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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Everyone's so focused on "just North Dakota," which sets the stage for Sundogs to make the final cut.
  2. What company was it that rigged their search engine to spit out "George Bush" and the war in Iraq when you typed in a search for "epic fail" several years ago? And what company was a HUGE supporter of Obama and Democrats in the past two elections? I'll give you two hints: they're the same company and their name rhymes with "snoogle."
  3. I think Seattle's group has always been more interested in prying the Coyotes away from Arizona than in paying a hefty expansion application fee.
  4. With all due respect, I hope not!
  5. No. You'll just be branded a Confederate flag-waving racist insensitive close-minded Sioux Forever Tea Partier.
  6. That helmet looks great!
  7. Can you point to me making the statement that it was Obama himself making that statement? I'd like to read that too.
  8. Passed the House by a vote of 384-45, the Senate 91-8. Pure revisionist history to think of it as "unpopular" legislation.
  9. It was announced back in April that he wasn't returning - this was just an update on what's next for him.
  10. That's the part I don't get. A 24 year old Muslim needs to be analyzed for months for being a victim of brainwashing by extreme Islam and ISIS, but a 21 year old white kid is an indictment on anyone wearing a Confederate bandana on their head or t-shirt. Let's not forget that Kanye West made a ton of money slapping that flag on some of his merchandise and selling it at outrageous prices - that's OK though. Hall pass.
  11. Blame Obama for everything? From 2007 until about a year ago, every Dem in DC was STILL blaming the previous tenant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for everything that was wrong in this country. Education Minnesota recently blamed Bush and "No Child Left Behind" for teachers helping students cheat on exams. Funny that no one ever mentions that legislation's chief author and sponsor in the Senate, isn't it? His name was Ted Kennedy.
  12. But some 21 year old white kid with racist views shooting up a traditional black church is an indictment of every white guy in the south?
  13. Awww, what's the matter, Oxbow? Someone upset that his man-crush in 1D knocked up a groupie?
  14. If Goon had chimed in with an "I could care less about the Saber's, I'm a Bruin's fan since I used to live out they're in Boston," I think my head would have exploded.
  15. Sicatoka, 86 the call to arms on mystery apostrophes and they're/their/there. I'm starting with Sabers as opposed to Sabres!
  16. Bed Wetter Cycle? White Guilt Cycle? Wellstone Cycle? How about Stalin Cycle?
  17. All those are good - but they're gonna have to hold off until I rid the board of unnecessary apostrophes (example seen below): The Bruin's looked good today against Colorado.
  18. Fixed your post.
  19. At the MN State Fairgrounds - looking for two!
  20. Susan Boyle with an interesting fashion statement in England this weekend...
  21. It could be worse I suppose...the committee, in all its abstract wisdom, could decide to go with the University of North Dakota Rough.
  22. Hear! Hear!
  23. First of all, it's "couldn't care less..." Secondly, what do you mean by "these people"?
  24. Fire Ausmus? Simple question.
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