. Still others were mailed to me (one set of shipping fees - Fargo to MSP) and then mailed a second time (MSP to destination - second set of shipping fees). Remaining hats are being personally distributed by me (saving the second set of shipping fees). I have not calculated everyone's amount due yet based on all of those factors and the fact that I have a good working relationship with Coaches Choice and haven't even received the total bill yet. When the total bill comes, I will pay it with a credit card, calculate everyone's individual totals, and then PM you with the dollar amount and my address and you can then send me a check or money order. In short, you don't need to do anything until you hear from me. Any further texts or PM's regarding payment will be directed to Reply #259 on the SiouxSports hat thread. Thank you. EDIT: This in no way implies or suggests that I do not appreciate anyone's willingness to pay your tab as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I've just answered the same question 75 times so this is a quick way of cleaning out my PM box and cell phone text message list.
  24. Crunching guitars? Check. Ear-piercing lead vocalist? Check. Hot girl in bikini on first album cover? Check. Slaughter...what's not to like?
  25. So you're sayin' there's a chance...
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