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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. The ACA is Socialized Medicine Lite. When it dumped and will continue to dump tens of millions of people into the states Medicaid system with no real plan dollars wise to fund/ support those states (i.e. you think California has financial issues now) you get a watered down version of socialistic medicine/healthcare.
  2. I would love to buy you a one way ticket to Greece.........first class no less. I insist.
  3. Dustin has a lot of Segio's make up in him unfortunately.
  4. Trust me.......I know where he was going.
  5. I won't even bother to reply to whatever you post but please...please...I have to hear your reasoning on this?
  6. Oh and this just in......the Muslim POS in the TN shootings had "depression" per his family. Case closed I guess......nothing more to see here. Move along.
  7. Correct.......you people are paying for all the "sick people" who have been dumped in the ACA pot that wxman speaks of. But the bigger issue is these "sick people" because they receive very discounted healthcare, if not free, have zero self responsibility to get healthy or change their poor life style habits because they know they can just go see a doctor to get "better" on someone else's dime so in reality the "sick" become "sicker" which is and will be the greatest cost of the ACA moving forward. To state the ACA is "working spectacularly" and is "100x better" than others previous proposed options or what the nation's healthcare system was prior to the ACA is a complete failure to understand the workings and guts of what the ACA actually is. No healthcare system is perfect by let's be real on what the ACA has been to date and what it will eventually mushroom into down the road. This Titanic will hit the iceberg!
  8. Bobby Jones in 1927 last amateur to win the Open. Huge story in the world of sports if he can pull it off.
  9. We can agree on your last point.
  10. Do you work in healthcare? If you don't that is an ignorant statement. If you do you're completely delusional. Upper echelon can be looked at 2 different ways.
  11. Think you are onto something here. And can the media please stop with this "lone wolf" nonsense as it pertains to those types like the TN shooter.
  12. To your first point.....it is brainwashing because Islam is a religion of "peace and non violence". To your second point...did not seem to effect the "black community negatively" in that Kane example. Falls into roughly the same double standard of blacks using the N word as they see fit. You have not and you won't here any of these words uttered from Obama on the TN shootings......"radical Islam", "terrorist" or "jihad". His uber PC mentality on situations like this is pathetic.
  13. Yup........that's all I got. Better keep me day job..............
  14. So a midget walks into a bar.................. I kid...I kid.
  15. But a foreign born Muslim seeking out and killing Marines requires some deciphering as to motive?
  16. No disagreeing with your post but that was not even close to what happened in the SC shootings. "Lone gunman" was never used in that situation.......it jumped right away to racially motivated and an act of terror by a white supremacist......then the flag issue caught fire for justification and rationalization. Again seems like some want to have it both ways when you tread lightly as is comes to Islam and the shooting in SF.
  17. I'll just move to Canada with Alex Baldwin...........oh wait..........
  18. A step too far? That is left to one's own opinion..........especially with the quick haste and action that was taken when still nothing and I mean nothing has been said from Obama on the SF killing by the multi-time deported illegal and now the TN shootings where there has not been one word as to condemning it for what it truly was....an act of terror in the name of radical Islam but just an act by a "lone gunman". Seems to be that some kind of want to pick and choose as to who, how and/or what they want the blame to go to in all of these tragic situations. "Lone gunman".....seriously? I have zero problem with the Confederate flag reaction...but then let's have the same swift condemning reaction to the Mexican shooter and Islamic radical by Mr. Obama. But we all know that hasn't and won't happen.
  19. So...........the TN shootings by a Kuwaiti born terrorist are described as that strictly done by that of a "lone gunman" by Obama but again the SC shootings were not the result of a "lone gunman" but because of a flag which incites racism? Makes sense to me.
  20. That would require some investigative journalism..........................good luck with that!
  21. TrueNorth Steel being represented by Streb your Open leader.
  22. 60+ days to game day prediction: NDSU 31 UND 13
  23. Tread lightly.....there are some UND supporters that still thinks Muss ranks right up there with candied bacon, OxiClean, and Netflix as wonders of our time.
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