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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. They scrapped the weiner race because the Polish sausage was too offensive.
  2. Don't think many will disagree with you but have you followed the committee leading up to revealing the final 5. The fact it is still in the running should not surprise anyone.
  3. Now North Stars isn't great by any stretch but better than Nodaks, Sundogs and Hawks by a long ways.
  4. I've heard "they" will try to shove the round peg in the square hole to get Fighting Hawks in as the new nickname. I'm sure my "in the know" is as worthless information wise as everyone else's though.
  5. Well.........we are talking about Kelley. It really wouldn't surprise me if he has not checked on that topic.
  6. Correct.......but that was brief and only in between fawning over Jack Eichel!
  7. So my question is: What's next and when will "that" happen? To me if there is a vote for any more than 2 options it is going to create an even a bigger mess. Seems "North Dakota" and "Rough Riders" are in the lead heading down the stretch. Vote.....get it over with...and move on!
  8. Stop! This........^^^ all makes way too much sense over what actually transpired.
  9. Fair enough.........I would give it a 1. I get those on the committee are in a tough spot but there definitely was some personal agendas that were brought to the table and some unreasonable explanations for eliminating or keeping some options....give them a 3. Kelley gets a -2 just because.....he is Kelley and this is how he operates. The "process" itself get a zero because frankly I don't know if any real head way has been made since day 1 in this process thur today. So doing basic math: 3 + -2 + 0 = 1
  10. Either one of those options are my top 2 right now.
  11. The ENTIRE process.......everyone involved, decisions made....blah, blah, blah. A number.....that's all I wanted.
  12. So I'll ask you again: 1-10 (1 being a trainwreck) where do you rate this ENTIRE process as of this minute? All I want is a number as I'm curious to your stance.........I do not need some pollyanna explaination.
  13. I'm excited to see the clown car with 16 midgets....ummmmmmmm I mean small people....come piling out!
  14. Might as well throw Big Cocks into the mix now as well to appease the GOBC!
  15. Leadership without a backbone..........we have seen that before with him.
  16. So........this whole committee, this whole process to date has been for what? Never seen anything like this before.
  17. Are you being serious? If that happens then this really is a complete circus and will solidify how big of a joke this whole process has been.
  18. Some of my NDSU buddies in Fargo who thought Whiskey Joe was a complete embarrassment and train wreck for NDSU are starting to think he actually wasn't all that bad after watching Kelley operate at UND over the past couple of years!
  19. So what will be the fallout if the public votes goes for RR by a large margin (it seems to be the overwhelming choice of the 5 left) but that pick in turn is rejected by Kelley AFTER this whole debacle with the no nickname situation?
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